Account Details
SteamID64 76561198062498575
SteamID3 [U:1:102232847]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:51116423
Country United Kingdom
Signed Up October 28, 2014
Last Posted April 5, 2016 at 12:09 PM
Posts 35 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 2.32
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Razer Deathadder Chroma
Keyboard Membrane Laptop Keyboard
Mousepad Razer Golaithus Speed (Large)
Headphones Razer Kraken Pro
Monitor Standered 60hz Laptop Monitor
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#14 TF2 Competitive beta opt in?? in TF2 General Discussion
b4nnyThis beta is meant to fix the issue of getting abandons in matchmaking if not everyone disconnects from the previous game when you queue for the next one. Post any bugs you find.

but how dose it fix it?

posted about 8 years ago
#38 What PC game made you stay a PC gamer? in Off Topic

Quake 3 Arena

posted about 9 years ago
#30 Would you want a frag movie of you? in Videos

I lost all my demos cus I had to reset my pc due to starcraft >:(

posted about 9 years ago
#44 obvious hacker in mge in TF2 General Discussion
Oasisactually their was a hacker on spire yesterday i faced him got sweaty played like the biggest fag every and won and talked trash.

this is the guys profile report him:

and his friend that was with him that also hacked:

I looked up the 2nd guys Steam ID because it looked familiar and I found his youtube channel where he uploads retarded hacking videos.

His Youtube:

posted about 9 years ago
#45 FAVORITE PLAYER in Off Topic

Lucky Luke

Not in that order

posted about 9 years ago
#22 TF2 Players that went on to greater adventures. in TF2 General Discussion

We just have to wish Blizzard will do things EA do with Fifa 15 in Overwatch then we might get our TF2 legands back.

posted about 9 years ago
#31 Advanced HUD Manager in Customization

I must admit, I've never been so hyped in my life! Keep The Good Work Up Disquse!

posted about 9 years ago
#6 m_yaw/sens to retain same mouse feel in Q/A Help
wonderlandthis question isn't clear.

when you say stretched 1280*600 res what does that actually mean?
what aspect ratio is it stretched to?

I'll assume you mean your laptop is 32:15 stretched to 16:9, while your desktop is just 16:9. so for the calculations

(horizontal stretch/horizontal res) / (vertical stretch/vertical res) = x
unstretched m_yaw / x = stretched m_yaw
unstretched sensitivity * x = stretched sensitivity

4:3 stretched 16:9
(16/4) / (9/3) = x
x = 4/3
0.022 / (4/3) = stretched m_yaw
stretched m_yaw = 0.0165
2.2 * (4/3) = stretched sensitivity
stretched sensitivity = 2.933333

plug your numbers:
32/15 stretched 16:9
(16/32) / (9/15) = 5/6
unstretched m_yaw / (5/6) = 0.022
unstretched m_yaw = 0.018333
unstretched sensitivity * (5/6) = 2.2
unstretched sensitivity = 2.64

sensitivity = 2.64
m_yaw = 0.018333

its unstretched vertically, so it has the same type of numbers (higher sensitivity, lower yaw) as a horizontal stretch.
seems correct and it will give you a higher vertical sens on the desktop

That's Some A+ Math Right There

posted about 9 years ago
#7 Interest in a roamer spot video? in Videos

since most of the spots in Roaming fundamentals part 2 and 3 by the ESEA IM Roamer technosex are patched yes please.

posted about 9 years ago
#51 Slinfire HUD Release in Customization

oxide hud for medics with new overrides?! ITS PERFECT SLIN!

posted about 9 years ago
#133 TF2 Feature Requests and Bug Fixes in TF2 General Discussion

- Old Viewmodels
- Improved Default Hud To Make It A Mix Between Casual And Competitive
- Fully Customizable Crosshair
- Mail Button On Main Menu Should Show The Upcoming Tournaments Of Competitive Play (ex ETF2L i55 UGC ESEA)
- Improved Player Tutorials
- Forced 128 Tick on All Servers For a Much Smoother And Better Gameplay
- Higher FOV Settings ex 120 (Robin Must Have Forgotten About Quake TF huh)
- Bball Mute Map Fix

Sorry If I Repeated Some these are just things i'd like to see in tf2

posted about 9 years ago
#88 New Weapon Ideas? in TF2 General Discussion
PwnuZalohYeah I know I posted these while drunk.might be a dumb excuse but it's true. il think of better ideas that are not shit like those ones i said earlier.I don't think u can come back after that post. Everyone will remember you as the guy who made the shitty post in the weapons thread. Rest in peace fellow no nerd star compadre.PhunkFor some reason I find everything zaloh posts incredibly irritating and obnoxious whether it was meant to be or not

Fine! I'm going then bye all i know i make retarded post's but i'm trying my best not to be annoying nor to be obnoxious i'm trying to be a normal person! Do any of you realize that there's still a person behind the screen that has feelings? I Can't even be bothered to continue this post but next time you comment think about what i just said. Now im gone. Bye!

posted about 10 years ago
#43 Roamers of the past in Q/A Help

Technosex and Boink (RIP Sweet Princes ):)

posted about 10 years ago
#17 Looking for a game in Other Games
zigzterQuake or Reflex?

I'l take Quake anyday

posted about 10 years ago
#69 New Weapon Ideas? in TF2 General Discussion
These are somehow worse than most of the stuff suggested on SPUF.

Yeah I know I posted these while drunk.might be a dumb excuse but it's true. il think of better ideas that are not shit like those ones i said earlier.

posted about 10 years ago
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