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Signed Up November 20, 2013
Last Posted November 25, 2013 at 3:44 PM
Posts 13 (0 per day)
#564 ESEA S15 NA Open Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

Know your role and shut your damn mouth jabroni

posted about 11 years ago
#382 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

Invite players are by far the most experienced people in this game as far as how it's played, and handled. It seems like half of them realize what reality is and half of them don't however. It's not good but I can understand why. You spend 6 years of your life playing a game every day and don't realize that one day it's going to be all for nothing but the pure fun of it at the time. There's no money being made, there's no fame, there's nothing but competition. That has to take time to soak in and its going to hurt. Some will quit some will stay but it will go on with or without them. The end.

posted about 11 years ago
#3 Modifications for TF2? in Customization

Next time powah streams watch it for a few minutes and then let me know what you think. It seems extremely modded. I didn't know that was possible for league play. I highly doubt someone would use a modded tf2 setup outside of league play and then go default for matches. Would create mishaps being not used to it.

posted about 11 years ago
#379 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

Nobody in invite is a pro-gamer, nobody in invite is getting rich off tf2, nobody in invite is e-famous outside of our little community, nobody really cares about you. If you really think you play for any of the above then you're delusional. Games were meant to be played for fun and the fun in competition. Sure some games are creating a lot of cash for some people but not this game. Nor will it ever be this game. So you've already invested 1-15 seasons of playing this game almost every single day for what? Pretty much nothing. You've maintained interest for the joy of the game and in the competition of trying to be the best. It's a video game meant to be played in your free time for fun. TF2 was never even close to counterstrike and that scene is long gone. Even SC2 is dwindling. It's all about LoL and DOTA now. So whatever dumb reasons people are delusional about on why they still play this game you need to re-evaluate your reasoning because it doesn't make any sense. Even if you won invite LAN every season you'd make about 3k a year if that, not including the expenses. Doesn't sound like you're getting your moneys worth. Definitely not getting fame besides a few hundred people who play this game. Many many games from the beginning of esports were played solely on the fun of the game and the competition. No LANS, no money, just good old competition.

Instead of having seasons we should just have one ongoing league setup similar to UFC. One champ and the people below fight eachother for title shots and see who can reign the longest. This way you get action over and over again and every game does mean something. Lets face it every time the community pays for LAN they're basically wasting their money on the 3rd and 4th place finishes since it's always the same 2 teams in the end. This community will be saved once you realize what it is and not what you THINK it is.

Truth hurts but it doesn't make it any less true.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Modifications for TF2? in Customization

What type of modifications for TF2 can you use that is allowed for use in ESEA? For instance when I watch powahs stream his game seems very modded with different sounds, models, etc. I'm not quite sure how far you can go with it.

Hud Timers

And the ones that are useable, where can you get them?

posted about 11 years ago
#313 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

Reality is the elliott's and omni's could retire tomorrow and nobody would give a shit or even notice. Platinum and b4nny retiring would all of a sudden kill TF2 immediately? Platinum and b4nnys main issues are that anyone who comes up to challenge them that are good enough to do so, usually end up on one of their teams eventually anyway. It's a team game individuals do not win. There's plenty of talent in invite just not balanced. Of course the individuals will be more willing to join the already established best of the best instead of trying to take them down as another team. So the top of invite created a monster thats now causing them to not enjoy competing anymore.. Platinums quote "clockwork, lansky, Rando, yz50" everyone with the exception of rando and many more have been on either his or b4nnys team. Plenty of other names to throw into that list as well such as Ruwin. That's what happens.

Captain Obvious out.

posted about 11 years ago
#310 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

To make it to invite you need to have pretty good common sense. The game is too strategical, team-work oriented, decision making, communication, requiring high synergy amongst 6 players. The ones without common sense are the ones who lag along in the lower divisions over and over again. Much like yourself and many others posting. Again. Be real here, look in the mirror, and do everyone a favor and try to be helpful instead of a twit starting arguments fishing for +frags.

posted about 11 years ago
#307 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

If your common sense was any good you'd probably be good at video games.

posted about 11 years ago
#305 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion
cffussblink was right
they're turning us against each other to cover their own tracks
everyone stop fighting so we can focus on the common enemy

You make about $1,200 winning first place at LAN. Depending where you live it's definitely profitable. TF2 IS slowly dying whether you'd like to admit it or not. It's the inevitable. These things do not last forever. Peoples priorities in this community aren't to put the game first. It's to put their little egos and clicks first. Instead of really producing positive things for the community it's just a big forum filled with children trolls -fragging things that are real and trying to be witty and cool when you just look like a moron. +frags the things that will entertain the 14 year olds and get nothing done just continuing the bickering.

A lot of other competitive scenes don't have money prizes. ie. most other TF2 communities. This is a video game. None of us are pro gamers. Not the invite players, no one. This is a small time game. We don't win mega money most people play for pride, competition and most importantly, for fun. We should all be a brotherhood instead of nagging like little bitches over and over again on a forum over dumb shit. If the top invite players don't follow suit who cares there will be others who step in. Invite would be a lot more exciting not being monopolized anyway. These forums are a troll fest filled with a bunch of fakes. Look in the mirror and be real with yourself for a moment. Most of you are barely above lobby level and have no idea what you're talking about yet you spout your opinions like you're some expert. Listen to the guys with experience and years of being around. Just my take.

posted about 11 years ago
#179 ESEA S15 NA Main Happenings/Predictions in TF2 General Discussion

What JohnMilter just posted is what's wrong with this community. Lol

posted about 11 years ago
#293 Mix^ in TF2 General Discussion

Even invite players get -fragged for no reason o.O maybe it's not ESEA, maybe it's this community? People who openly speak the truth from an invite perspective get blasted for no reason other than clicks or jealousy. If anyone should be listened to i'd think it would be people like Platinum, Ma3la or -rr. The problem seems to be there's about 20 people at the top of the game who know what they're talking about and then 500 others who have no clue. Majority rules I guess. Look in the mirror.

posted about 11 years ago
#4 Soldier LFT HL in Recruitment (looking for team)

I played a lot of pugs I think I have good dm. I am east I can play most hours. Add me I can tryout.

posted about 11 years ago
#1 Soldier LFT HL in Recruitment (looking for team)

Soldier LFT Highlander add me for tryouts.

posted about 11 years ago