wills it's not that we don't like you or anything it's that you're making an argument sort of revolving around the fact that "well he said he didn't do anything so he must have not done anything and the fact that he is a figure in a position of authority indicates that there's no way that he could have done this!" you can't really discount the idea that there might be more to this story than what he's letting on just b/c he's an admin or whatever.
and for the record minus frags don't actually mean anything, sometimes it's just being in the wrong place at the wrong time
also +frags stroke my ego
If that's what you think my argument is, no wonder I'm getting -fragged so bad, haha
All I'm saying is that we don't know what happened, and as such, making the immediate assumption "He cheated" is not fair. I don't know whether or not he cheated, but if he claims he did not, who am I to call him a liar?
If he did cheat then all the more shame on him for lying about it, but I'm not going to back down from my position. The only information we have is a VACban and his word, and I know which one I trust more.
I promise that I'm not self-pitying or passive-aggressive, haha, I'm just a nice, trusting guy :)