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#22 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion
CygnastyIt's not healthy. At all. It slows down the game to the point where you need to get a headshot/pick on the Engi on any gamemode (not just PL where that's pretty expected) just to get the game back to it's already way-too-slow state in HL.

Because of the sheer number of players (and constant presence of a Sniper), many pushes in HL boil down to, "Well, let's just build uber and wait for a pick..." even at the highest level. Forcing ANOTHER pick in order to secure ANY hope of your main damage class... well, doing damage, is a shitty idea and will slow down HL even moreso than it already is.

Again, not healthy.

do you think making engie that threatening/important is bad? i was under the impression that what you're describing can be applied to a good sniper too. pyros if positioned well can disrupt whole ubers, and so on. picks are important regardless of who it is simply because of raw manpower, as well.

the main damage class suddenly becoming not so main-damaging is kind of interesting, to say the least

posted about 11 years ago
#18 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion
mage24365Remember that time there was another item that completely obsoleted everything else in its slot?

Remember how it got split into two weapons?

Seriously. Split the wrangler between one that has double fire rate and no shield and one that has the normal fire rate and a shield.

That's how you make other items viable.

everyone will use the shield one just like everyone uses the escape plan

posted about 11 years ago
#17 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion
downpoureveryone's problem with the wrangler isnt that it makes sentries unkillable, its that it gives them triple health, and a slight auto aim with infinite range. it takes 7 (8?) stickies to kill a wrangled level 3.
to use the pistol over the wrangler is unheard of, there is 0 reason to use the pistol despite it having over 200 ammo. the new short circuit doesnt really change anything like you said, but now you can 1v1 soldiers and demos at close range and always win.
I really doubt that engies will get close enough to soldiers and demos to really use it in HL but it's still a really annoying thing

i think at this point most people know to target the engie first. there was a small change during the summer that made it so a wrangled sentry drops its shield and activates almost immediately after killing the engie, which everyone took as an almost-buff, but to me it's more incentive to shoot down the engie and be able to clean up quickly. i get that the pistol never gets used, but i also don't think stock has to be dominant in its weapon slot. is there a difference between heavy never having to use a shotgun and this? is it just principle? i think weapons need to be compared to the game at large and not their counterparts.

when people talk about how they don't like the wrangler it's usually a list of its upsides. but that's just how it functions, why is it bad because of that? you can make a case for it being skilless to do well with, but in that sigafoo clip on barnblitz everyone brings up, the heavy/medic end up pressing less total combined buttons than he does.

i think there's a lot of annoying stuff in this game that players have to learn to take in stride, or lessen the impact of through help of their team mates. it's annoying that a single chokepoint gets shut down with minimal effort from a demo, it's annoying to get headshot from miles away (without taking raw skill into account).

most importantly i'd just like to see the short circuit given more time because it could end up being a healthy addition to HL

thanks for replying.

posted about 11 years ago
#11 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion

i've heard the wrangler been called all kinds of overpowered but every cast i've watched i've never seen teams have a problem facing it. (willing to provide examples) it kind of just serves as a temporary roadblock for an uber that was coming anyway. and this is because wrangler doesn't secure wins, your team does, and it's always been like this for engies, on a good team you prosper and on a bad team you're rushing to set up and being overwhelmed. you can theorycraft and call it potential bullshit but in practice i really have never seen the wrangler impede teams by itself.

i know valve can be a little slow in adjusting weapons (much less so this year, god bless them) and the fact that the wrangler hasn't gone through any changes (they basically reworked the soda popper which is something that hasn't been done for a long time, changing the upside of a weapon) is kind of evident that valve thinks the current wrangler is part of what keeps engie competitive. encounters with a sentry otherwise are pretty binary and most good players have no problem downing one. like it or not it DOES increase engie's skill ceiling, and i know how concerned players are with that phrase.

i'm going to say that fighting soldiers and demos on the flank is a lot like it was before with the new short circuit: if you maintained a good distance you were able to deny all 4 rockets/pipes and shotgun them down during their reload. the fire rate was still faster than rocket/pipe rate then. the increased attack interval doesn't change much, it just makes it easier. people underestimated how powerful it was. having four engies on a pub team m1ing into everyone doesn't help its current reputation, hah

i would love to hear from players who have used it in HL pugs

posted about 11 years ago
#117 SMISSMASS UPDATE in TF2 General Discussion

i'm pretty sure changing the short circuit was valve's way of lessening the impact of soldiers and demos on spammy pubs, without nerfing said classes. it's not really right to say it lowers the engie's skill ceiling; haphazardly spamming pills and getting cheap kills and using the sc are about on the same level. neither act may be "skillful" but they're skills in the game. i loved the short circuit before but now i think one has to make a serious decision between it and the wrangler. you still get fucked by focus fire, bullets, bison, and flames, (and even melee) and the range isn't that great for hitting people. it doesn't feel as clumsy as before (though it saw use), just really fun. this and the no-afterburn targe are strong signs that valve wants demoknight used more (for better or worse).

