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Last Posted December 4, 2012 at 1:34 AM
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#23 Spacewhale donation raffle results! in TF2 General Discussion
ClandestinePzZakirllClandestinePzRelic won?

The Invite Illuminati are getting less subtle in their methods.

Comments like this are why this is the last time I offer help. It's not enough to take time and money to help teams with LAN funds, I can expect a a fair amount of grief from people who purchased tickets because relic won. Stay classy TF2.

Perhaps I should have begun my post with "***WARNING THIS POST IS A JOKE DO NOT TAKE SERIOUSLY***"

Seriously though, I make one innocuous attempt at humor and all of a sudden I'm the reason you're giving up on this community? WTF?

I respect all you've done for the this game and in particular admire the efforts you and other members of the community make to get teams to lans, but I really don't think I should have to backtrack and apologize and feel like shit because a joke that every other member of these forums got sailed right over your head.

I decided long before reading your comment. Sorry if it sounded like I was directing that at you.

posted about 12 years ago
#14 Spacewhale donation raffle results! in TF2 General Discussion
tragicZakirllClandestinePzRelic won?

The Invite Illuminati are getting less subtle in their methods.

Comments like this are why this is the last time I offer help. It's not enough to take time and money to help teams with LAN funds, I can expect a a fair amount of grief from people who purchased tickets because relic won. Stay classy TF2.

I think he was joking, at least I hope.

Just the only person with the balls enough to say it on forums :) I don't think he was serious, just saying what other people have said.

posted about 12 years ago
#12 Spacewhale donation raffle results! in TF2 General Discussion
ClandestinePzRelic won?

The Invite Illuminati are getting less subtle in their methods.

Comments like this are why this is the last time I offer help. It's not enough to take time and money to help teams with LAN funds, I can expect a a fair amount of grief from people who purchased tickets because relic won. Stay classy TF2.

posted about 12 years ago
#37 Spacewhales ESEA S12 Lan Raffle! in TF2 General Discussion

Hey guys,

So sorry for the delay on this. I got swamped with extra work at the end of last week and didn't even get to watch the lan.

I'll email you your numbers this evening and announce the winning number here.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 Got a C00L TEAM? Want a logo! in TF2 General Discussion

This looks very nice.

Is it 3.5 hours to make all three pictures, or per picture? I would suggest raising your rates if you offer all three for $11 currently, or if each image takes you 3.5 hours to complete, taking into consideration minimum wage.

It's not bad to get paid something to learn.

posted about 12 years ago
#10 Got a C00L TEAM? Want a logo! in TF2 General Discussion

Add me on steam.

posted about 12 years ago
#71 How long ago did Chess club stop caring? in TF2 General Discussion
Ggglygyok, whats the deal with "dream schools?"

i get there's a difference between Harvard and Kalamazoo Community College, but why do people apply to 15 different decent schools that all give the same piece of paper???

not trolling please respond???

edit : haha holy god

When our parents generation was growing up university was the ticket to success (money). They now pass on their flawed view that university=success. In our attempts to please our parents and become valuable members of society we all spend time jumping through arbitrary hoops to attain a piece of paper.

That piece of paper is granted to you by the same school who admits you, teaches you, and charges you. Meanwhile they take out tuition to build bigger classrooms to admit more students with less teachers. Oh your school has a great student to faculty ratio? Great, now if the majority of that faculty weren't administrators pushing papers to one another I'd be all for it. Instead we get the same recycled and outdated material that's either irrelevant in todays workplace or entirely outdated to begin with. Oh but don't worry, we have online material and TA's. The online material is the same shit they hand out in class only now it's easy to access shit. TA's each have their own idea for how to grade an assignment and I've enjoyed getting into arguments repeatedly.

Don't worry though, when you graduate you'll have plenty of student loans to worry about and a job that doesn't cover the cost of living.

I hate our education system... I've always said that I can learn more in an hour clicking around wikipedia and looking at their references. It's not all bad, there are some hidden gems and if you're the studious type then more power to you. Doesn't mean it's not all ass backwards.

posted about 12 years ago
#4 BenQ XL2420T problem in Hardware
alfaMy monitor just messed up and it was displaying a green lime colour. But it was doing that on the modes of Gamer1 (which is the original profile implemented by BenQ) and Gamer3, having the Gamer2 profile working fine. However, I've reset the settings to their original configuration and the colours are a bit messed up, and I can't access some of the settings. It looks kinda normal now, but it looks like there's a bit of orange and other colours implemented.

I can't even access some of the options, they appear as gray and I can't go over them. If you know how I could reset those modes (Gamer1) to the settings they had when I bought the monitor it would be great. I've also google'd it and I couldn't find a solution.

