puoi1Just a tiny ahud Modification
going to further edit things
tell me if you like it so far
it's really good
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198097062529 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:136796801] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:68398400 |
Country | Saint Lucia |
Signed Up | February 15, 2016 |
Last Posted | July 15, 2016 at 9:28 AM |
Posts | 161 (0 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 1.16 |
Windows Sensitivity | |
Raw Input | |
800 |
Resolution |
1280x720 |
Refresh Rate |
60Hz |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | |
Keyboard | |
Mousepad | |
Headphones | |
Monitor |
puoi1Just a tiny ahud Modification
going to further edit things
tell me if you like it so far
it's really good
Petting my cats
is this thread is live or dead ? Cuz i want mix hud thanks
BurningSmileCustom version of Ahud
Buffed health
Low health and ammo
Normal health and amo
Dl if Possible Thanks
astrin__DR34M_well if you wanna fix it yourself, go into hudplayerhealth.res and make sure 'visible' and 'enabled are set to 1 in the sections (the names are self explanatory). if that is already checked, change the xpos and ypos to wherever you want them to be on the screen.astrin_The missing is The icons Like the Death mark wont show up when i pull out my Escape Plan and when i get jarated or milked or bleeding the icons wont Show up and The parachut icon_DR34M_could you please provide screenshots or what is missing?astrin_revived sters old(er) hudAbout That ye There are stuff missing in hudplayerhealth The icons all of thems Can you fix that Thanks
note: requires cl_hud_minmode 1
Thanks man
Blungowell, saldy it looks like this is becoming the official thread of the hud...
anything that i should add/edit?
list so far:
- streamers list
- matchmaking support
Could you add Thimble or create Thimble Class selection ? Thanks
Penda_DR34M_Blungowell, saldy it looks like this is becoming the official thread of the hud...Dude i tried the hud and there wasnt any stream button list or Matchmaking support did you do a mistake ?
anything that i should add/edit?
list so far:
- streamers list
- matchmaking support
P.S: i've downloaded the one you posted Blungo and there wasnt any stream button or list or mm support
if you read the thread, you will see that he has yet to add a stream list or matchmaking support
Oh makes sense Now when i saw the *list so far* i thought he updated it my bad
Blungowell, saldy it looks like this is becoming the official thread of the hud...
anything that i should add/edit?
list so far:
- streamers list
- matchmaking support
Dude i tried the hud and there wasnt any stream button list or Matchmaking support did you do a mistake ?
P.S: i've downloaded the one you posted Blungo and there wasnt any stream button or list or mm support
astrin__DR34M_could you please provide screenshots or what is missing?astrin_revived sters old(er) hudAbout That ye There are stuff missing in hudplayerhealth The icons all of thems Can you fix that Thanks
note: requires cl_hud_minmode 1
The missing is The icons Like the Death mark wont show up when i pull out my Escape Plan and when i get jarated or milked or bleeding the icons wont Show up and The parachut icon
Blungowell, saldy it looks like this is becoming the official thread of the hud...
anything that i should add/edit?
list so far:
- streamers list
- matchmaking support
Hey dude There is a Problem evreytime i turn on minmode for my scoreboard the ammo goes in the right down Corner can you Fix that Thanks
astrin_revived sters old(er) hud
note: requires cl_hud_minmode 1
About That ye There are stuff missing in hudplayerhealth The icons all of thems Can you fix that Thanks
BlungoMilsonTaunt menu??? In backpack pls fix hud
there is one
Are you Working on The Stream list ?
is There any middle east pugs i could play ?
omniBlungoOh my god lmao do you seriously have no idea who colly is fucking hell hahacollyBlungocollyu sure it took 2 years to recolor yahud
im not sure if you are familiar with hud editing but the ya_hud from 2013 came very stripped of function. i made if from scratch, and kept it updated until now. i think thats why it took me 2 years, also i get busy with school very often.
im new
alright, so why such a harsh comment from someone that knows little to nothing about huds? if you dont know how to make or edit huds, and realize that the clientscheme that is used to change the color of hud elements along with other things like fonts isnt the only thing that i edited (take a look at an early ya_hud) then why the fuck would you come to this thread to trash talk me?
im Pretty sure Hes joking Like Who doesnt Know colly
You forgot To add Streamer List Or do you know that you didnt add that ?