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Signed Up April 8, 2013
Last Posted February 2, 2025 at 8:41 AM
Posts 3931 (0.9 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 ⋅⋅ 255
#42 Waka Flocka Flame showing his true colors. in Videos
sheepy_dogs_handSome advice for (decent) scout mains who want to ruin 2400 ELO MGE soldier mains. Join an MGE server, preferably with like 1700 points and make sure its badlands mid. Start off playing soldier v soldier to lure them in and once they are 2 or 3 points ahead, SWITCH to scout. Then just sit on the train, play like a bitch and next thing you know you are 10-6 up.

At this point the soldier will either:
A. Switch to scout and get owned
B. Try to win but lose or
C. Leave and still lose

The bigger the difference in ELO, the more points they will lose. I have definitely had a lot of fun using this method and made a lot of MGE tryhards lose a great number of points, resulting in them becoming incredibly mad and throwing various MGE insults.

how does one lose vs a scout with shotgun equipped asking for a friend

posted about 6 years ago
#5 Team Name Vote for S30 in TF2 General Discussion

mod dflame

posted about 6 years ago

post below is gay

posted about 6 years ago
#14 Waka Flocka Flame showing his true colors. in Videos

posted about 6 years ago
#32 Scratchh LFT S30 in Recruitment (looking for team)

you only make matters worse by responding to them

posted about 6 years ago
#7 Waka Flocka Flame showing his true colors. in Videos
WakaFlockayaraaai've know this guy for so long, since he is the admin and owner of the GPG servers, i remember i played on those way back when i got into mge.

anyways, now, a few days back i saw him playing mge again while i was playing with some friends and he was going on in the chat talking about how some dude (who was friends with him) hacked and trash talked him so much. it seemed normal at first, even though he was his friend. fast forward a few days later and i got into an mge match with him on viaduct middle, i lost the first match, but i won the next one and here is where things start to get a little bit weird.

here is the demo of our match, fast forward to frame 221337!VAgFRYBQ!sTp7UKFDfAldzq41T0V0U4hnb4xqxIuyNie-UiG0d7I and you'll notice he leaves in such a way that he doesnt lose any elo while my score was 19 and hes was 18, he knew he was going to lose and he just said it wasnt valid because he wasnt trying and i lost the previous match. the next days i saw him playing against someone on blands mid in mge and the moment he lost he immediately started to call hacks on him, thats when i called him out for being a sore loser and he quickly started to shit talk me and tell me i suck.

here is the demo i just recently got from an mge server where he does the exact same thing but this time when i called him out everyone on the server started to do it aswell and then, he showed his true colors.!wAw3yCaL!4PlloM-rWNIMw2LcmKmFeTu5ntmPeHNwkHF9vC0JgZU

he is so delusional, he thinks everyone is salty about him because he is the best player, he chats and plays really toxically and shit talks everyone that doesnt agree with him, he exploits mge servers so he doesnt lose elo.

i think he is addicted with elo, he was around 4200 elo on his own server and he only uses panic attack + liberty launcher and the quickiebomb launcher to have the advantage on everyone on mge. he doesnt join mge to practice dm skill, but to show everyone how "good" he is at the game.

excuse me for my bad INGLES as i am not a native speaker. thanks for your time, i really wanted to get this off my chest.

This kid's a joke he was upset he lost 3 matches earlier then he hired some friends to mge me for revenge and they had aimbot toggle on so of course i will do the spectate trick i use it when the enemy hacks or farms iv'e actually lost before to people also this kid whines alot he would literaly bitch about any weapon i would use. Obivously he's chosen the wrong game if he can't handle specific tf2 weapons because there will always be people who use weapons u don't like but you gotta learn how to counter it my friend

you know how much of a basement dweller you come off as by responding to this right?

posted about 6 years ago
#15 ry4n lft in Recruitment (looking for team)
dot_played my first season with ryan

hes a nice guy
posted about 6 years ago
#3 ope for a fun suprise in The Dumpster

jokes on you its already done

posted about 6 years ago
#3 Music you listen too while playing tf2? in TF2 General Discussion official soundtrack of gunboats v scout mge

posted about 6 years ago
#2 weird graphical problems ever since ssd? in Q/A Help

posted about 6 years ago
#12 Artifact officially releases on steam in Other Games
vladPeople should stop asking for free stuff and enjoy the game. This game has so much potential and without doubt will be the next Esports game. What's the point of TCG if everyone can obtain full collection easily?

because some people like having progression in their game that is independent of spending money

posted about 6 years ago
#8 any trusted sites like g2a? in Off Topic
Jack_Anderson44If you are looking for some trusted sites like g2a to provide the best discounts on your favourite games then you can check full article here on best sites like g2a.
Here are some of my favourite sites to visit to buy games online:-
1. Gamivo: One of the best site in terms of heavy discounts.
2. Kinguin: Best site for any type of gamers.
3. SCDKeys: One of the best price on sales up to 90% off. Visit Now.
4. CDKey: A great place with high discounts.

nice affiliate links you fucking subhuman

posted about 6 years ago
#24 Shiki LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

love shiki

posted about 6 years ago
#3139 PC Build Thread in Hardware @smesi

posted about 6 years ago
#4 RIP Aeons in Off Topic

fucking hell i remember playing tf2mix with that crowd, always shakes me when people around my age die
wish the best to anyone grieving he was a good guy

posted about 6 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 ⋅⋅ 255