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Last Posted January 5, 2023 at 1:48 PM
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#191 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Also I was also saving this for the expansion DLC/not to get booted from the TFTV Slack but fuck it.

DreamHack Winter 2016: Battle of the North, hosted by Essentials.TF, streamed on TFTV, post-i58. Still dating.

sops"Guy's I've seen dashner being a total prick and abusive towards members of the staff, this isn't right, anybody else noticed that? What can we do?"

I ended up threatening to leave him, he apologized and said he was sorry, and then I apologized to him for being a terrible person to him, overreacting to him changing the stream key, and we forgave and forgot.

I wish I hadn't. I wish I had done it there and then. I'm sorry I backed out.

At this point, Overwatch had been picking up TF2 players and I was convinced TF2 wasn't really worth staying in because he said we couldn't stay here, but I didn't want a stream compromised because of a grudge. This is probably what he cites when he tells our friends that I threatened and tried to smear him and kill his career. So, I'll show that side of me to you then, if it means showing you this side of him.

posted about 4 years ago
#189 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
FuxxIdeally by the police, through evidence, through the instruments of a nation's Law

Alright look I was going to save this for my expansion DLC of "how dashner fucked me up and why I'm repeating myself on why people like me and our friends let him get away with these atrocities when we shouldn't have" and I'm probably literally repeating what people have already said that you know too but you haven't listened to, but here's The Classic Uberchain Nerd Essay™ of what happened back when (and why) Pregugate 2018 (and disheartened, well-meaning upset Czech lads who want to beat the shit out of Dashner, nonces, and predators) got met with the response it did and I feel like this is important for others to hear too even if it's disheartening

GetawhaleLast time, after the uberchain thread, he came to me in PM saying he was going to be pursuing legal action against her

So, this is not the first time I am hearing about this. Somebody else approached me around the same time telling me "Dashner messaged me saying this wasn't true, he said he was going to reach out to a lawyer about this, and then at some point he deleted all his messages to me about the matter".

I did not have money during that time to be sued with a libel and defamation lawsuit, which in Canada last time I checked, is easier to sue for than in the United States. This man raped me, sexually coerced me, manipulated and gaslit me, and he still had the audacity to see if he could push legal action against me for fucking libel, which is why I basically never dropped his name publicly and tried to resort to private resolution. Is he likely to win? I have no clue (answer is probably no, maybe it's a stronger case now that I have name-dropped him even though what I'm saying is true), but I was not ready to deal with that financially or mentally. He also knows where I live and some of the names of my family members, so in the worst case situation, I wondered if he might blackmail me (he has blackmailed Console in the esports industry for Christ's sake, WHILE DATING HIM) or my family.

I've got logs of him, but since they are written logs and not recorded on audio (where sometimes in various places, there are laws that make recordings invalid due to consent), there's a good chance it can be met with the "lol I didn't type that somebody else like my mom or my cat in the house did" defense. Additionally, how he raped me might not even be considered rape in his jurisdiction. I was 100% on board for Console to push his case legally and brush up on my own legalese and hit up a local crisis center to help me out on it because maybe by 2019 his province's laws would be clearer on what I can and can't do, but after Console confirmed this:

Console-I have reached out to the police (my cousin is a state trooper who has worked the past 20 years solely on domestic abuse cases) and unfortunately because it is a he said/he said and it is across country borders there's not much that can be done

I basically was back to square one of realizing the statistical 6% will probably work against me. Console has an answer for the people who went BU-BUT POLIS??? PROPER AUTHORITIES??? WRONG WAY OF DOING THIS!!! to me. It's not that fucking simple. I know people want it to be because that's how it should work, but it isn't.

Then, there was Console himself.

When Console, still very much in love with Dashner, told me at i65 he thought Dashner was getting better, and apologized on behalf of Dashner: I realized there was nothing I could tell him that wouldn't make him defensive and think I was in the wrong. Dashner still had him. I could tell because I saw myself when I was dating Alex: the troubled and struggling alcoholic who just wanted to make a difference, that I constantly had to apologize for and said I had faith in him that he would be able to become a better person. Not the man who was a monster.

Could I have prevented it with an earlier warning - with how much I've heard Dashner apparently convincingly lie about me and other people? Regardless of if I answer yes or no to this: he fooled so many of our mutual friends, my past partners, my current partners, and this community. He fooled me. Tagg warned me, family warned me, friends warned me. And I didn't listen.

