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Country Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
Signed Up October 20, 2012
Last Posted November 21, 2022 at 4:53 PM
Posts 780 (0.2 per day)
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1 ⋅⋅ 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ⋅⋅ 51
#4 Suggestions for Tenkeyless Mechanical Keyboards? in Hardware

not back lit and with no gimmiky ports and jacks. No nonsense quality keyboard.

solid board, but I like costar stabilizers better than cherry stabilizers so I would recommend a filco board if you can find it at a decent price.

cue defy in 10 seconds, mentioning filco is his batsignal

posted about 11 years ago
#5 Permanently Turn on Viewmodel? in TF2 General Discussion

disable steam cloud

edit: wait what?

posted about 11 years ago
#48 Can someone summarize the drama? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 11 years ago
#37 Noona LFT: Scout CEVO/ESEA in Recruitment (looking for team)

why have I not posted here yet? noona is a chill guy who likes to play this game. he runs & is the head admin of the newbie mixes every saturday, if that doesn't tell you he cares about this game I don't know what will. as far as I know he can pretty much play any class which makes his decision making that much stronger.

why isn't he on a great team in the next 2 minutes? I have no clue.

posted about 11 years ago
#26 [WIP] Fog's Crosshairs v3 in Customization

has the default quakelive crosshair been recreated yet? i've wanted to use that but idk where to find it

posted about 11 years ago
#2 Do comprehensive competitive/class guides exist? in Q/A Help

Not really, since most of the concepts need to be learned from experience so reading a guide won't provide much "comprehensive" help :/

posted about 11 years ago
#67 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion
frownyITT people refute every argument with the word malware.

no fucking shit. it doesn't matter how solidly built a league ESEA is, if they think it's ok to run bitcoin mining software and collect data from my computer I'm not going to support them.

posted about 11 years ago
#33 ESEA and CEVO in TF2 General Discussion

squid, if you want to continue supporting a league that willfully installed malware onto its users computers go right ahead

I will not follow you

posted about 11 years ago
#77 Beta Launch in TF2 General Discussion

for some reason i feel like im not supposed to be seeing this screen

posted about 11 years ago
#60 Music Player in Off Topic

foobar2k is incredible

posted about 11 years ago
#250 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion
MadKLike really, why is there this hate. You are not forced to play highlander, but yet still there is this bashing.

you realize this is a thread specifically made to talk about the downsides of highlander

posted about 11 years ago
#14 AG Supports CEVO in Expanded League in TF2 General Discussion

save us, Nahanni

posted about 11 years ago
#51 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

this has got to be the worst week in tf2 history

posted about 11 years ago
#66 Pros and Cons of NA League choices in TF2 General Discussion
z4chAloSecMr_PerfectI think that a TFTV League/ Community made league sounds intriguing and I bet a lot of people would be willing to try this out, hopefully...
I'm also in support of a TFTV league: it's the most centralized of all the current options. Almost everyone who plays comp TF2 has at least heard of TFTV or even visited it... it would be the easiest for people to transition into.

In my opinion, the best option is a merge of efforts between UGC, AG, and TFTV to create a centralized NA league.

I think that's a pretty good idea. Which leads to another.

Why not combine a bunch of these ideas? Have TFTV sponsor a community made league that is either made from, or made with Have the competitive site, league, and pug system all together so we can be one strong community?

Yep, this is exactly my thinking, you worded it in a way I can't.

Right now ESEA's major edge on other leagues is its centralization & monopoly on the top players: everyone is already playing ESEA and the top players have nowhere else to play seriously. The easiest way for a new league to topple these defenses is to have a league built from the ground up by the community's biggest players (enigma, banny, etc) created specifically with the idea of making a uniform mass migration from one league to the other.

Emphasis being on 'uniform'. We don't have enough players to scatter them across two leagues. We either have one working league or a number of failing leagues.

edit: web-site based pug systems are facing this issue as well: tf2center vs. tf2lobby vs.

posted about 11 years ago
#62 Pros and Cons of NA League choices in TF2 General Discussion
Mr_PerfectI think that a TFTV League/ Community made league sounds intriguing and I bet a lot of people would be willing to try this out, hopefully...

I'm also in support of a TFTV league: it's the most centralized of all the current options. Almost everyone who plays comp TF2 has at least heard of TFTV or even visited it... it would be the easiest for people to transition into.

In my opinion, the best option is a merge of efforts between UGC, AG, and TFTV to create a centralized NA league.

posted about 11 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 ⋅⋅ 51