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Country Germany
Signed Up May 12, 2013
Last Posted March 2, 2016 at 10:17 AM
Posts 31 (0 per day)
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#24 Quake Live "cg_killbeep 7" in TF2 using killsound. in Customization
aieraMankyIt projects weird static sound

it's not the sound it the fact you are using a custom file and they are currently blocked in sv_pure 2

i get the static noise issue even after the update.

posted about 9 years ago
#19 Quake Live "cg_killbeep 7" in TF2 using killsound. in Customization
MankyIt projects weird static sound


yeah i got the same issue :S

posted about 9 years ago
#40 GitHub Repo for TF2's Base HUD in Customization
Stochast1c#36, did you even read the first post...

Either way, mana doesn't update the repos for anything less than major updates (and oftentimes takes him days to do so), so I would not use this repo as a base for any hud. You are far better either using the vpk's and extracting, using the SteamDatabase/GameTracking repo, or using a fork of tf2basehud (Tewgon is pretty on the ball with updates).

I oversaw these links, sorry

posted about 9 years ago
#38 GitHub Repo for TF2's Base HUD in Customization
omniYggdrasilwhat about the materials & sound though? just wonderingThere's no point in adding folders you can't change. sv_pure blocks most changes made in these folders.

If you want them so bad, learn how to use gcfscape.

sound is not as important, but materials contains a couple of vtfs that im interested in changing such as stamp_background_map.vtf

Ofc i can extract them myself, but if there is a thread dedicated to putting all relevant files on GitHub i might as well use that.

posted about 9 years ago
#10 TF2 HUD From Scratch - Tutorials in Customization

GitHub is still abit confusing to me, but it already saved my ass. Thanks some stuff in these videos was still very helpful!

posted about 9 years ago
#2644 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
omniIf you remove the "nav" stuff from the buttons, they can't highlight on launch/by default.

thanks! that did the trick!

Now how can i change the text on the buttons? i.e "Play Multiplayer" to "Quickplay"

nvm, found it

posted about 9 years ago
#36 GitHub Repo for TF2's Base HUD in Customization

what about the materials & sound though? just wondering

posted about 9 years ago
#2642 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
omniThe color of the main menu buttons are defined by the border_default and border_armed inside of them. Change or remove those.

okay...playing with border_default/armed (within mainmenuoverride) was something i did before and which resulted in nothing. Luckily i managed to use a portion of what remained of my brain to find the entry in the clientscheme which define the button background.

So i wanted to get rid of the rounded edges and was able to do so by setting the bordertype to NoBorder.
I found this by looking ginto some older huds, which had what i wanted. (notoHUD, yaHUD, IsaacHud)

Furthermore to actually change the color, you need to set "painbackground" to 1 and add "BgColor_override" lines for the various states of the button. I pretty much got what i wanted now, thanks a lot!


One more question though. When i load my hud (start the game or reload it), the quickplay button will have the "armed" state instead of default. Any ideas what might be causing this? It irks me out. It doesnt seem to be related to the mainmenuoverride file.

posted about 9 years ago
#2637 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
WiethoofdYggdrasilHow do i edit the panel behind the text on those Buttons?You can use vgui_drawtree in your main menu with the Highlight Selected ticked to find out which is what element in your main menu, it's just under a different section in the tree.[/code]

Yeah i found three parts of the button with that, its such a helpful tool, but i havent found a way to change the actual background of the button yet.But i'll have a look once again. Mabye i oversaw something the first 50times.

Wiethoofdmat_antialias 0 // Change this value between 0 and 1 to see main menu changes without restarting

Now thats helpful, thank you! Even on an SSD restarting every few seconds is annoying.

posted about 9 years ago
#2635 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

building a custom hud from scratch, currently running into a bit of trouble with the mainmenu


How do i edit the panel behind the text on those Buttons? For example the "QuickplayButton"
I want to edit their shape, size & colour. I was able to disable the overlay/border and the panel itself.
I also found the controls for the text/font & the symbols and im coming up with nothing now.

Is it even an editable panel? or an image?

Also hud_reloadscheme doesnt work in the mainmenu right? I guess theres no way but to restart tf2?

posted about 9 years ago
#23 Higher quality Item images in inventory & loadouts in Customization

absolutely pixelated pictures of some weapons on performance cfgs have bugged me for ages. Thx for sharing this with us!

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Introducing newbies to competitive in TF2 General Discussion

i'm always trying to get people into competitive, be it highlander or 6s. Sometimes i'd simply direct them towards some links like playcomp.tf and some guides specific to their classes. But i remeber dozens of times, where i explained the different leagues across the world & their respective divisions. It's great to meet someone a few months later randomly on an MGE server telling you that he won div5 or whatnot last season and is looking forward to the next one.

My biggest success was probably the mentoring sessions i did for hgihalnder pyros a few months back, although other other people might curse me for breeding more of this hellspawn. Either way i've mentored more pyros than i can count on hands & feet - some of which are playing towards the top level now.

There are so many players in MGE and other places who don't actually play comp, i'd advise you to give them some tips & recommend them towards competitive tf2 instead of just shitting on them and leaving the map telling them how shit they are.

posted about 9 years ago
#61 Ultiduo in UGC? in TF2 General Discussion

looking forward to this.

- Yggdrasil

posted about 9 years ago
#2 ETF2L Highlander Season 7: ResidentSleeper vs. Kuuhaku in Events


posted about 10 years ago
#945 yahud in Customization

Halloween Update fucked over target ID's :S

TargetID system:
Now creates a floating health indicator over the target
Reduced size of nameplate
Added tf_hud_target_id_alpha ConVar to control the transparency

posted about 10 years ago
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