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Last Posted July 9, 2015 at 4:03 PM
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#56 An Explanation in TF2 General Discussion

the bandwagoning in this thread is awful. stop jumping on the engineer and realize his opinion is as valid as yours. he plays a class that is a part of this game, just like you. Trotim is a long-time community member in charge of a TF2 mod that seeks to balance the game and test new weapons; you should "seriously respond" to him. i'm guessing he knows more about the core of the game than most of you

stop making blind, rash decisions and give the QF time. maybe even, try a different strategy? maybe roamers can't do much against QF... so try a banner on for size. it's obvious the stalemates were caused by the players' attitude and QF playstyle as of now, not the weapon itself.

the elitism in this thread is staggeringly high and there's a reason why people don't want to get into comp and why Valve doesn't pay much attention to it. they give you a fresh lease on TF2 and you spit back immediately because your precious meta has been shaken up. the attitudes in this thread, in the streams are terrible, yeah seeing "#banquickfix" is really funny after the 1000th time. it's infantile honestly, you can't handle change, you can't handle a little instability. this should be the most exciting thing to happen to comp tf2 in years and it's being painted as a wreck. half of you might as well be playing a different game if you don't like coming in contact with heavies, engies, and pyros. grow up.

posted about 11 years ago
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