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Country Canada
Signed Up October 6, 2013
Last Posted June 16, 2022 at 4:44 AM
Posts 292 (0.1 per day)
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1920 x 1080
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Mouse G403 Prodigy Wireless
Keyboard HyperX Alloy Core
Mousepad Corsair MM300
Headphones G430
Monitor LG 24GL600F
1 2 3 4 ⋅⋅ 20
#3 Looking for developers to create TF2 HUD Studio in Customization

Might want to get in touch with Revan, who has developed tools such as this and has directly helped with CriticalFlaw's editor.

Doesn't browse this website much but should be easily accessable through Huds.TF's Discord.

posted about 2 years ago
#12439 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 2 years ago
#196 Free Game Megathread in Other Games


posted about 2 years ago
#35 Tips from a 4k hr medic to help meds do their job. in TF2 General Discussion
Rebitecan someone please repost these tips?


posted about 2 years ago
#2 HELP Vaccinator Resistance Icons way Above Players in Q/A Help


posted about 2 years ago
#6 My brightness changes depending on what I look at. in Customization

Monitor (hardware) settings won't show up/affect recordings.

A 5s Google search gave me this, maybe worth a shot:

Add this to advanced launch options (and remove afterwards):

+mat_dxlevel 90 +mat_hdr_level 2 +mat_hdr_enable +mat_fullbright 0

If this doesn't help, doing these steps should:


posted about 2 years ago
#6820 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
lateketsuppiHow do I make the spacebar a shortcut for a button? I tried &space and &spacebar and it didn't work.

Special keys such as CTRL, SHIFT and SPACE can't be used as shortcuts. You can try alternatives individually but anything other than standard letters are likely not going to work.

posted about 2 years ago
#2327 mastercomfig - fps/customization config in Customization
bearodactylis there a fix for white mumble overlay?


posted about 2 years ago
#6792 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
lateketsuppiIs there a way for a label's font to automatically change to a smaller one, so it fits to the size of the element?

I'd like this font to change to a smaller one when there's a lot of text, so it doesn't spill over the edge.

You can either change a font based on screen resolution (setting a yres in ClientScheme) or change the label's width with a CAutoFittingLabel element or with "auto_wide_tocontents" "1" (these are very specific and most often than not won't work if you add it to whatever hoping to stick), but not a label's font like you want.

The only thing that could possibly help you on that scenario is to add "wrap" "1" so the extra text is placed below and the bleeding doesn't happen.

posted about 3 years ago
#12089 stream highlights in Videos


posted about 3 years ago
#56 NA Invite Top 100: Hub Post in News
mustardoverlordI was kidding about the Redacted thing, everyone knows it's Nursey and it's a meme

The whole point about saying "redacted" is ostracism, which goes beyond being league banned. If you tone it down and call it a meme... Oddly some people were all over that thread saying "yeah, fuck that guy" and yet think it's reasonable to give them the spotlight because "gud at gaem". Ultimately this is just another list, but it's saddening how shallow some povs are.

"You can't play with us anymore for what you did, but we'll always regard you as one of the best." Yikes.

posted about 3 years ago
#52 NA Invite Top 100: Hub Post in News
mustardoverlordAnd for the 5th spot you could make a case for, among others,


There's no point in calling them [redacted] instead but keep the mentions and even consider for a hall of fame spot. As if there's not enough talented people already.

Most placements can be debatable, but please no child groomers.

posted about 3 years ago
#6784 HUD editing: short questions, quick answers in Customization
shinsoHow do I remove the 2D player class image from my hud but still keep the option of having the 3D player model visible? I know that I can toggle it, but if I set the visible value in hudplayerclass.res to 0 it also removes the 3D player model.

Don't recall if there's a more straightforward way to achieve this but you can add a main menu button with "command" "engine toggle cl_hud_minmode; engine toggle cl_hud_playerclass_use_playermodel" and add to HUDPlayerClass.res => classmodelpanel => "visible" "0" "visible_minmode" "1" (add it right below the other). It will also toggle other parts of your HUD if it already has minmode changes set up.

Thought on it from the top of my head but you can reach me through Discord @ Zetos#4379 if it doesn't work.

JakadakWhere can I found the source files for contracter panel?
(So I recreate contracter panel as side menu panel?)

Aside from simple commands and elements, a fair share is restricted to only work inside their appropriate file, i.e. you can't just pull a menu feature and add it elsewhere.

The contracker file is questmappanel.res; feel free to experiment but I'm not sure it will work.

For future reference, check out this comprehensive list or this smaller one with images.

ninait doesn't appear to be sv_pure dependent

Sadly they are.

posted about 3 years ago
#119 Cheating to hear spies is painfully easy. in TF2 General Discussion
AimIsADickpajarostop posting forever nobody cares about what you sayActually I care about my posts, so technically it isn't 'nobody'.


posted about 3 years ago
#3 game freezes and spikes to 100% cpu in Q/A Help

You found a correlation, 100% not the causation.

posted about 3 years ago
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