wbarycenterwait so skal isn't actually jukebox's alt? I sniped against him on upward and he destroyed me, but I had thought that he was just really good. He told me in Mumble after the lobby he was jukebox, and I completely believed it.the point of an alt is to hide who u are
No accuracy stats though: http://logs.tf/844767?highlight=76561198077083354
alts going around saying that they are said player are not actually them
Well a lot of people get the VAC bug and play on alts more often, pretty sure stefan played on one for ages, not vac reasons he just chose to. If it was jukebox (I don't think it is at all) then he would presumably not want people that he has added on his main asking if he's coming back to tf2, explaining an alt for lobbies or w/e.