Account Details
SteamID64 76561198059177902
SteamID3 [U:1:98912174]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:49456087
Country Canada
Signed Up August 7, 2014
Last Posted January 5, 2023 at 1:48 PM
Posts 896 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.15
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
60 hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse HP USB 3-Button Optical
Keyboard KWD 855
Mousepad Roccat Taito King-Size 5mm
Headphones HyperX Cloud III White/Pink
Monitor HP 2310 LCD
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#17 Rewind II Photos and Video Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Photos should be uploaded and processed now to the gallery, a fantastic job by my partner-in-crime Jasbutts for processing and organizing through them as well as doing splendid work, I really like the shots this year. A big shoutout to Moof for lending us her gear such as another body and lenses for usage during this LAN, they helped out a ton and really saved our budget, thanks a million!

That means I can finally grab the best photo I took at this LAN and make this:

posted about 6 years ago
#10 lan sickness in TF2 General Discussion

Sunday evening I figured it was just my body being tired after screaming my lungs out though I imagine that didn't help

Come Monday I am running a fever and the nearest pharmacy is right near the building it is just 6 lanes of LA traffic ahead and my everything hurts and later during the week which was supposed to be vacation week there are chills and violent coughing and mass dehydration and phlegm is everywhere who the fuck did this I want names

posted about 6 years ago
#1 Ready Up: Competitive Team Fortress 2 Premiere in Events

posted about 6 years ago
#106 Rewind II details revealed in News
WadeESAhype news about prize pool.

That makes a total of over $12,600 prize pool right now, including the Matcherino's raised funds.

posted about 6 years ago
#12 "S " stands for .. in Videos

When ShaDowBurn Is In (OMG!)

posted about 6 years ago
#2 SVIFT drops out of ETF2L Season 29 in News

The door slams open and Gemm runs in, disheveled and frantic. The pen behind his ear falls off as he nearly slips on a sheet of paper, lying on the ground of the dark office. He regains his balance as he lunges for the computer chair of where editor Hudsyn sits. He barely misses Uberchain standing to the side with a mug of hot chocolate in her hand, who Concor stands to the opposite side of with his arms folded. "It's here, I have it..." Gemm breathes, swiftly holding up his notepad, but Hudsyn shakes his head before he can finish.

"Gemm," Hudsyn says, his voice soft in sympathy; in defeat. He beckons to the computer monitor that him, Uberchain, and Concor face. "I'm sorry. The stars will not shine on us tonight. In fact, the stars have aligned in their favour." The atmosphere is grim as all three figures turn to look behind him, and the urgency on Gemm's face soon collapses. He sees what appears on the computer screen his fellow writers stare at.

There, on the forums of, is a thread that has marked their downfall. Titled: "SVIFT EU IS FuCKinG DEAD". Furthermore, it is apparent that the OP has gained his next nerd star from this post. Gemm's fingers go limp, and to the floor falls his notepad - a statement from SMVZI, underneath the title "SVIFT disbands for Season 29". It's happened again. The prioritizing of actual importance in regards to real lives have cost them time once more. In their heads, each writer already prepares their excuse as to why the article is belated.

However, a hand rests on Gemm's shoulder, squeezing it with as much reassurance and empathy as was possible within that moment. "It's good; take the LEGO piece so we can double up," Hudsyn says. He reaches down to pick up the notepad. "We'll finish this off. I won't let this discourage you as long as Tery is fighting for all of us." With that, all four of them turn towards a dimly-lit desk. A pencil scratches paper furiously. Tery continues to write without hesitation. The lamp on his deck flickers a little more brightly with each sentence finished, and the smell of vanilla wafts from a television nearby. And Gemm is inspired, because it reminds them all of better days.

posted about 6 years ago
#5 is it me or is searching for threads broken in Site Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#8 Ascent.EU rebuilds roster for ETF2L Season 29 in News

Being a writer on volunteer and waiting for things as well as having other IRL responsibilities like

posted about 6 years ago
#4 whats on the back of the i61 medal? in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 6 years ago
#318 Say something nice about the person above you in Off Topic

almost has his 2nd nerd star!

posted about 6 years ago
#60 Danish upcoming lan? in LAN Discussion

wait only if they're gonna hook me up with some irl medals like at i46 and i52's highLANder tournaments with free pizza and beer

posted about 6 years ago
#59 Danish upcoming lan? in LAN Discussion


posted about 6 years ago
#2 pink water problem in Q/A Help

Hi, I like pink. Broken cubemaps, I was told verifying your game cache should do it.
You pink-hating piece of shit.

posted about 6 years ago
#22 AGDQ 2018 in Off Topic

After Dark and Awful Block had some really enjoyable stuff. Serious Sam 3, El Matador, Toy Story, Superman 64, Arabian Nights, Enviro-bear (EAT THE FISH), and LTTP randomizer were really fun due to the couch and/or the runners. LTTP last year was great because of Patty and Andy's banter and it was good to see Patty back for this segment.

I also tuned in a bit for the OOT/BOTW runs and IWBTB/IWRTR because I like those games, peeked at the blindfolded bosses of DS3, I'll probably watch a few more later this week.

posted about 6 years ago
#4914 stream highlights in Videos
actually mouse slaying

posted about 6 years ago
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