So last night I had a dream. It was a fucking weird dream. I woke up in my bed just like any other day, but instead of it being May 15, 2013, it was May 15, 2012.
It felt.. extremely odd. I woke up in my household, but it was.. different. I had a roommate. Oh wait, that's a brother. My brother was black and his name was Taggerung. WTF
Next thing, comp tf2 was really shitty back then. Or, at least it was in my dream, I actually wasn't around then to experience it. I asked Tagg what grade he was in. He's a sophomore in highschool.
I'm rambling, I know. This was a really jumpy dream. Next thing I remember I was playing tf2. To Tagg, I was a fucking beast. I remember playing in a pub and doing work. I was jumping around and airshotting everyone. Tagg had this wonderful idea of recording myself to put on youtube (I'm gonna be a star_!), so I recorded myself playing to upload. Later in the dream, this video would be renamed to "fucking incredible, never knew my bro was this good" and would be playing on every tv screen in the household.
Also, as a side note, some of this dream didn't have to do with tf2. Both of my mechanical keyboards broke on the time switch, two things I hold very dear to me. The blackwidow became an ALPS board, but kinda shit itself on the switch. The Leopold with reds became a operation board game. Sometimes when I hit a key, I would be electrocuted and the key would elevate a little bit, turn red, and then pop off. I then had to cool it down and replace it on the board if I wanted to continue using it. God damn, writing this, this dream sounds so retarded.
It was now later in the evening, around 7 pm. I was sitting down at my desk ready to chill out and play some #tf2mix. Oh fuck, #tf2mix isn't a thing. Well, time to play in I recognized one person when I joined the mumble, that that was michael_. He was aliased as some stupid shit like `micha7el, but I still recognized his name. For some reason, I remember sitting in the warmup for a pug, but for some reason I left the game soon after. I then went back to sleep in my bed and woke up today, like nothing had changed at all.
edit: also, I helped my dad buy a smoker, something he'd always wanted. I helped buy the exact one that we have in our garage right now, something he probably wouldn't have accomplished on his own.