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Signed Up March 6, 2013
Last Posted October 10, 2013 at 10:51 AM
Posts 86 (0 per day)
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#139 Introducing TFTV+ in News

I lurk more than I post, but here's what I think:

$5 is fine for for TF.TV+; it's basically just a donation, and 20 cents a day is reasonable for something so optional. People spend 10 bucks on a movie ticket, 5 doesn't seem too bad.

A really easy thing to implement that I would really implore you to implement: Let me donate for multiple months at a time. Unless you have a system that requires you to do this month to month, it would be so much easier to drop $30 for 6 months or $60 for the year. I really don't see a downside to this for anyone, and it would only possibly generate more revenue. Please consider this. EDIT: Went full retard again

Fragging is fine imo, it definitely adds to the charm of the forums, but I really have (/had) no idea what the stars were. If we're at all discussing the possibility of an updated layout, I agree with Lange that the stars are kind of pointless.

Despite occasionally going full retard on here, I do like these forums and will be happy to support them with a donation.

posted about 11 years ago
#48 TFTV Merchandise in TF2 General Discussion

Mousepad sounds really cool!
Also, I'd totally get a sweatshirt.

posted about 11 years ago
#46 Official UGC Platinum Season 11 Predictions, Power Rankings, and Player Rankings in News

This was awesome :)
Great job!

posted about 11 years ago
#43 HL Gossip in TF2 General Discussion
My Season 11 write up and rankings will be out on UGC tonight or tomorrow. They won't be any good, but they should be better than willis

To be fair Soap all you have to do is hammer your keyboard with your fist several times then left click your mouse randomly until you find the "submit" button and you will produce a piece of analytical data and punditry vastly superior to that of Will's Plat Stats.

I lol'd

posted about 11 years ago
#14 mustardoverlord hl mentor session 2nite! in TF2 General Discussion

When is the next one?

posted about 11 years ago
#29 Pre-season games in UGC in TF2 General Discussion

I think that in general (and as usual) Hildreth is right.
If the "pre-season" game has weight, then why not just call it a regular season game?
If it doesn't have weight, then why have it?

If UGC wants to test maps, then have an optional "map testing day" with incentives to teams that participate.

If pre-season is really meant for placement reasons, then surely you'd need more than one single game to get an idea of what's going on? One match can't possibly give you that much information. Especially one that isn't taken 100% seriously.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Plat Stats Season 11 in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys, as some of you know, I run a TF2 blog where I talk about some of the Highlights of the Platinum HL scene. I run interviews, talk about stats, and generally try to be entertaining and a little informative. You can check out my archives if you're interested in what I've done in the past.

Here's my most recent post:



posted about 11 years ago
#28 HL Gossip in TF2 General Discussion
HildrethNorth America will be dominated by Ginyu/mTs/BPM.

I won't write shit on UGC forums cos I am banned.

No-one will write coverage worth reading except for boring people like Hein.

With plenty of strong teams in Platinum, I'm sure it'll be a season to remember!
And I'm going to do my best to at least have *some* coverage, though I can't promise it'll be less boring than Hein's.

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Looking For Scout & Pocket For s15 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Added for Pocket tryout

posted about 11 years ago
#3 LFT Low Open Season 15 in Recruitment (looking for team)
anjirocoolthe most passive aggressive person ever

Haha one day I'll live that down...today is not that day!

posted about 11 years ago
#1 LFT Low Open Season 15 in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hey there, my name is Wills. I've played Soldier for two seasons in UGC Steel, but really think I'd like to give ESEA a try. I can Pocket or Roam, Main-call or not, and I play Heavy at a High Silver level. Not the most impressive resume, as I'm the first to admit, but I'm really dedicated to improving and would love to be given a tryout.
Thank you for your consideration.


PS - Here is my Steam profile.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 invite whisperings in TF2 General Discussion
capnfapnin other news b4nny is forming a team with mustardoverlord and dflame and they are going to be playing in the esea main division next season.

With B4nny and Mustard both on Scout

posted about 11 years ago
#448 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion

Yeah, even I get that it wasn't OpenPlugin now

I mean, even if they DID want to ban somebody to raise awareness (which they don't do because that's not how VAC works), why would they go after a NAHL player instead of a Premiership Div ETF2L player? That's the league most connected to the Plugin, and has higher profile members than a UGC admin.

It's really starting to look like I'm going to have to get my apology pants on pretty soon...

posted about 11 years ago
#81 Opinion on Mice? in Hardware
Alfie32hzyeah, i have used a g700, and a g9x.

g700 is trash.

basically the g400 is a really solid and reliable mouse, pretty cheap too.

alot of people stand by their deathadder and the sensei seems like a great choice, those were pretty much my choices when buying my new mouse, i went with the g400 it's great.

also the software is so muccch better than setpoint which is what the g700 and g500 use
Logitech Gaming Software support G700 now. I've used a G700 for a while now, only problem I have is that the mouse5 button (PTT key) keeps falling off, but I just use that special button above it for mouse5.

I've been contemplating down/sidegrading to a G400 or G500, but reading all this bad shit about G500 doesn't sound good. Anyone give me any good points about the G400 vs G500 vs G700?

I have a G500, and it's great except my mousepad is a Steel Series and it doesn't play nice all the time. I would really like to hear somebody explain both why the weight system is "bad" or useless, and what the advantage of G400 is (just the sensor?).
I'm probably going to be building/buying a new comp soon, so I'd like to get an educated opinion (unlike my own haha)

posted about 11 years ago
#415 UGC Admin TF2_Moose VAC Banned in TF2 General Discussion

...And I thought I came off like an asshole in this thread...

posted about 11 years ago
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