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Last Posted July 28, 2024 at 4:16 PM
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#128 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
tsarI think you were joking earlier when you were saying that Aimisadick seemed really cool and you didn't get why people didn't like him, but if you were genuinely serious, look at specifically his comments!

I found a thread called "aimsdick block 9000" where people unironically accused him of something truly outrageous: Using semicolons and knowing Esperanto. At least in that thread, any new user would come to the conclusion that aimsadick is pretty darn cool.

tsarI just really don't understand what is motivating you to be so evangelical about how 6s is an unnatural development, limits the fun of people who don't play scout/soldier, or is against some platonic ideal of competition

I just wanted to discuss class limits. Sorry if that offends you. Nothing I said made 6s bad or in need of a change in my mind, and I never as much as implied it did.

tsarBut they're also annoyed that you're not really displaying any intellectual humility and loudly jumped into a space, telling us that we're all dumb and wrong and weird.

Okay, now you've stumped me. These types of posts are plenty in this thread. I've found they have become pretty hard to approach. I could just point out that I never called anyone's opinions wrong - But I guess you could just say I am lacking intellectual humility or something along those lines. I could also try explaining that "I disagree" and "you are wrong" are not the same thing, but that'd probably get me plastered by nerd emojis. I could point you the moments I agreed and complimented other's posts, but I guess that'd not work, it'd be arrogant to show that I wasn't arrogant before.

So I guess I'll just let you get away with it. After all, this reads like you're insulting a mirror - Might have something to do with the person in the mirror loudly jumping into a space, telling others' they are dumb and intellectually arrogant for disagreeing with him, and that means they must be automatically wrong.

"Magic mirror on the wall — show me the one I hate most of all."

posted 5 months ago
#122 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
bloodmachineaint no grace in this lil bro good luck

I've found that less sense the comment makes, less calm the person writing it was :)

posted 5 months ago
#119 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
bloodmachine You're wrong.bloodmachineyou spent a week trying to argue

In a discussion, it's regular to change one's mind and agree with others. In an argument, the goal is to change others' minds. I've been fine with people disagreeing with me.

bloodmachineyou spent a week trying to argue back and forth with people that know about the topic than you.

You should probably avoid "appeal to authority" in the future. If someone truly knows more about the topic, their knowledge should allow them to discuss it effectively without needing to appeal to their own authority.

posted 5 months ago
#117 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
PheaaThis is like going on a football forum and being confused as to why there is one ball

Weird analogy. Football does not have player role limitations, except for the goalkeeper. This is probably what you meant, as that's a better analogy.

Anyway, your original analogy sounds like an appeal to tradition. Football also has all kinds of rule changes, despite the tradition of the sport. These rules are also often discussed.

Also, I don't think I was confused on the reason any class limits exist. I think that was quite clear when I explained the Medic limit: It wouldn't be healthy for the meta. If that's wrong, you can always correct me.

posted 5 months ago
#116 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
pajarowhy are you still posting, we don't want you here

I came here to discuss class limits. I am sorry if that offends you. :(

posted 5 months ago
#33 Guide for how to not be a creep on teamfortress.tv in Site Discussion
plunkDo: Research how to shut the fuck up and stop acting like you are above everyone you basement dwelling cretin

I'm sorry that you found this offensive. :(

posted 5 months ago
#112 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
giannihello, it's impossible to stalemate in highlander because stalemate doesn't exist in koth/payload. The simple solution is to replace 5cp with payload in competitive 6s.

True, that is one solution as well.

posted 5 months ago
#107 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
Lotusberry tHeSe qUoTeS ShOw fAiLuReS To gRaSp bAsIc lAnGuAgE AnD PrEvIoUs dEfInItIoNs.

Failing to form syllogisms or keep track of previously agreed upon definitions can be challenging, That's why making mistakes is completely fine - you can feel differently if you want.

DrHappiness said most here have alexithymia. I hoped that would not be the case. I'm sorry if that offended you and that you feel different.


Sorry, let's put that into a format you can grasp: aLExIthYMiA Is CHaRAcTERized By an impaired ABILiTY TO BE awaRE OF, eXpliCITlY iDeNtifY, and DeScrIbE oNE's fEELings

posted 6 months ago
#104 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
hYm3nSl4yrits literally 3 clicks from here to your steam reviews

that is true.

posted 6 months ago
#26 teamfortress.tv shitposter tier lsit in Off Topic
supra (afaik) mentioned due to his personal problems (probably with his wellbeing) he steps away from posting and you (temporarily) replaced him as a shitposter #1

Just from checking some one the forum posts, Aimsadick seemed pretty cool dude with the way everyone dogpiled on him. He was a living vibe check and you all failed.

posted 6 months ago
#26 Guide for how to not be a creep on teamfortress.tv in Site Discussion

Here's some ways to not come off as a creep online:

Do not: Theorize about users interests, personality or intentions due to the "research" done previously, without ever having interacted with the person. This gives the impression of being curious about the person.

Do: Ask the person about their interests, personality or intentions. Start a dialogue about personal opinions you have found previously and disagree with. This gives the impression of being curious about the topic.

Do not: Obsessively research other person's toenails, address, real name, or other social media profiles, even if they are public. Do not attempt to join friend groups, chat rooms or other social gatherings uninvited. This gives the impression of being obsessed in a specific person.

Do: Research relevant topics for the context. If you need more information, be sure to first get in contact with the person via official channels at relevant times. This gives the impression of being obsessed in a specific topic.

Do not: Defend "the right of" creepiness in it's forms; stalking, obsessive behavior, unsolicited social advances, breaches of privacy. Especially do not do this in form of a protest sign with all caps letters. This gives the impression that you are defending your own actions.

Do: Defend people who were called creepy, not the behavior itself. Be sure to start a two-sided dialogue with the person you disagree with. This gives you the impression of a person who cares about the people affected.

posted 6 months ago
#25 Guide for how to not be a creep on teamfortress.tv in Site Discussion
plunk https://i.imgur.com/HRS9SLn.png
Crazy how you can just set this to private with two clicks

Check the guide. It will make it very clear how to not act creepy after checking people's profiles :)

posted 6 months ago
#102 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
hYm3nSl4yrI disagree that checking someone's profile is creepy. It's a public profile.

It's only creepy when they've put in extra effort to uncover details that you didn't intend to disclose.

I agree. You've reached the same conclusion I have, and used the same premises to get there: That the effort put into uncovering completely unnecessary details in place of regular human interaction indeed is creepy and not normal.

posted 6 months ago
#21 Guide for how to not be a creep on teamfortress.tv in Site Discussion
Yrr but that isn't the part you're calling "obsessive" or "creep behaviour"






posted 6 months ago
#96 TF Competitive 6v6 Class Restrictions in TF2 General Discussion
hYm3nSl4yrI'm not agreeing with you.

Well I am not disagreeing with any part of what you wrote, so that's cool. You are applying what you said too, you're discussing with me instead of going to my profile to come up with your own obsessive theories. Honestly it seems like I agreed with everything you did and said. But you could always be lying, or not engaging in good faith I guess.

My guess is that you're trying to argue with me and change my mind, but I am just trying to have a basic discussion, I don't really mind admitting when we agree.

posted 6 months ago
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