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Last Posted December 13, 2024 at 9:32 PM
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#31 Crossbow is still dumb in TF2 General Discussion

scout leashing for the speed buff is a way bigger issue than the crossbow. crossbow is overpowered but its not always braindead, if u miss an arrow u fuck over ur team because u also arent healing with the beam, so theres some small risk vs. reward (the reward far outweighs the risk rn tho i admit). scout leashing is braindead and makes the game more stalematey because its so fucking hard to bomb a medic that can surf u rocket into outer space. if u cant kill the med, and the other team cant kill ur med, then teams just wont push until one team accidentally bleeds two players. plus scout leashing makes ubers braindead because u can pop way back behind choke safely, and run a scout in and have more than half ur uber left for the push.

crossbow healing (and dmg tbh) should be nerfed, but scout leash should go first

posted about 6 years ago
#6968 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 6 years ago
#18 Walrex lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

last bump for s29

posted about 6 years ago
#16 Walrex lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

el bumpo

posted about 6 years ago
#6772 stream highlights in Videos


sound warning

posted about 6 years ago
#12 Walrex lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

bimpity bumpity

posted about 6 years ago
#88 The State of ESEA-Invite (a nerd essay) in TF2 General Discussion

Some great points, thanks for the civility. I guess I'm being optimistic in hoping that theres more than 6 absolutely top players in the game, considering the same could be said of melee (which is the only other esport i follow).

that said, im still confident that much of the talent in invite, and upcoming talent, can come together to form a strong opposition if they find the right teammates. I'm not asking for a clean 50/50 GF, but even a 20% chance to upset like you said would bring more than enough excitement back into top level TF2. It's just that that 20% doesnt seem to be there yet, and that's what's so demoralizing.

posted about 6 years ago
#83 The State of ESEA-Invite (a nerd essay) in TF2 General Discussion
alfaWalrexAlso, lets not try and block out the voices and opinions of people who haven't played invite. Just because you played invite doesn't imply that you have a perfect understanding of the game, and not playing invite doesn't imply you're an idiot. Being dismissive isn't going to help anyone learn anything.
No, the point was people can't understand how those teams play and how much they put in the game if they never played against them constantly for a season. Obviously there's top IM teams who scrim invite teams all the time and stuff, but I wouldn't expect a bottom open player to know anything about the depth of an invite's team practice and habits. It's just not something it should even be talked about at all, it's the same shit as when you're that fan with a beer belly at a football game but "you know better" than the Superbowl finalists. It's just really dumb to even think about it.

That's fair. I guess what I didn't make clear is that my criticism isnt really just directed at Ascent, it's to be directed at all of invite, or just higher level play in general. I don't think DM or individual play matters nearly as much once you get to higher level play (except on scout since that class is busted), and im hoping to stress that a consistent roster thats dedicated to not improving as individual players, but as a team might have a chance to legitimately upset a team like froyo. Ascent players might have the most potential in this regard, but i still find that many players generally need to start thinking in this regard. Investing in DM bears smaller and smaller benefits as you sink thousands of hours into TF2, whereas strong coordination and dedication to your teammates is untapped potential for many players.

mustardoverlordthe problem is, froyo has better DM AND coordination/comms/trust or whatever else than Ascent

they just have better players, that's the reality

I really dislike these kinds of observations because they have no depth whatsoever. Yes, they have the better players, and yes, they are the better team. But what people care about is why they are better, and how things got to be that way. Them being better isnt a problem, the problem is figuring out how other players can rise to meet them at the top.

And i really dont think its so lonely at the top. Even if b4nny puts more time into this game than anyone else, that time has diminishing returns regardless. This is why upsets happen. A player who puts in less (but only a little less) time into practicing should be able to win if, say, they have a good day and b4nny has a bad day. Good days and bad days happen, people arent just robotic algorithms. So even if everyone on froyo was technically better on their respective classes than their opponents, that shouldnt be enough in it of itself to secure wins for seasons on end. This is why I keep trying to stress teamplay. The thing froyo has that other teams dont is commitment as a team. This is the one aspect where i think froyo excels so far beyond the competition that they cant lose. This is the aspect that im hoping people will begin to pay more attention to.

im just a huge fucking nerd and the idea of what makes who the best really interests me tho so ill just keep pumping these nerd essays out

posted about 6 years ago
#78 The State of ESEA-Invite (a nerd essay) in TF2 General Discussion

It's nice that nobody wants to hurt the feelings of the players on Ascent, but the fact of the matter is that having a close and competitive grand finals is an extremely important part of having a successful esport. I literally didnt watch the invite grand finals for more than 30 seconds because I saw immediately that froyo was winning and could assume the rest. And if theres no incentive for people to watch the highest level of TF2, than this game will never be anything more than a hobby. Esports need good competition to survive; a lack of good competition signifies either a lack of interest or a flaw in the format.

I think comanglia made the strongest point in that, even if every invite team puts in a shit ton of effort, that means nothing if that effort isnt being put in the right places. In my opinion, more effort needs to be put into building teams that work well together and understand each other, rather than just amassing a team of the best DMers outside of Froyo. Whenever I watch a froyo scrim or match, i don't see extremely dominant DM, I see amazing calls, coordination, and trust in their teammates to do what is asked of them. That sort of efficiency on a larger level is why I dont see froyo losing.

Also, lets not try and block out the voices and opinions of people who haven't played invite. Just because you played invite doesn't imply that you have a perfect understanding of the game, and not playing invite doesnt imply you're an idiot. Being dismissive isn't going to help anyone learn anything.

posted about 6 years ago
#14 How it FEELS to Play Medic in TF2 in Videos

that was actually really fucking good

posted about 6 years ago
#6 Marqueee gamning: Low Open Team LFP in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about 6 years ago
#258 ESEA Season 28 Intermediate Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

it was probably for the best

posted about 6 years ago
#9 s2j playing tf2 in TF2 General Discussion

https://youtu.be/nqouUxteLCk?t=8m34s this guy

posted about 6 years ago
#233 ESEA Season 28 Intermediate Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

gg slimetime sweatiest last hold of my life

posted about 6 years ago
#39 faceit is killing na tf2 pugs in TF2 General Discussion
bearodactylWalrexfriendly reminder that pugchamp isnt so fun for the boys getting fatkidded for hours on endcan the people who get fatkidded from pugchamp for hours on end not just add to faceit? (where the entire premise is no fatkid lol)

friendly reminder that faceit pugs are aids and being fatkidded from pugchamp shouldnt mean you have to resort to aids pugs

seriously though my point is that there arent any good pugging sites for high open-mid IM. at that level you'll still get fatkidded from pugchamp constantly (plus there's rarely enough players to fill the b-pugs after the main pugs start) and faceit is still a shitshow of new players refusing to play anything but 100 dpm scout

inhouse pugs are really the best option but theyre not the most accessible. Honestly tf2center has become the best website for this sort of thing and that aint right

and yeah if faceit pugs weren't aids then sure but that would negate the whole point of this thread

posted about 6 years ago
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