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#15 New Pub Server in TF2 General Discussion

i'm not even gonna bring up banning weapons on pubs but faster respawn times are the antithesis of "balance". good luck pushing off advantages

posted about 10 years ago
#20 What are your thoughts on... in TF2 General Discussion

heal rates scale up over time so it caps off at 9 / s as well

posted about 10 years ago
#11 The Funkgineer - Engineering by Mighty Burger in TF2 General Discussion

nice vid and nice music, KOTH lvl 3s are ballsy

edit: after going to your channel i recognize some of your past videos, keep it up

posted about 10 years ago
#97 thoughts on blackbox and shotgun roam in TF2 General Discussion
hoolinot in all situations, there are situations when the only reason you're alive is because you were running bb, you said it yourself

in that case you put yourself in an advantageous situation and one that your opponents can't easily adapt too, thus you outplayed them

hooli@Lunacide, you cannot tell me that you you will have some kind of indication that someone is running bb at all times. there will be instances where there are no indications and you may lose simply because the other guy was running bb.

if there are no indications that means the soldier has his primary holstered which puts him at a disadvantage immediately

posted about 10 years ago
#93 thoughts on blackbox and shotgun roam in TF2 General Discussion

you are a better soldier if you know you do better with BB and you choose it over your other options and don't honor code yourself because you perceive weapons as stupid

posted about 10 years ago
#61 pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion're kidding right?

How about a rundown:

1shot per 30 Metal. So right out of the gate, you have 6 shots. Starting right here it's now currently a shotgun, but you need to loot metal to reload. However, you regen 1 metal per 1 damage dealt, or so it appears after about 5 minutes of testing.

So, in order to completely regen your shot, you need to do 30 damage per shot. At close range you deal about 9 damage per pellt, this means you need to hit 3/10 pellets fired to regen your metal. So at close range, as long as you hit ~30% of your shots. You have infinite ammo.

At medium range, this lowers to around 6 damage/pellet. So you need to hit 5/10 pellets. This means as long as you hit half your shots, you have infinite ammo.

Now, people don't all completely suck at this game, and can actually hit their shots. So as long as they aren't chipping you for 3 damage at long range, widowmaker will effectively give you infinite ammo without the need of reloading. Even the random scrub can hit a few shots, get all their ammo back and get 7-9 loaded shots, before considering ammo packs, and before considering looting 100/kill.

Now: compare it to the shotgun. Why in the hell wouldn't this be banned?

jesus dude if you can't handle a skill-indexed engineer shotgun that gives you infinite ammo if used right you really are a bad player who's being coddled

it doesn't one-shot. it doesn't drain uber or cloak. it doesn't heal your sentry. it's just a fucking shotgun that rewards good aim. you're still a 125 HP class that no one in their right mind chooses in 6s except on lasts and gravel pit (if that was still played).

and you know what? in those rare moments people will just pick the default shotgun because it won't drain the metal supply that's also used for buildings (did you forget about that part?)

it's not overpowered in any format, not even 1v1. it's just a case of whoever makes these arbitrary bans not giving a shit and trying to downplay engie, and you know it.

posted about 10 years ago
#51 pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion
kaceMan the only person who has no idea why items are banned is you.

you know why the widowmaker is banned?

it's more than that, giving reasons is just a way for leagues to appear more professional, i'm not even arguing against banning/allowing right now, but if you're a new player looking into competitive tf2 wouldn't you like to be given reason? it would help dispel some notions people have about comp

some people just won't settle for cheap talk is all (if they get even that)

posted about 10 years ago
#47 pick/ban system in TF2 General Discussion

i would like to see leagues provide actual reasons behind why certain items are banned, through demos or logs or whatever. never see that, seems like bans are just done under the table and the public has no idea why but goes along with it

for instance why is the widowmaker banned in any league. thats just class bias showing through clear as day. its "skill-indexed" and all those other buzzwords comp loves

"too many weapons" is a baby's excuse, its a mark of a good player to identify what enemies are running and react accordingly

and for the record conch plays a sound indicator basically everywhere on the map so you will know it's coming, if you get fucked by a conch push you weren't properly prepared.

also if pick/ban happens again stock absolutely should be subject to the same ban system unlocks are; they're not the base on which you balance, you balance to the game as a whole.

posted about 10 years ago
#107 2/7 tf2 update in TF2 General Discussion

dota also makes minute changes in patches, that may not seem big at first but add up over time. there's also the factor that even "showcasing" a weapon in patch notes leads to players using it (don't know about you but i've seen more nataschas lately)

valve is just taking it slow balance-wise. and why wouldn't they? last time they went balls out with an unlock (short circuit) there was massive backlash.