i always loved the banners, and now they're more defined in their roles and have those sweet passive bonuses to make them even more attractive. the liberty launcher and the concheror are a gruesome twosome. like a roamer that returns to the nest with a fresh batch of heals on-hit

sodie popper and diamondback are cool too

posted about 11 years ago
#19 The Winger in TF2 General Discussion

works with atomizer jump too

posted about 11 years ago
#109 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion
kirbyThose reasons more or less require common sense than any type of advanced thought. And trust me, I don't hate the class. However, I don't see any legitimate reason to believe the class requires any actual skill beyond the first few steps of learning how to play this game.

A class' responsibilities don't dictate whether or not that class takes any skill. Each class has a skill ceiling and the engineer's ceiling is significantly lower than most of the classes, on the exception of I would say only heavy, with pyro coming in close.

Do you think the Medic has a low skill ceiling, then? It's a little silly to judge individual skill ceilings when TF2 is all about class interplay. Plus, no other class has access to buildings, Engie's totally unique in those regards.

kirbyI really, honestly want to have this conversation with you but it's hard to figure out what to say to something like this. I'm getting the feeling that you believe because the rocket launcher has a reasonable splash radius, that a prediction weapon which works mostly off hoping you predicted correctly takes more skill. There's a clear difference between skill and a weapon that can pull off miracles if it works.

I can sit here and joke around about "shoot feet, get kill heh", but in all honesty, the rocket launcher is as good as you make it. The skill involved depends solely on the player, not the weapon like it does for the huntsman. I do, however, have to say the huntsman is a fun weapon but I can't and will never be able to take it as a viable choice between the two.

Believe me, I recognize the utility and strength of the RL

posted about 11 years ago
#106 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion
kirbyBut there's not actually any skill involved with engineer. Sentry placement is hardly "skill", let alone strategy. I'm not trying to bash you (if you play engineer), the class or any other people who main it in HL, but we have to be real about this eventually.

This applies even more so to a mini-sentry, and even more so a sentry gun with a shield

you have a really narrow view of tf2. what i'm saying is "real". try playing stock engineer in a 5cp, it's grueling. engineer isn't just about sentry placement, an engineer that spams minis isn't going to get anything done (in a pub maybe). engies need to know when it's safe to haul, what placements are going to offer the best protection without being too vulnerable(often decided by a few inches), when to turtle or retreat leaving your buildings to be destroyed. do you build a tele at forward spawn or does the enemy team have enough momentum to push you back? and so on. yes you've got buildings to work for you but the best engineers do oh so much more micro-managing. plus, if your team's not on the ball, even a good engineer won't be able to get much done. if you're judging engineers off of dustbowl matches they aren't the most shining examples of good players.

and what's there to say regarding the huntsman, it takes much more skill than the rl to be effective at high levels, simple as that.

posted about 11 years ago
#105 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion
smakers18 players in a server automatically means chaos. Chaos breeds randomness. It could be argued that randomness happens in 6v6 as well--and it does, but it's not a component in -every- game. I would argue that UGC HL does require as much skill as 6v6 to play at a high level, but it's an entirely different kind of skill that is generally less dependent upon the ability to outplay the enemy attacking you (DM). Instead, you defeat them because your class pops them up in the air and has 37 different weapons that give guaranteed critical hits, or you have a gun that fires from a different position and has autoaim, etc.

In every 9v9 HL game, the following are all but guaranteed:
A player will get a backstab by stabbing an enemy in the face.
A pseudo-random mini-crit will occur at some point which will either trigger or stifle a push.
A pyro will ignite a cloaked or disguised spy by pure accident.
A perfect flank will be spoiled because one of the 9 players on the other team will be out of position.

Is it fun to play heavy and get headshot by a sniper when there is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent him from shooting you?
Is it fun to play scout and push only to find a sentry is in some random place which either kills you, weakens you, or gives away your otherwise perfect flank?
Is it fun to play medic and get cabered by a demo being an idiot?
Is it fun to play sniper and get focused by the enemy spy?
Is it fun to play engineer and have your buildings harassed by the spy?
Is it fun to play medic and get killed because your demo or soldier fired an explosive and a pyro intentionally or accidentally reflected it?
Is it fun to be a cloaked spy and get set on fire because you happened to walk around a corner where a pyro randomly walks through and clicks anywhere on his screen?
Is it fun to play soldier and be reflected/airblasted constantly by a pyro who then gets free criticals with any weapon he selects?
Is it fun to play medic and get stunned by a scout who accidentally hits a baseball at the right moment, then throws a guillotine causing you to drop the uber you couldn't even deploy due to the stun?