Did you ever figure this out? If you want to know how to set up your monitor send me a message. I still have my old settings saved somewhere.

posted about 12 years ago
#18 What CPU for playing tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
simfooI too am currently trying to decide between the 2500k and the 3570k. I'll definitely be overclocking it to at least 4 GHz and basically everyone you ask on the internet recommends the 2500k for this - simply because the 3570k gets hot pretty fast. So I'll most likely go with the 2500k...

Get the 3570k... 4 GHz is auto overclock territory. 4.5 is reasonable and is more than enough for the majority of people.

People recommend the 2500k because they're like "I have it and therefore it's the best, the new one is not enough of an improvement." Maybe it's not worth upgrading from a 2500k to a 3570k, but if the budget allows you to afford the newer processor why even bother?

If you want to find out what not to buy, type in the product name in google followed by either "crash, problem, errors, etc." and watch the number of results you get. You'd think by reading the internet that nothing ever works and that you've got a 50/50 chance of getting something that's usable. Take what you read with a grain of salt and look for product reviews from trusted sites.

posted about 12 years ago
#17 What CPU for playing tf2? in TF2 General Discussion
masterfulWhich is a stronger CPU at base clock, the 2500 or 3570? Judging from some of the comments here, I can't really tell, but I'm inclined to assume the 3570 is better just because numbers.

Get the 3570k assuming you can afford it. Ignore people going on about the 2500k being a better overclocker because it's entirely dependent on the chip you get and the 3570k is more efficient, supports the latest features, and is faster than the 2500k at the same clock speed.

I think the general consensus is that it's easier to get a 2500k or 2600k to 5 GHz but that even with a clock around 4.7-4.8 GHz the 3570k will be as fast while consuming less power.

posted about 12 years ago
#45 How long ago did Chess club stop caring? in TF2 General Discussion
TaggerungI don't understand why people keep talking out of their ass in this thread
The "CAN'T BEAT SUPER TEAMS" is a trash excuse and a fucking joke, why are you playing this game if all you care about is winning some meaningless tournament.
For some reason people in Invite have forgotten that we play this game for fun, so they give up the second they can't make playoffs or win.
Thank god the other leagues didn't take notes or else ESEA would be done for.

The Chess Club could have been a 2nd place contender at LAN, but we have not had a serious scrim since the Snakewater week in ESEA. And even then, we still won enough games to make it to LAN. I thought making LAN would make my teammates more excited for the game and would encourage them to practice more. But I was wrong, and I'm sure its obvious by now but it pisses me off. Why are you wasting your time and money playing in this league if you don't give a shit about the game. Do everyone a favor and don't come back next season. Let someone that actually enjoys the game into Invite so there can be more excitement in the league rather than stagnating the game and ruining the league

Hopefully we can get all the people that only play this game for recognition rather than fun out of Invite next season so we can see a better season overall

If you want to say something there's a way to go about it. Yours is an example of how not to do it. You are not the first team to have this happen to them and you won't be the last. Most seasons there's at least one team that takes it easy before the lan and they don't have a raging fit about it. Your whole team got you there and is showing up, chill.

If people want to go back and look for lan preview articles you're sure to find mention of teams taking time off before lans and other teams picking up their practice schedule.

posted about 12 years ago
#40 How long ago did Chess club stop caring? in TF2 General Discussion
justinIf a team can't attend, ESEA offers the LAN spot to the next team in line, we were able to attend without any donations.

Didn't realize that this was still the case, I thought they made an exception because it was the first lan.

posted about 12 years ago
#31 Spacewhales ESEA S12 Lan Raffle! in TF2 General Discussion
FzeroHow are you doing the raffle anyways?

PS- Would be a great birthday present (Nov16) to win a working computer :)

Hoping to do it live during the lan finals. I'm going to send out an email with your numbers by Saturday.

posted about 12 years ago
#37 How long ago did Chess club stop caring? in TF2 General Discussion

1. At the point Chess Club finished 4th, it was either they attend the lan or we have only three teams. ESEA is not going to allow another team to attend or for any combination of player other than the people on the Chess Club Roster. You can offer up suggestions all you want, it won't change anything.

2. Upon qualifying for a lan they are expected to make their way to and from Dallas regardless of the financial implications. They have the joy of looking for flights and hotels, and then either paying out of pocket or looking for donations. It's a lot of added stress knowing that people are relying on you to be there. They qualified and will attend lan, cut them some slack.

3. They didn't make any claims or force people to donate. People donated because they want a successful event. Maybe they'll go out in two rounds, but that's two rounds that wouldn't have been played otherwise. Also you can never rule out upsets in a playoff.

posted about 12 years ago
#77 ETS LAN 2013 announced in LAN Discussion

Will be there, will be awesome!

If you are on the fence, I encourage you to attend this event. It had it's shortcomings last time around with no official tournament and people STILL had a blast. It's hard to beat ETS for an overall awesome weekend.

posted about 12 years ago
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