alfaWalrexAlso, lets not try and block out the voices and opinions of people who haven't played invite. Just because you played invite doesn't imply that you have a perfect understanding of the game, and not playing invite doesn't imply you're an idiot. Being dismissive isn't going to help anyone learn anything.
No, the point was people can't understand how those teams play and how much they put in the game if they never played against them constantly for a season. Obviously there's top IM teams who scrim invite teams all the time and stuff, but I wouldn't expect a bottom open player to know anything about the depth of an invite's team practice and habits. It's just not something it should even be talked about at all, it's the same shit as when you're that fan with a beer belly at a football game but "you know better" than the Superbowl finalists. It's just really dumb to even think about it.
That's fair. I guess what I didn't make clear is that my criticism isnt really just directed at Ascent, it's to be directed at all of invite, or just higher level play in general. I don't think DM or individual play matters nearly as much once you get to higher level play (except on scout since that class is busted), and im hoping to stress that a consistent roster thats dedicated to not improving as individual players, but as a team might have a chance to legitimately upset a team like froyo. Ascent players might have the most potential in this regard, but i still find that many players generally need to start thinking in this regard. Investing in DM bears smaller and smaller benefits as you sink thousands of hours into TF2, whereas strong coordination and dedication to your teammates is untapped potential for many players.
mustardoverlordthe problem is, froyo has better DM AND coordination/comms/trust or whatever else than Ascent
they just have better players, that's the reality
I really dislike these kinds of observations because they have no depth whatsoever. Yes, they have the better players, and yes, they are the better team. But what people care about is why they are better, and how things got to be that way. Them being better isnt a problem, the problem is figuring out how other players can rise to meet them at the top.
And i really dont think its so lonely at the top. Even if b4nny puts more time into this game than anyone else, that time has diminishing returns regardless. This is why upsets happen. A player who puts in less (but only a little less) time into practicing should be able to win if, say, they have a good day and b4nny has a bad day. Good days and bad days happen, people arent just robotic algorithms. So even if everyone on froyo was technically better on their respective classes than their opponents, that shouldnt be enough in it of itself to secure wins for seasons on end. This is why I keep trying to stress teamplay. The thing froyo has that other teams dont is commitment as a team. This is the one aspect where i think froyo excels so far beyond the competition that they cant lose. This is the aspect that im hoping people will begin to pay more attention to.
im just a huge fucking nerd and the idea of what makes who the best really interests me tho so ill just keep pumping these nerd essays out