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Signed Up March 10, 2015
Last Posted August 22, 2021 at 4:06 PM
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#33 Interview with wG artist in TF2 General Discussion

this is fire. good work brodie.

posted about 3 years ago
#67 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion


This the Coach's Corner #20 Special. Thanks to everyone who came out, and thanks for the support for Season 1 of Coach's Corner!

ill edit the original post with new synopsises to the aim, skeez & davidredface interviews later idk

posted about 3 years ago
#66 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion

ok fellas. the Coach’s Corner #20 Season Finale Spu live voice special will be hosted on Saturday June 12th @ 6pm @ https://www.twitch.tv/bowllllll.

we will be revisiting Spu (hl interview basically), it will be awesome. the interview will be moderated by bowl of mayo incase it gets too hectic.

in terms of viewer participation, i will be having people watching the stream chat throughout the interview and posting them in a special bomod discord channel where at the end we will be asking Spu these viewer submitted questions. i wont be reading stream chat myself still, sorry.

thanks for sticking it out, sorry for making u guys wait lol

posted about 3 years ago
#64 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion


the winners of the giveaway are RegularTim for TF.TV & perenne for the RGL forums. i will get into contact with the winners & distribute the guap.

as i stated before i will be taking a undetermined break after the #20 special so no new poll. thank you again fellas.
ill also update the original post for writeups on the past people who got interviewed (skeez, davidredface & aim)

posted about 3 years ago
#63 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion

yo sorry about that fellas.


aim won the interview, deadline for reader submitted questions will be saturday night. dont cross the line.


for coach's corner #20, exaflamer won the poll. unfortunately due to scheduling circumstances exaflamer said he wont be able to join us for a live revisit so instead Spu will be the 1 getting a live revisit. i dont think #20 is relevant to any1 on tf.tv tho so dont worry about that! ill get to work on #20 and announce the date for that 1. thanks!

posted about 3 years ago
#61 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion


poll is open for coach’s corner #19. deadline will be wednesday night when i come back from work.


i fixed the poll for coach’s corner #20. sorry about that fellas.

posted about 3 years ago
#60 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion

im not giving myself the money or any stupid stuff like that, these are 2 of my favourite moments.


this is from coach's corner #8. some background info: odb and i been reading through interviews asking people to shittalk. since the 2nd edition people would refrain from talking shit which made the interviews a little lackluster for my taste (no disrespect tho im just talking my own personal preference). after so many interviews, i didnt think spu would shittalk anyone but odb told me he definitely has the balls to. i was proven wrong.

im not gonna lie i was dead when spu sent that first paragraph lol.


idk if that posts up a timestamp (21:14)

some more background info: while doing research on galaxy spy i tried to read out the third ban appeal he sent in and i couldn't read the entire thing without laughing. so i asked bowl if he could read it and he did it perfectly on his first try. so we decided he would read it when the livestream came on. when the stream came on tho, even a man like bowl of mayo broke character and started laughing. thats when u know something is funny as hell.

at least i found those funny idk about u guys.

posted about 3 years ago
#59 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion


nominations open for #19, deadline is tommorow night.


this strawpoll is for coach's corner #20. it will be another live interview where we revisit one of our past interviewees. it takes alot for me to figure & plan out these sort of stuff, so it will take me a long while to do it. but i dont think any1 on tf.tv would really be interested in this with the people listed on the poll. regardless, deadline for it will be when i open up reader submitted questions for #19.

that being said...


Coach's Corner will be hosting it's first $20 Fortnite Card giveaway! We'll be giving away $20 CAD on both the TF.TV & RGL Platforms! $20 for each platform! Share share share!

To enter this giveaway, all you have to do is post 3 - 5 of your most favourite Coach's Corner moments! Whether they be pictures, paragraphs, etc. The most upvoted post on each platform will be contacted by the Coach and will be paypal'd or e-transferred $20 CAD! (preferably e transfer if the winner lives in Canada)

The winner will be announced when Coach's Corner #19 drops. post or dm me any questions, concerns, hate, etc.



List of common questions:

Q: Can I win on both platforms and get both prizes?

