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Last Posted July 9, 2015 at 4:03 PM
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#14 eXtv-Vlog: The Future in TF2 General Discussion
KevinIsPwnDid you hear yourself say that? There is no downside to running GRU on heavy over stock. You run with it during rollout and don't switch when you're at mid and you get to mid with your team for no downsides. Which makes it OP.

It's overpowered compared to the underpowered existing options (minus FOS I guess). By itself it's fine, Heavies don't make big impacts at mid anyway, any good team can focus fire them down, as has been demonstrated in the recent showmatches. Also isn't Escape Plan the same thing?

KevinIsPwnWHY WOULD YOU WANT THAT? There are people that have devoted 1000s of hours to this game why the FUCK would you want random shitters to replace them? I'm sure your youtube audience loves to hear that, but like... that just sounds like a really stupid idea. You can do the local thing with good players...

Random shitters = new players???

KevinIsPwnBecause that version of tf2 is the one we can play 5 nights a week 3 hours a night without having fucking aneurysms and killing ourselves.

This must mean 6s is an anti-competitive hugbox :)

posted about 10 years ago
#154 Smissmass Update: New Weapons and Gamemodes! in TF2 General Discussion

try a crosspost in the regular tf2 subreddit, valve reads there more often. also some demos on truetf2 want the bug to stay rofl

posted about 10 years ago
#48 Smissmass Update: New Weapons and Gamemodes! in TF2 General Discussion

they were pretty smart to sprinkle the 3 nerfs over the patch notes to not piss off too many people. i think it's good though.

posted about 10 years ago
#38 Smissmass Update: New Weapons and Gamemodes! in TF2 General Discussion
AlwaysTeapot_the demoman nerf actually seems pretty reasonable.
The thing is, its not much of a nerf. The radius is decreased by 15%, and thats when it first exits the launcher, and it reverts back to normal radius by a mere 2 seconds, which isnt really that much, considering that the damage isn't affected by the change at all.

the damage is also down by about ~20, and the radius is now in line with rockets always, so

posted about 10 years ago
#2 Smissmass Update: New Weapons and Gamemodes! in TF2 General Discussion


posted about 10 years ago
#46 Valve's Game - Ze Knutsson Rollerbladers vs. big boy bonjour in Events
unfstart with all weapons banned
then pick 6-10 weapons which cannot be picked
then pick 2-3 weapons per class besides stock weapons that both teams can utilize

this way you have adaptation and foresight

How many unlocks are worth running full time though?

If that system was put into place there'd need to be more than like 10 good ones. You wouldn't ban something with no impact on the game, and you wouldn't run something that was niche or useless.

It's not a bad idea, but it would require Valve to actually superbuff a lot of shit. And I don't see why stock shouldn't be bannable too.

posted about 10 years ago
#25 Valve's Game - Ze Knutsson Rollerbladers vs. big boy bonjour in Events

Hm so that was basically the same thing as last week? BFB dominates, Engie/Heavy/Pyro are shit even with unlocks, Quick-Fix is mostly run but some Kritz plays destroyed it, Demo is still the best. It's all there in the VODs.

I still don't think the teams really fully explored their options, especially for BFB: even if it sounds stupid I want to see how Natascha, Beggar's, etc. counter it. Would be interesting to see Scout class limits at 1 as some people brought up.

Props to the casters for being open-minded, makes for much more interesting commentary than complaining about certain weapons. Really fun games.

posted about 10 years ago
#65 stabby-stabby leaving TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordI'd be absolutely fine with no nerf, but if there were to be a nerf I think it'd have to be in ammo count, nothing else proposed would help balance or even be neutral to balance in 6v6 (which is the only thing that really matters, for reasons I can go into if you are incredulous of such a view)

*plays 6s and is a demomain* only 6s matters and demo doesn't deserve a nerf

posted about 10 years ago
#111 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion

8th graders thinking they're too cool to hang with 7th graders

posted about 10 years ago
#95 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion

why does the frag system still exist or why can't you see who's + and - fragging you yet

posted about 10 years ago
#89 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion

it's not being weak- it's not wanting to put up with shitheads as outlined in this thread.

