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Signed Up October 6, 2013
Last Posted June 16, 2022 at 4:44 AM
Posts 292 (0.1 per day)
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Headphones G430
Monitor LG 24GL600F
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#1082 I've updated some huds in Customization

I don't know if this is spread across other HUD's, but is there any fixing that can be done to the item previewing from the SCM – for both skins and war paints on bastHUD?

Edit: Fixed by Hypnogod!

posted about 6 years ago
#123 Rewind II details revealed in News
200From what I've seen, it looks like the shipping cost goes directly towards the matcherino service and does not count towards overall prizepool.

Yes, it does not. But most physical items (not a shoutout or name in credits) contribute just a percentage to the prize pool. Still, from that explanation, a $25 item grants the $25 medal. My question is does the shipping counts as well.

posted about 7 years ago
#121 Rewind II details revealed in News
JasbuttsThese tiers would also qualify for anyone that commits to buying Individual Items. So if someone spends over $25 on items, they automatically receive an in-game medal as well!

Does the shipping fee counts? Bought $80 in stuff, then I saw the medals, and just threw in another lanyard, but it'll only hit $100 if considering the shipping. Really cool stuff, btw. Hope it drives the prize pool way up!

posted about 7 years ago
#9 massive drop in concurrent players in TF2 General Discussion

We know for a while that those numbers were inflated... And imo, this latest update being a major flop (in my books) didn't help TF2's case. Sure, we got a lot of fixes, but given that it took more than a year for a major update to hit, this was no gift to the player base. And while a lot of requested bug fixes were put to the side, we got a lot of unrequested "improvements".

Until Valve gets off their pedestal and starts being less restrictive about a lot of things* and letting we only play the version of the game they want us to play, things will just go downhill (sure, it's their product, but it's been on our hands for many years, and a lot of popular features have been stripped over the years).

* I.e. mods, sprays, quickplay, community servers etc. A few changes had some reasoning behind it, but didn't warrant being stripped/blocked. Just improve on it. For example, TF2, just like TFC and HL, have some default sprays. So Valve let us customize them. Then the porn/furry sprays started to appear. So no more sprays on Valve servers. Overwatch has official sprays, and they're really high quality, like everything else. So, in typical Valve fashion, more stuff for them to pour into cases and get their $$. And hire a bigger dev team (as if money was the issue).

posted about 7 years ago
#4963 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization

How would I go onto adding that arrow in the killstreak feed in the players spectator view? There's the player's name and just the killstreak number below it. I'd like to add that arrow as well. I looked into HUDKillstreakNotice, but it seems there's no standalone "arrow" snippet.

posted about 7 years ago
#4892 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
AElaiThe repo was split up. Here's hudanimations_tf.txt. IIRC you can make an event with just braces in your custom animation file to disable it.

Thank you!

posted about 7 years ago
#4890 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
aurahwhen the matchmaking doors open and shut it triggers an event in hudanimations that moves the chat, it has chat in the name so just search for that and change the ypos

for the borders they might be borders defined in clientscheme so you will need to copy them over as well, try and find the controls in classselection.res that define the borders and you will be able to cross reference them back to the clientscheme

Granted that my HUD is updated and uses hudanimations_manifest so that the default stuff doesn't have to be listed there, there are no "chat" entries in my hudanimations_custom. I suppose I could just copy the default chat stuff from the source and change what I wanted, right? Do you happen to know where I can extract that snippet? Improved Default HUD doesn't have it, and the github that tracks the core files isn't working.

The borders did have a fillcolor which used a custom name and it wasn't referenced on the clientscheme, thanks!

posted about 7 years ago
#4887 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
ZetosI tried adding the class selection from QTCHUD to mine, but it's missing the black borders...


... the original has:


It loads fine when the whole HUD is in there, but I'm not sure what's missing. Tried copying the classselection file and the whole vgui/replay/thumbnails/ folder, but it's not a missing texture.


And another question: I changed my chat position with basechat.res' "HudChat" ypos/xpos, but it usually resets itself to the lower part*, unless I do a hud_reloadscheme, which doesn't last for long.

* On Valve servers. Why the heck.

Any helping hand?

posted about 7 years ago
#937 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization

There was a discussion a while back (amongst many) that drew the conclusion that it was best for projectile-oriented gameplay to use cl_interp 0.0152;cl_interp_ratio 1 and cl_interp 0.0333;cl_interp_ratio 2.2 for hitscan oriented. Since always, most cfg's as default set the cl_interp_ratio to 1, but yours now argues that 2 is the most optimal choice. Having that in mind, would you advise onto sticking with 2 for all scenarios and just changing the cl_interp?

posted about 7 years ago
#18 most downvoted reddit comment in Other Games
cp_process_final121 golds to the ea dudes


45 and counting...


And the memes are pouring in... https://www.reddit.com/r/tf2/comments/7coiz3/demoman_is_fun_but/

posted about 7 years ago
#993 I've updated some huds in Customization
HypnotizeIs like that for every hud even in the default tf2 hud so I don't think there is a way to fix that. But I added a show console button to almost every hud i've update recently. For some huds is the hud label name, some have dedicated button and for others like garm3n i converted the commentary button to open the console!

Oh, I see... Valve's spaghetti code, I suppose. Thanks either way!

posted about 7 years ago
#991 I've updated some huds in Customization
HypnotizeMORE MENUS!


A minor annoyance: I have set the console to be opened as I launch the game. Sometimes I open listen servers to practice from there, amongst other things. At the moment it's on background - as I can't type anything on it - having to join any server to bring it forward.

I could use the menu's "engine showconsole", or even change it to "toggleconsole", but it didn't used to be this way. Every time somewhere else is clicked, the console's lost to the background. Any workaround to this layered mechanic?

posted about 7 years ago
#4791 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
KonceptWhen you're healing a person as a medic the target ID says "Healing: (playername here)", is it possible to remove the Healing text and just have the target's name?

I'd guess not, since "TargetNameLabel" has just "%targetname%". But I have very limited HUD knowledge, so maybe someone knows better.

posted about 7 years ago
#4788 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
ZetosI tried adding the class selection from QTCHUD to mine, but it's missing the black borders...


... the original has:


It loads fine when the whole HUD is in there, but I'm not sure what's missing. Tried copying the classselection file and the whole vgui/replay/thumbnails/ folder, but it's not a missing texture.


And another question: I changed my chat position with basechat.res' "HudChat" ypos/xpos, but it usually resets itself to the lower part, unless I do a hud_reloadscheme, which doesn't last for long.

Any helping hand?

There's a "HudChat" in HUDLayout, but changing that as well didn't cut it.

posted about 7 years ago
#986 I've updated some huds in Customization
ZeRo5Is there any reason I can only display one achievement on the hud? How can I fix that? Im using ahud-m0rehud

You're looking for hud_achievement_tracker and hud_achievement_count. If they are already set to >1, maybe "HudAchievementTracker" on HUDLayout has visible/enabled set to 0.

posted about 7 years ago
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