RagorismThe actual issue with the Short Circuit is very apparent, but they skirt the issue by adding a negative attribute that only affects one 'playstyle', that can easily be circumvented by briefly switching weapons.

what is the actual issue? they already nerfed its offensive capabilities greatly, you chew through metal fast, faster if you're erasing projectiles. the defensive playstyle was the thing people were starting to get antsy about, because it made nest-breaking harder, so they addressed it. in the seconds it takes to switch weapons and gain back metal that could mean two stickies at your feet. tf2 is a game of seconds so this impacts way more than is apparent from looking at patch notes

posted about 11 years ago
#58 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion

if you want to quash any real discussion where everyone isn't in agreement with each other and just be set in your circlejerk say so now so i can stop wasting my time here

posted about 11 years ago
#56 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion

nice, i wondered when the ugc links were going to get posted in a totally scummy fucking attempt to discredit anyone who speaks against the mold. it happened when i tried talking on ugc as well.

just downfrag and move on if you don't want to talk

posted about 11 years ago
#41 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion
I'm not trying to give universal solutions, just throwing ideas out. You don't push every point the same. I know what I wrote looks weird (tbh i was thinking gully last) but I would rather give fringe advice than be a defeatist waiting for a nerf. What if it stays in whitelists?

It's a matter of perspective. What I'm saying only sounds weird in the context of current HL.

It's semi universal that points are lead with an ubered demo , there are exceptions but the damage dealing class demo is heavily involved. I'm trying to figure out what pushes will be like without that damage.

I honestly can see the admins not banning it, they can be very lenient with unlocks in ugc. If it does, I'm glad I decided not to play soldier or demo.

And if Demos no longer become the most viable uber candidate every single push, what happens? Is that inherently bad? Like you said, other classes would have to put out damage but you've got stuff like CaC, banners, and Phlog (if only) that could make up for lost DPS. It would require a shift in how teams play, for sure. Hell, demoknight is great against short circuit engies, i'm not making a dumb joke here. (half of what i'm typing is plagiarized from another forumgoer by the way) It all comes down to whether or not leagues want a serious change in play. if they don't think HL can be improved I can't really vouch for the Circuit

And again, for all it's been discussed, the lack of a wrangler would be interesting

posted about 11 years ago
#36 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion
ReasonerbastidThe counter to short circuit Engies is hitscan. Hitscan, flames, bison, will still destroy an Engie with the short circuit out. Pushes have to be approached with less of an explosive class mindset if the enemy is running it. Yeah it's "speeding up" in the literal sense of the word but a Concheror Heavy push I can see being pretty brutal. You can flash your Pyro to ensure he airblasts away the Engie so that he can't block shots on the combo with the SC, things like that. And through all this he has no Wrangler. Which is going to be huge no matter the weapon trade-off.

I'm more saying Demoman not being so dominant is interesting. I don't like stalemates either.

Just curious, do you have any hl experience? Because your ideas of ubering heavies in and pyros (to airblast an engineer away ?) are pretty ridiculous . I'm just trying to imagine a heavy push into 2nd point croissant, and how you think that would work.

I'm not trying to give universal solutions, just throwing ideas out. You don't push every point the same. I know what I wrote looks weird (tbh i was thinking gully last) but I would rather give fringe advice than be a defeatist waiting for a nerf. What if it stays in whitelists?

It's a matter of perspective. What I'm saying only sounds weird in the context of current HL.

posted about 11 years ago
#29 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion
CygnastyLet's make this clear, I'm not upset that this weapon makes the engineer threatening or important.

In general, HL is a very slow gamemode. In PL you're artificially limited by the speed of the cart, and on 5cp the speed of your heavy/pyro/engi/spy mean that pushing with momentum often isn't possible, especially on larger maps (CP_Croissant I'm looking at you). Like any major tweak to any weapon, this will make changes in the HL metagame.

The most prevalent change that it will have is that you must kill the engineer before the push, otherwise 70% or more of your damage is just... gone. You're essentially pushing one man down.

The difference between the Engineer in this case and the skilled Sniper and well-positioned Pyro is that there are counters to these classes that are not simply "kill the class." While, of course, killing them is a good idea, pushing through a choke away from the Pyro essentially nullifies him as long as you have a player on your team shooting him during the uber. Pushing through an angle not covered by the Sniper is also an easy way to greatly increase your chances of a successful push.

There isn't another counter to an Engineer with Short Circuit aside from killing him. He can sit by the combo with a dispenser and literally deny any and all projectiles for 2 full minutes, and that's if he's dumb and NOT timing his shots.

There is nothing interesting about a Demoman not being a damage dealer. Pushes in HL succeed because Demomen do damage for their team to clean up. Without a Demoman's damage, other classes are forced to put out more damage, which simply isn't going to be possible with the enormous amount of HP spread across 9 overhealed players. This means more pushes will fail simply because Short Circuit exists. Failed pushes mean more stalemates.

Again, stalemates are basically the farthest thing from interesting.

The counter to short circuit Engies is hitscan. Hitscan, flames, bison, will still destroy an Engie with the short circuit out. Pushes have to be approached with less of an explosive class mindset if the enemy is running it. Yeah it's "speeding up" in the literal sense of the word but a Concheror Heavy push I can see being pretty brutal. You can flash your Pyro to ensure he airblasts away the Engie so that he can't block shots on the combo with the SC, things like that. And through all this he has no Wrangler. Which is going to be huge no matter the weapon trade-off.

I'm more saying Demoman not being so dominant is interesting. I don't like stalemates either.

posted about 11 years ago
#23 Short Circuit fix in TF2 General Discussion
Kanecolol, no?

Ever since the equalizer was split I run pain train very consistently as roamer.

Granted that is not a balanced split for a weapon like the wrangler, it would have to be another kind of balance

I meant no one uses the Equalizer. The Pain Train was good before the split

posted about 11 years ago
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