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SteamID64 76561197990121837
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:14928054
Country Netherlands
Signed Up June 22, 2013
Last Posted December 17, 2024 at 12:26 PM
Posts 973 (0.2 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 4
Windows Sensitivity 5
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Roccat Kone XTD
Keyboard Ducky Shine 2 (Yellow) + Brown Cherry Switches
Mousepad Roccat Taito
Headphones Roccat Kave
Monitor Dell U2711
1 ⋅⋅ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ⋅⋅ 65
#2533 stream highlights in Videos

There are some times I love doing TF2 camerawork:

posted about 7 years ago
#4278 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

hud_reloadscheme doesn't work for main menu, change mat_antialias from 1 to 2 and back to reload it.

Also you should edit your previous post instead of having 5 with the same/similar question

posted about 7 years ago
#2 OZF 18 Open GF: WhoopieShare vs Blackbird 6's in TF2 General Discussion

For EU viewers, this is 12:00 CEST!

posted about 7 years ago
#59 WietHUD in Customization
Pokey__i can not get the hud crosshairs to work i need help i keep using notepad plus and reloading the hud but nothing happens but it is a amazing hud keep up the good work

It looks like I removed a line from HudPlayerClass.res possibly enabling those.

I'm updating some files with more documentation and also referring to the Easy TF2 Crosshairs created by omni for more flexibility, as I do not provide (m)any but do support custom crosshairs with WietHUD; because that repo for all the crosshairs already exists and shouldn't be too hard to add.

posted about 7 years ago
#4 OZF 18 SF: xenophobiaphobia vs. Mad Men in Events


posted about 7 years ago
#198 TFTrue in Projects

Feature request for the whitelist downloader to not do this every map change.

On config execs and changing convar or server start getting a new one should still be a thing, but it could cause unnecessary requests/writes, and there aren't that many item schema updates, checking the item schema 'hash' could be used as a check if there is need for a new one? I can provide changes to whitelist output if necessary to accommodate this.

posted about 7 years ago
#4259 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

@RentQN Changing wide/tall depending on textalignment will act like coordinates (xpos/ypos) changing.

I recommend duplicating xpos/ypos from the original value, increasing font size and hope you achieve the effect you want to create that way.

posted about 7 years ago
#21 Mirelin's FOV exploit in Customization

1. Create custom resolution in AMD/Nvidia software/control panel
2. Use launch options to set -w and -h of custom resolution
3. Run in full screen with monitor scaling disabled
4. ...
5. Profit

Show Content
21:9 monitors are a thing which work fine in TF2 and with comp configs
posted about 7 years ago
#4240 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
d4nnyHey guys you know the numbers where when you pick a med pack or you damage someone there will be a number above your health or somewhere? How do u change the position of those numbers and what do i change?

CHealthAccountPanel in hudlayout.res afaik

posted about 7 years ago
#4230 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

The SLIN scoreboard is basically default hud with default fonts, just some things hidden/disabled. You're most likely messing with the scoreboard fonts in your own clientscheme.res which then causes issues in this file. Them cutting off is most likely you increasing font-size and the default bounding box size being too small for them to fit.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 Rewind Lan Caster HUD ? in Customization

afaik the tftv hud was used with a custom/different score overlay

@Sentinel, most of the hud stuff in casting huds works fine in regular huds these days (horizontal health, custom control point icons) just the medigun panel info isn't something available without plugins (and running in -insecure)

posted about 7 years ago
#4224 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

@typto try modifying \materials\vgui\damageindicator.vtf to be purple, move it to the replay thumbnails folder and point the vmt for the original damage indicator there and hope it works. I tried color overrides for HudDamageIndicator in hudlayout.res, but they didn't seem to work

@insouciant Duplicate the medic charge percentage element, move it, change font => hudmediccharge.res

posted about 7 years ago
#5 OZF 18 W6: Mad Men vs. xenophobiaphobia in Events
Shiftastop casting us reeee

Proposing team name change to castingphobiaphobia

posted about 7 years ago
#57 WietHUD in Customization

Some minor cosmetic changes:

  • Added a Green Theme (uncomment the #base line in Clientscheme.res)
  • Added a WietHUD logo to the main menu
    • Clicking it shows some info in console (GitHub/tftv thread/Twitter for support)


Changelog on GitHub
Direct download


@ Scrambled, I will have a look at those, feel free to make a pull request on GitHub to get credit for your submission and possibly post a screenshot of the class selection font one you can't figure out, maybe we can together.

posted about 7 years ago
#4213 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

@Magikarp Check your MatchmakingCategoryMapPanel.res file instead of the clientscheme

Also update your url to this: https://github.com/SteamDatabase/GameTracking-TF2/tree/master/tf/tf2_misc_dir for the current game files

@Koncept I'm 99% sure that is caused by using the high quality item images and resizing them. The skins and festivized weapons don't resize properly automatically anymore since the Smissmas update. The transparency on it is caused by not having "use_item_rendertarget" "0" in the itemmodelpanel section.

Taunt menu is hudlayout.res > HudMenuTauntSelection for positioning and HudMenuTauntSelection.res to customize the look (which would have been easily found by looking for 'taunt' in the default files ;) )

posted about 7 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 ⋅⋅ 65