One of the required classes in HL has the role: "spin around randomly while holding m1 every 3 seconds to negate one of the other required classes."
One of the required classes in HL has the role: "right-click furiously to negate incoming explosive damage and to hopefully get critical damage with reflects."
One of the required classes in HL has the role: "run around building machines with 3 button presses (or less if you script it) that have autoaim and a potential for having 650hp).
One of the required classes in HL has the role which consists of going invisible and get instant kills on people who happen to be looking the other direction at that instant.

I think HL is a non-serious alternative to playing 6v6. I understand that many people take it very seriously, but for me, it's a joke and I play it in pugs because it's moderately less ridiculous than pubbing. I think it could be improved substantially with a new ruleset, and the vast majority of the randomness could be eliminated.

1) Soda popper - walking around for 13 seconds gives guaranteed mini-critical hits that have no damage falloff over distance. Gaining free crits can be controlled and can be transferred to secondary weapon as well. Run out? Run in circles for 13 seconds.
2) Bonk - 8 seconds of immunity (hello ubercharge?).
3) Crit-a-cola - gives guaranteed mini-critical hits and 25% speed boost.
4) Mad-Milk - Gives 60% of damage dealt back as health.
5) Pocket pistol - 140 base/210 buffed HP on a scout who is immune to falling damage.
6) Flying Guillotine - Gives guaranteed mini critical hits to players at long distances. Gives guaranteed hits to players who are stunned. Causes bleed in addition to the critical hits.
7) Sandman - Stuns enemies.
8) Atomizer - 3 jumps on a scout.
9) Cow Mangler - Unlimited ammo that has guaranteed mini-criticals.
10) Beggar's Bazooka - Fires 3 rockets almost simultaneously.
11) Battallion's Backup - 35% damage resistance, full critical damage resistance.
12) Concheror - 35% of damage dealt returns as heals, 35% speed boost to teammates.
13) Reserve Shooter - Guaranteed mini-criticals.
14) Right clicking causes enemies to lose 100% of their momentum and forces them into an upward arc that is identical 100% of the time.
15) Axtinguisher gives guaranteed criticals.
16) Backburner gives guaranteed criticals.
17) Flare gun gives guaranteed criticals.
18) Degreaser gives faster weapon swap making guaranteed criticals easier.
19) Detonator sets anyone on fire even if your aim is worse than terrible.
20) Third degree gives guaranteed criticals.
21) Phlogistinator gives guaranteed criticals and health.
22) Manmelter sets people on fire from across the map... even faster... and takes no ammo.
23) Scorch shot knocks players back and sets multiple players on fire by shooting the ground.
24) Reserve shooter gives guaranteed criticals.
25) Loch n Load - one-hits 125hp classes.
26) Ullapool Caber - Instantly kills medics (and anyone under 184 health) with no aim required.
27) Natascha - Slows players.
28) Sandvich - Medic got hurt due to poor positioning? Give him free health! Heavy got hurt? Give him free health! ____ got hurt?! Give him free health!
29) GRU - Heavy is no longer speed penalized.
30) Fists of Steel - Bad positioning? No problem! Pull these out and retreat for free! Even a fully charged headshot will only do 270 damage.
31) Sentry guns - Auto aim. Auto aim. Auto aim. Auto aim. Auto aim.
32) Frontier Justice - Guarantees criticals. How do you get criticals? Via the incredibly difficult task of deploying auto-aim machines of course!
33) Rescue Ranger - Heals auto-aim weapons from anywhere on the map.
34) Short circuit - negates explosives.
35) Gunslinger - Makes auto-aim machines build in 1 second. Makes auto-aim machine take 100 metal instead of 125. Gives engineer 25 extra health as well.
36) Wrangler - Makes auto-aim machine have double fire rate. Makes auto-aim machine have 300-650 health.
37) Sydney Sleeper - Zoom for one second and hit an enemy, guarantee 8 seconds of mini-criticals on them (also nullifies spy cloak).
38) Machina - 173 damage for fully charged body shot that also penetrates enemies.
39) Jarate - Guaranteed mini-criticals with minimal aim.
40) Darwin's Danger Shield - 25 extra health as well as 15% damage resistance. Quick headshots don't kill you.
41) Cleaner's Carbine - Gives guaranteed criticals.
42) Enforcer - Tons of damage.
43) Diamondback - Guaranteed criticals after sapping a building.
44) Spy-cicle - Silent kills, immune to fire for 2 seconds after initial fire damage.
45) Dead Ringer - You already have invisibility based on a timer and invisibility based on movement. You even have a million percent extra invisiblity by using the le'tranger. Do you really need unlimited feigning and 300 health? No. Just no.