A: You can post on both platforms with the same post to double your chances of winning but unfortunately I will only allow you to get one platform’s prize.

Q: I’m a socially awkward anime kid, and I find winning this giveaway to be impossible. This contest isn’t fair for me because other people have mad clout and get 50 upvotes per post. Fix this you cringe kid. NOW!

A: You will get upvotes based off the quality of your post and/or how many people in the community likes you. If you’re constantly avoiding other people and deleting people who would want to be your friend off steam or some silly stuff like that, no one is gonna want to upvote your post probably. You should go make some friends, people in this community aren’t as nefarious as you think.

Q: I have about 100 burner accounts that I can use to upvote my post and also I have no friends. Am I disqualified?

A: naw i dont really care that much lol besides its not like i can prove it or anything.

Q: Why should I even post? I’m not even going to win anyway.

A: It’s not about the money, I just think if it’s something you enjoy a whole lot it would be neat to show other people your favorite moments and laugh. This entire thing is entertainment anyway. And if you do decide to post, thank you, I appreciate it.


I'd like to say that after Coach's Corner #20, I'll be taking a break from Coach's Corner. I'm getting kinda burnt out from doing it, and while I've taken breaks in the past, I was always working on something behind the scenes whether its planning jokes, specials, scouring pictures, consulting with my interns, etc. While I still enjoy it, after doing it for like 9 months I'm not enjoying it as much. I'll definitely do some specials whenever something big in the community happens where it warrants an interview, but otherwise I won't be doing anything Coach's Corner-related for the next while. I can't tell you how long I'll be taking my break but I'll (probably) be back for a season 2 of Coach's Corner of sorts.

I've decided to do this giveaway as a sort of "thank you" to the community. I'm not the wealthiest person, but during a majority of the epidemic I've been able to go to work mostly 6 - 7 days a week and I think it's good to count your blessings. I don't know alot of people and I sure as hell don't actively play this game, but I know all of you are going through your own struggles: losing a job, home life, anxieties, trouble making friends, whatever it may be. And some of you may play this game to escape those struggles or to interact with like minded people, and even maybe read my interviews to get a laugh. Regardless though, I'm happy that all of you enjoy my interview series and read what I had to say (even though it's straight up dumb as fuck lol) and my interactions with the people in the community. Regardless of how much of a troll I am or how much shittalk comes out of my mouth, I'm very grateful that you guys read my shit, it's an honor. Thank you, really.

also free up my broski pablo he deserves to get unbanned

EDIT: sorry to the TF.TV people i know i just started branching out here lol

posted about 3 years ago
#57 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion
Air_who tf david red face

good question. ill have to look into this.

posted about 3 years ago
#55 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion


david red face won. post up all reader submitted questions here or dm me them personally. dont cross the line, deadline is saturday night. thanks !

EDIT: ill also be having something special in mind for coach’s corner #20… stay tuned!

posted about 3 years ago
#54 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion


poll open. deadline is thursday night, thanks !

EDIT: my bad fellas. the old poll broke. if u voted already, please resubmit votes in here !

posted about 3 years ago
#49 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion


nominations are open; deadline is tommorow night. thanks!

i also updated the archives with a synopsis for each interview. idk if tf.tv people would be interested since my content was hl only b4 we branched into here but regardless it looks much neater now.

posted about 3 years ago
#65 seriously? in TF2 General Discussion

i dont see whats the harm in letting other people cast. as bowl said, him and i have been getting black balled from casting stvs in hl for years now. i dont really know too much about this since i just interview people but i just think that our community is too small to be dividing ourselves and being elitists based off the type of tf2 content we produce. we can all eat at the same table.

if u cast something and people flock to the other stream cuz its better. why are u getting mad? just do better, and people will start coming in over everyone else's.

posted about 3 years ago
#46 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion

deadline is friday for reader submitted questions. thanks !

posted about 3 years ago
#41 official coach's corner in TF2 General Discussion
Young_Sanityv@Vryktion if someone dosent make the first strawpoll do they make the next time you make a new coach's corner

if u dont win the current strawpoll you're carried over to the next strawpoll. i remove people if theyre at the bottom of the list if theyve been at the bottom of the list for a while.

posted about 4 years ago
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