DarkNecriddegui do not know if you're aware of this page http://training.tf2stuff.com that has almost the same concept as your project
Well, the learning resources is also a very small part of the project, but it's also the only part I need actual outside help with.
I'm aware of that page, but the problem is basically that all the content is ancient history (I think the most recent video I found was a single one from early 2016, there is no way to sort by date so ya) and for metas long past now. People just seem to have slowed down on creating video content to help others out, or at least I don't know where/who to go to to find it & no one submitted anything to that page either over the past 3 years.
I'm hoping some helpful high level folks would be willing to submit some updated stuff. I really just need a couple games (commentary or no) for each mainline 6s class and I'd be content, the rest can be built up slowly over time.
IMO it's because content made a few years back for newbies is still very relevant today. It's not like the 6s meta now walks on his head like a moba would be.
Sure now crossbow is mandatory and both soldiers use gunboats as standard, but these are small details to the untrained eye, like showing a 2009 broodwar game vs a 2018 one. It's still the same game, it revolves on the same concepts, and details have changed.