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Signed Up August 31, 2012
Last Posted September 9, 2014 at 8:38 PM
Posts 444 (0.1 per day)
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#15 Newbie Mix Event for ESEA LAN in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah, Tragic prefers to fully sponsor all our events, so we'll do it in the address disengage posted. Honestly, if LAN is going on, just show up any time and I'll try to get a system where it's either based on specific coaches/classes or something else to do. If anyone has any ideas to organize it, please let me know.

posted about 11 years ago
#199 Invite Player Rule lifting- made any difference? in TF2 General Discussion

I think we're supposed to be talking about this:

Just wondered if having more invite-level players has changed much for Highlander or not. Any feedback from the invite players themselves?
posted about 11 years ago
#49 Community item recipient nomination thread in TF2 General Discussion
cinqI wasn't serious Vick. I know who flame is and he deserves it. ;)

Yeah, I was just trying to point out how weird the process seems to be. They clearly differentiate primary and secondary reasons for giving out the award, and it seems to be arbitrary.

Also, I wonder if they include people that are admins or founders of large tf2 communities.

posted about 11 years ago
#256 feelings thread in Off Topic
dope-wolfagain.... feelings are for vaginas. plz stop posting your feelings. k thnx #tf2 #fuckfeelings

I feel like hp should stop posting.

posted about 11 years ago
#45 Community item recipient nomination thread in TF2 General Discussion
cinqI have a different idea, let's have a vote for who should have their community weapon removed. I am nominating flame: Contributor to Coldfront

"Created the original concept for Team Fortress 2 Lobby. Creator of the Community HUD. ETF2L League Admin."

I have no idea how they figured out the order of the reasons to give someone a community weapon but have those 3 as his secondary seems pretty damn silly.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 should i j/o before lan in Off Topic

What do you usually do before matches? It's probably best to try to emulate your pre-game ritual as much as possible.

posted about 11 years ago
#21 interesting way to raise school spirit in TF2 General Discussion
ClandestinePzI guess it is acceptable to identify by ourselves by countries of origin, "Italian-American" for example. I've never really identified myself as Irish or English though.

Most white people I know have family from just about every part of europe. Not too many "pure-breds". If you split up India by region, more and more are mixed too nowadays.

posted about 11 years ago
#39 Community item recipient nomination thread in TF2 General Discussion
conductorVickMKlanana/Jump iT admins/leaders. I don't know if they got community weapons, and I'm not involved enough to know who all the people there are, but I didn't see any of them on the list AFAIK.
nah we didn't get any, klanana redwine and I run the servers &

Didn't y'all sponsor Team iT too? I feel like the combination of all those things is a HUGE amount of community work.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 Community item recipient nomination thread in TF2 General Discussion

I would say Shwan has done far more for organizing the Newbie Mixes than I have and totally deserves one. I basically just copied what he did, and he was a great role model throughout the whole process.

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Community item recipient nomination thread in TF2 General Discussion

Klanana/Jump iT admins/leaders. I don't know if they got community weapons, and I'm not involved enough to know who all the people there are, but I didn't see any of them on the list AFAIK.

posted about 11 years ago
#250 feelings thread in Off Topic

My fucking landlords are kicking me out because of weed even though when I moved in, I replaced someone who'd announce "I'm gonna go smoke" then leave the room and they smoked with me once. In addition, they asked me to hook up their friend with weed (never said anything about how/where/when etc.) and then got angry because I did it on their property even though they asked me to do this.

It's bullshit and I'm so glad to be gone.

Also I currently live so far away from my school I can't even do anything on weekends or party/be social AT ALL so that's straight bullshit.

I feel angry. Happy that I'm leaving these people in the dust.

Sad that I have no girl :'(

So many feels. So little time.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Now that I'm in a team... in Q/A Help

I always round it off and just say $30.

Why were people downfragging the OP? It's a legitimate question and something we should all feel free talking about (as well as where the money goes).

posted about 11 years ago
#3 interesting way to raise school spirit in TF2 General Discussion

I'm confused. My school did this stuff all the time (I've helped organize and host South Asian Night and Asian Night myself when I was a freshman/sophomore). How does this have to do with school spirit (or TF2 for the matter)?

posted about 11 years ago
#1 ESEA S12 LAN Guide in News

Mocha you rock.

posted about 11 years ago
#31 valve gave me this for the 1-2 punch video in TF2 General Discussion

Congrats! You definitely deserve it for much more than just that one video :)

posted about 11 years ago
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