sheepy_dogs_handSome advice for (decent) scout mains who want to ruin 2400 ELO MGE soldier mains. Join an MGE server, preferably with like 1700 points and make sure its badlands mid. Start off playing soldier v soldier to lure them in and once they are 2 or 3 points ahead, SWITCH to scout. Then just sit on the train, play like a bitch and next thing you know you are 10-6 up.
At this point the soldier will either:
A. Switch to scout and get owned
B. Try to win but lose or
C. Leave and still lose
The bigger the difference in ELO, the more points they will lose. I have definitely had a lot of fun using this method and made a lot of MGE tryhards lose a great number of points, resulting in them becoming incredibly mad and throwing various MGE insults.
how does one lose vs a scout with shotgun equipped asking for a friend