Why are these allowed? It is -never- fun to die simply because someone had one of these items equipped.

In 6v6, it's fun to play scout and die to a demo because you can say to yourself, "oh, I just approached him from the wrong angle and couldn't close in fast enough" or "I just missed my shots". It's then fun to correct the error and get the kill next time because you were clever and got the drop on the demo, or because you simply hit your shots while making him miss his shots.

these are terrible (and erroneous) knee-jerk assessments of weapons. i'm so sorry the diamondback is overpowered. play a different game if you don't want sentry guns.

posted about 11 years ago
#96 Why do so many people bash 9v9? in TF2 General Discussion

i love how someone earlier mentioned low level HLs are bind-spamming trolls because there's no difference in low level 6s, it's arguably worse from my experience.

JasNo one good at the game would actually try to main engineer.

that's a really close-minded viewpoint. i think the problem is so many people value DM over strategy that engineer, being almost strictly strat-oriented (though a good shotgun engie can get shit done) gets made fun of because of his "aimbots". 6s is just a way to escape the perceived "no-skill" classes, it's just kind of a childish thing, to stick one's hands over one's eyes and pretend these classes don't exist.

there's the argument that "this is slow, we need to speed up the game" but you run into problems when the game you're playing is slow by nature so you have to cut out classes.

a lot of 6s players are pretty scummy in the sense that they were fine with all these hidden sticky spots that valve fixed recently but probably would have bitched if they got killed with a huntsman arrow when something like the rocket launcher is 10 times as easy to use as the huntsman effectively aye yai yai

posted about 11 years ago
#255 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 11 years ago
#157 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion
BlueberryVillainSeems like alot of pro quick fix posts and some good thought provoking ones from mixup. On the other hand, Killings original post has a shit ton of plus frags. Not really adding up.

frags and ratings are inherently flawed because it's easy to write off a post with a ton of minus frags without giving it a fair chance, and vice versa. i think the plus frags for the OP were just saying like "hey thanks for letting us know" or something?

posted about 11 years ago
#142 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion

what ever happened to those pick/ban pugs? remember how excited and riled people got when sal came back with the comp news from valve, and how it seemed like big changes were afoot? i'd like to see less theorycrafting, more action, and more feedback. it might be hard work but dammit it's all beneficial to the game's growth. i want to see threads on this forum detailing strategies and some good concrete discussion, this is supposed to be the epicenter of comp tf2, no? threads on shirtless competitive players are fine too but i think a lot of the QF backlash can be attributed to pure laziness. if after extensive testing and feedback it truly is decided that it doesn't benefit 6s i'm fine with it being banned, but hard work is never a waste of time when you're helping the game we all love grow

posted about 11 years ago
#90 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion
crespiI think the worst part about the quick fix that I haven't seen mentioned (or perhaps haven't noticed,) is that it seems to eventually force both teams to use it. Before you disregard that and assert the notion that kritz destroys quick fix, consider the possibility that switching to kritz isn't 100% fool proof.

I hate to use what happened at LAN as an example because of the context that requires consideration with LAN. Nevertheless, I asked a few LAN players myself about their significant use of the quick fix at LAN, and the general consensus was that they were forced to use quick fix to keep up with the other team.

If it is arguably so, that it is difficult to avoid using quick fix against a team who is using it, then I think that blows. I don't think it's 'fun' to have to use a certain weapon just because the other team is, and thus be forced to play a certain way.

I do NOT think that the ONLY way to counter quick fix is using it yourself, but it seems that as of right now, it is difficult to argue otherwise. There is much to be considered, and it's easy to make different arguments.

I don't want to buy into the notion of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em," and that's because I don't want to feel like my options are limited because of another teams choice of medigun.

so maybe I'm just arguing with myself on this one, but I hope we can all agree that even being forced to at least consider HAVING to use a certain weapon because the other team is doing so, is lame and not fun.

ep, boston basher, gunboats

don't see why those weapons should get a pass just because they're the league's darlings

on top of that i'm reminded of all the whining when the EP got a (well-deserved) nerf, in contrast with the QF ruling. it's obvious so many competitive players pick favorites

posted about 11 years ago
#78 ESEA Quick Fix Ruling in TF2 General Discussion

making a decision like this is like getting all hot and bothered, then trying to talk rationally when you're still horny. should have jerked off first, then with peace of mind discussed the QF and its impact on the game

posted about 11 years ago
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