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Signed Up April 20, 2014
Last Posted July 8, 2015 at 7:15 PM
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#161 shitty gut knife giveaway in CS2 General Discussion


posted about 9 years ago
#201 huntsman giveaway in CS2 General Discussion

ayyy homiez

posted about 9 years ago
#77 TSM Katowice 2015 Holo Sticker giveaway in Off Topic


posted about 9 years ago
#6 NBA Playoffs in Off Topic

dem buzzer beaters tho

posted about 9 years ago
#18 Looking for a csgo MENTOR in CS2 General Discussion

i found this extremely helpful,i hope it helps you too

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Need help with aiming in Q/A Help

get good get lmaobox,jk ask axio

posted about 10 years ago
#21 squid in Off Topic

i miss squid's stream,awesome player and a cool streamer

posted about 10 years ago
#63 giving away an awp asiimov battle scarred in Off Topic

well that's cool of you, gl boys

posted about 10 years ago
#32 do the lakers suck this season? in Off Topic
fargobawlersthis thread is exactly why kobe gets away with being such a bad teammate

since phil jax left kobe has ZERO accountability to anyone in the lakers organization, coaching him is impossible because he doesnt respect anyone

ever since kobe entered the league hes used the media to turn LA against his teammates, it was always others that got lit up in post game interviews (Shaq, Bynum, Gasol, Dwight), no one rips on their teammates more than kobe. when anybody else does it its giving up on their team, but when kobe does it its just his "intense competitive fire"


i know this attitude towards kobe just wouldnt exist if he didnt have the EASIEST first couple years in the league, he got to play in the triangle with a physical freak. shane battier said it best "shaq has strength like your dad had when you were a kid"

then he got two more championships with pau gasol and andrew bynum being coached under one of the greatest coaches of all time and playing in a league that was weaker than in the years around it and suddenly kobe is considered one of the top ten players of all time. ridiculous

what makes it all worse is that people like to defend kobe with michael jordan (people tend to try to defend EVERY douchebag in a competitive setting by comparing them to michael jordan)

michael jordan was not only one of the greatest teammates of all time, but he got away with being an aggressive dick because he knew how to use it. it was a motivating tool for him to build others up, not break them down and run them out of town. where kobe never hangs out with teammates, michael would always be there with them whether it was gambling (lol) or just shooting the shit.

where michael is a basketball genius, kobe plays like an overconfident idiot. where michael is an athletic freak, kobe is just not all that.

dwight didnt leave because he was soft, he left because he was forced to play in an offensive system that kobe had the pleasure of seeing as a suggestion. and that when the media started to gang up on him towards the end (while he was playing thru an injury...) kobe continued to add fuel to the fire instead of defending him, because kobe will NEVER defend anyone else.

o and kobes also a shit defender because he surprise surprise is incapable of playing help defense, i guess if someone else gets beat he just sees that as their fault

finaly someone who understands

posted about 10 years ago
#31 do the lakers suck this season? in Off Topic
atidereanabolicphAZEtwenty2020phAZEanabolicit's ok to honor kobe but giving him all that money is just retarded,that's what fucked them up this season
Kobe's contract did not have an effect on their ability to acquire any big name free agents this past offseason.

it was all kobes toxic personality rofl

If you mean his unparalleled desire to win then ok. Dwight was too much of a pussy to handle it but if you can man up and put in the work he'll show you what it takes to win a championship.
kobe said to dwight that he will always come second as long as he is on the team and that he will "teach" him how to win championships,dwight didnt like that(+lifestyle and press??) and he left,btw everyone is calling howard a pussy but in he puts up always big numbers in playoffs...
i feel like you don't know shit about the nba or anything and the fact you can't write proper english also makes me assume it also. as phaze said dwight has always been the soft guy who doesnt care, hes just there for the money, and thats why they'll lose every year and never win a championship. thats why he lost in the finals with the magic also. kobe did not drain the money from the lakers, they have a huge tv company as phaze said and the west family is fucking loaded with money, i dont know what the fuck you're talkig about it is the front office that is screwing up and kobe can't control that, he gets payed to play and that's what he does.

yeah the fact that english is not my native language is a clear statement to my knowledge of the nba.The fact that they get so much money from tv deals doesnt mean that they wantto spend it in luxury taxes,imo paying luxury taxes is just retarded even if you are a championship team.Not gonna bother with the rest of your argument.You can't see that kobe right now is dragging the lakers down,so that sums up your knowledge about bbal

posted about 10 years ago
#19 do the lakers suck this season? in Off Topic
phAZEtwenty2020phAZEanabolicit's ok to honor kobe but giving him all that money is just retarded,that's what fucked them up this season
Kobe's contract did not have an effect on their ability to acquire any big name free agents this past offseason.

it was all kobes toxic personality rofl

If you mean his unparalleled desire to win then ok. Dwight was too much of a pussy to handle it but if you can man up and put in the work he'll show you what it takes to win a championship.

kobe said to dwight that he will always come second as long as he is on the team and that he will "teach" him how to win championships,dwight didnt like that(+lifestyle and press??) and he left,btw everyone is calling howard a pussy but in he puts up always big numbers in playoffs...

posted about 10 years ago
#18 do the lakers suck this season? in Off Topic
phAZEanabolicit's ok to honor kobe but giving him all that money is just retarded,that's what fucked them up this season
Kobe's contract did not have an effect on their ability to acquire any big name free agents this past offseason. The Lakers could have easily signed one or two big name free agents with medium to max contracts. They are the only team to have a $3 billion TV deal and they would have no problem paying the luxury tax for the additional contracts they would have acquired. Saying Kobe's contract fucked them is just simply not true at all.

i understand you are a lakers fun but u have to admit that by giving all that money to kobe really did limit their options this offseason,plus he is 37 yo and still plays hero ball,this is why you are 5-13

posted about 10 years ago
#12 do the lakers suck this season? in Off Topic

it's ok to honor kobe but giving him all that money is just retarded,that's what fucked them up this season

posted about 10 years ago
TurinWARHURYEAHI don't think it's that bad, the coach was pretty cool at understanding that LDLC were the better team, but they just put a lot more effort in to preparation. It's a cheesy strat but these are the sort of things that win you games.maybe you should have done some of those "cheesy" strats vs froyotech?

the shots...

posted about 10 years ago

"they played better than us but we had better "knowledge" of the map so we won" good fucking game

posted about 10 years ago
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