posted about 10 years ago
#87 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion
clckwrkthis forum is just about as politically correct as smashboards. you must not know much about that community at all if you think it's 100% politically correct

rofl you can literally read posts by people like westballz and mango that would make you think it's by far worse than anything you've read here. ive read threads surrounding the hate around a transgendered person

the reason it worked out for smash is because A) they were extremely lucky and B) smash is like a novelty game. there aren't many people in the world who don't have a nice memory about playing melee as a kid. they all like it and theyre all familiar with it, which is why it gets like hundreds of thousands of viewers for evo. smash also has a very supportive community, but seriously it's not worlds ahead of ours by any means

o yeah i meant the smash 4 section. live games are also different. shit talking is funny but you can't really risk much if you want new blood. because that ends up attracting the snotty pubstar hybrids instead of the players you desire.

posted about 10 years ago
#57 stabby-stabby leaving TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
marmadukeGRYLLSi mean those changes were the dota equivalent of buffing a hero to god tier. it's gonna be 100% ban or damn near it, and a month or two later they nerf that hero because oh shit we made him TOO good, but it doesn't break the game because you can just opt to not deal with that via banning.

esea banned quickfix. it's pretty much exactly the same thing except instead of reworking it again they said wow you guys dont accept our item we're done with you!

how does ugc deal with the quickfix if it's so bad? i know the 6s scene is weak but still. and wasnt heavy a factor in the ban too? he's been nerfed since then. i don't really wanna get into this again but i'm just saying. of course valve definitely needs to follow up on balancing, still haven't gotten that fucking sticky nerf.

PAPASTAINI'm getting reminders of when etf2l told people that you can't use the tftrue setting that reverts the sticky bomb change, during the week-ish that was a thing, and people genuinely telling the admin that they're killing the game

etf2l is trying out new unlocks and players are telling them the same thing, lol. one of the funny things is 90% of that shit will never get used in a match anyway. give players a chance and theyll figure out counters to the stuff that does get used, anyway. the guy that hosts arena:respawn tells me teams figured out counters to shit like the short circuit, which as we know is something of a task to get pubbers and 6s/HL players to do

posted about 10 years ago
#82 New Perspective in TF2 General Discussion

if you want comp tf2 to grow you can't fling shit for laffs because of the small size of the scene, it leaves much more of an impression. if a new player comes here and reads all the toxicity, well why the fuck would they want to stay, they're not legacy players, they're not in good with the vets, there's nothing for them really. the sort of gang mentality here just serves to deflate enthusiasm and quash real discussion

If you want to compare TF2 to Smash Bros as some posters have done, Smashboards is 100% politically correct and it has worked out very very well for them. it's a very fun community without being, like, whitebread. if someone complains about a character, they are laughed away instead of here where people just love to jack off to pyro hate for example (which is actually really anti-competitive in the first place). even if you don't really believe that, you'd have to be stupid not to realize posting it on a public forum is a bad idea

You basically have to ask yourself if you want to keep veteran TF2 players around or introduce new blood onto the scene, because finding a happy medium seems to be impossible. If it's the latter, sacrifices and changes will have to be made. somehow i don't think the majority of players actually want that though. they want to keep 6s a social thing, and keep it the same.

I guess the point is the central hub for comp TF2 doesn't act like it.

posted about 10 years ago
#47 stabby-stabby leaving TF2 in TF2 General Discussion
MunchTF2 doesn't have any of this. It's impossible to innovate or change the meta when the game itself barely changes at all, or more shit gets added in that's completely useless anyways. The unlock stat changes that got them were kind of interesting for a while, but it seems like Valve just stopped caring about it once again.

Valve used to make big changes, but players (pub and comp) flipped out on them and scared them into ever changing the game up again. Even if you didn't like them (do you really think Dota players graciously accept every change?), Quick-Fix, Short Circuit, Sticky nerf were all big Dota-style changes that the community rejected to keep the game the same.

posted about 10 years ago
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