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SteamID64 76561197990121837
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:14928054
Country Netherlands
Signed Up June 22, 2013
Last Posted December 17, 2024 at 12:26 PM
Posts 973 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 4
Windows Sensitivity 5
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Ducky Shine 2 (Yellow) + Brown Cherry Switches
Mousepad Roccat Taito
Headphones Roccat Kave
Monitor Dell U2711
1 ⋅⋅ 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
#134 "Masters of Classes" powered by TF2Stadium in Projects

Eye, read the post above you, read the lesson plan I wrote and then feel free to delete your entire post again. Going into specifics about certain upgrades/class roles is not the best way to teach people who are new to the gamemode.

Airblast still resets the bomb if carried by smaller bots, Beggar's was explained you need to tap and buy reload/firing speed, if you're a newbie scout it is more important to focus on resistances and getting the money than dealing damage, damage falloff on splash with rocket specialist is less important than actually buying the damn upgrade to negate the falloff on the actual rocket you shoot (+stun).

Mentioning heavy is shit against tank is also very counterproductive, you better have a heavy shooting the tank than soloing front, dying and making you lose money because you're playing with random people and an inexperienced scout.

posted about 9 years ago
#130 "Masters of Classes" powered by TF2Stadium in Projects

As one of the Teachers in the MvM event I'm disappointed you (Eye) didn't just sign up for the course and possibly start a discussion by asking intelligent questions during the Q&A section of the class..

Also the lesson plan I wrote for the class can be read back here: http://pastebin.com/zbrhb8zv
If this information I posted is wrong I'd like to hear it, but I don't think there is much (if at all anything) wrong with what was used.

EyeI do play MvM a lot too, more than PvP, currently in progress making a MvM map, tracking down bugs with the small community i am part of that plague the Gamemode.

This is exactly the reason NOT to play this gamemode, it is buggy as fuck, everyone and even Valve knows. Hunting down bugs won't complete missions, that's what bootcamp is for, dick around and see what you can find broken with the game.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 Stretching 4:3 to 16:9 in Q/A Help

Have you checked your monitor settings to stretch input and not apply the black bars to maintain aspect ratio? Besides the GPU scaling your monitor might also apply scaling.

posted about 9 years ago
#4435 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
JarateKingType #base "filename.res" at the top of any .res file.
Have filename.res follow the same structure but include different things.
It'll then use anything defined in filename.res but not in the original .res file.

It is similar to a CSS @include, besides the fact that if you have multiple #base includes in your hudfile the file with the first definition is leading, except when it's also defined in the file containing the #base includes.

I should finish my documentation with examples at some point...

posted about 9 years ago
#4432 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

That looks amazing!

Please tell me you did that through #base includes for the clientscheme (that should be possible if you haven't set that up already, changes like that should persist after HUD updates and don't require touching the defining color scheme files).

Define color names in Color {} section, and #base include to set a 'MenuBackgroundColor' in the BaseSettings to be 'Green' or whatever colorname was defined in the Color {} section in clientscheme should work.

posted about 9 years ago
#2149 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

Somewhat unrelated to hud editing, but the itemdiscardpanel.res (full backpack panel) can be closed with Alt+F4 so you don't have to discard any items and can deal with it later by trading/filling fabricators/chemistry sets.

posted about 9 years ago
#4 EU Ultiduo Tournament - 10 Key Prize in TF2 General Discussion

Whitelist? Add me or get me to send a trade offer: TF2Pickup.net can put up some prizes for 1st/2nd/3rd

And any coverage/casts planned yet?

posted about 9 years ago
#168 Disquse's HUD Fixes in Customization

There is a cool fix for Hud Animations by using hudanimations_manifest.txt to load custom animation files instead of modifying the _tf one, you should look into that. Also #base includes for clientscheme.res and hudlayout.res will make huds futureproof.

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Oxide hud 2015 in Customization

Please add an 'MvM' button to the menu, the following should work by modifying resource/GameMenu.res

		"label" "#MMenu_PlayCoop" 
		"command" "playpve"
		"OnlyAtMenu" "1"
posted about 9 years ago
#4413 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

Cloudy asked me to get the SmesiHUD Main Menu in his hud (because of the font), had some fun with this and completely redid the mainmenuoverride.res to be clean and simple. Buttons are added through GameMenu.res and only Quit/Disconnect/BackToReplay + the alert/motd/contracts are from the original main menu (the rest isn't necessary!)


posted about 9 years ago
#2 Editing the hud to remove event backgrounds? in Customization

Better place for your question would be this thread: http://teamfortress.tv/19073/hud-editing-short-questions-quick-answers

But to answer your question: remove if_halloween, if_christmas & if_fullmoon etc. from your MainMenuOverride.res

posted about 9 years ago
#97 Transparent Viewmodels in any HUD in Customization
TheMusicianOfSilenceIt makes the game a bit blurry.
How can I fix this?

Try 'reducing' the z-pos to something like -1000 (which also might fix the objective/player outline becoming a solid color)

posted about 9 years ago
#4365 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
LeRayonVertThis is beautiful. 10/10 would use if you make it 4:3 compatible.

Things that will not work in 4:3 would be loadout/backpack stuff (and apparently closed captions), the rest of the hud should work without (m)any problems, I'll have a look at it in 1024*768 and 1280*1024 before I release this into the wild.

But with the way the hud is set up it should be really easy to make your own changes without losing these when you update the hud (which is done by simply extracting the default hudfiles!)

posted about 9 years ago
#4362 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

I put up a bunch of screenshots on wiethoofd.info in different categories with descriptions. Still cleaning up some hud files & adding actual documentation (this should be a revolution in hud editing/updating) and getting some things beta-tested for my HUD before release.

Unsure what to showcase in this thread so I picked the some at random:




posted about 9 years ago
#110 HOWTO: Use yz50/clockwork KonrWings in any HUD in Customization

Someone asked me to add these KonrWings to their hud and figured out a way so you can add them to any hud by simply adding a single line to your clientscheme.res and hudlayout.res!

By creating a file to define and load the font and putting this in the /resource folder with the font file & another in the /scripts folder to define the crosshair element in the hud. These are then included by adding 1 line to the core hud files clientscheme.res and hudlayout.res

Download & extract contents to your /custom folder + add the following as first line to clientscheme & hudlayout of your/any hud.

#base "KonrWings.res"

This should help players who just want the crosshair added to their hud(s) without having to keep updating files; now you only need to add 1 line to 2 files!

Change size of crosshair: /resource/KonrWings.res (included in clientscheme)
Change position of crosshair: /scripts/KonrWings.res (included in hudlayout.res)

posted about 9 years ago
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