That's the worst part: love for your lover and/or friend. It blinds you to reason and logic, and sometimes it takes ages for what other people, even your closest friends or family, warn you about to make you realize that you've been wrong about the person you're involved with all along. And then, the worst part is when people decide to tell you "I told you so" to your face at your lowest point. As if we didn't feel stupid or like it was our fault already. And the cycle begins.

You probably want the same thing we all do: for victims to be listened to and to be encouraged to speak up. Me and Console agreed that we needed to do so after realizing he hasn't changed since he did it to me, and there will probably be others (and there has been). What you fail to realize (and people have already told you this and said this in this very thread) is that "we need to find a good solution that works" "support and believe the victims" is so insulting and stirs a reaction from people is because, after everybody has stated specific examples of WHY this never works out all the time, it oversimplifies the extent of how complicated, psychologically and systematically difficult it is to listen to victims; due to victim-blaming, doubt of a victim's account, or what you're doing: prioritizing the abuser rather than helping the abuser's current victims first.

You might think this isn't what you're doing and you probably didn't intend for it to come off that way, because of course just like everybody else, you want this monster stopped. But in calling current victims cowards and a part of the problem - which they absolutely end up agreeing with in their guilt and wonder if they should have ended up sacrificing their safety or reputation for somebody who might not even believe them - you drastically oversimplify the situation to the point of offensiveness, even with good intentions. And you end up accidentally - despite your end goal being the same as everybody else's - contributing to victims not wanting to speak up. We are not just afraid of our abusers or the people who will call us liars. We are afraid of people like you.

Also idk if you were being serious about this but:

Fuxxwe need to respect and support anyone who comes out to their fullest extent and give a good old asskicking to anyone who doesn't

This has a higher chance to absolutely get you sued and even jailed even if you have a very good reason to do it. This is why sometimes robbers who get the shit beaten out of them for robbing dudes can sue you for assault.

posted about 4 years ago
#127 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
Geel9I feel, in some way, responsible for my role -- such as it is -- in legitimizing Dashner through Ready Up / Rewind / etc. I know these are just a small part of his involvement in TF2, and my ability to "legitimize" someone isn't... much, but Ready Up was funded because of me and is still hosted on our YouTube. I'm open to thoughts as to what, if anything, to do on that front -- it wasn't solely Dashner's project, but he is listed prominently in the credits.

This was probably the wrong decision but by his request, I allowed Dashner to continue working on the film's post-process editing, even after our break-up, the alcoholism, the manipulation and gaslighting, and after being informed that a sexual experience I had with him was rape. Constantly I was told to get out and stop putting myself through it, but I wanted to make sure it was something that the TF2 community could watch and feel proud of, something that would really show how dedicated and passionate our scene is.

Dashner at the time seemed like the only answer since he was there with me during the birth of Ready Up as an idea. I knew he'd put in the most work and make sure it was really good, because that's what he cares about. I did like how Ready Up came out as a final film, regardless of the involvement of Dashner, and I think Dashner and Loris did a fantastic job with it since I had no professional film editing experience myself. But several things happened during the Ready Up process that felt terrible, and they were:

  • vacations like ESL NY 2017 being turned into business ventures when realistically we should have separated that, complicating and straining our relationship, because holy shit Redeye interview pog
  • collapsing under the weight of an expensive as fuck camera on a tripod at i58 because I'm a shrimp of a human being, filming Sideshow's production tour walkthrough that we couldn't even use because the LAV mic Ash lent us was broken
  • Dashner lashing out at Tagg for not doing enough work, rather than consider the limitations of how i58's venue was dark as fuck even for our expensive as fuck camera, which is why the only i58 photos that exist are players dragged onto the caster stage which was the most sufficient light source
  • Tagg denouncing his friendship with Dashner and his involvement with Ready Up because of how unorganized it all was and for being yelled at and demeaned for free work, and then telling me that maybe I should reconsider my relationship with Dashner and me not listening
  • Dashner asking if I had just gone to i58 just for the free LAN experience, accusing me of just using his money for vacations, and not to actually work only because he saw photos of me having fun without him at i58's afterparty (he would then later tell me when I expressed wanting to go to i61 either we both go to i61, or none of us go)
  • Dashner asking me last minute at Frankfurt on the way to i58 if I can turn around and fly back to Ontario to see him, but me saying I had to go and film for Ready Up, and holding it against me
  • Me agreeing with Dashner we need to bring on Loris because in my mind there was a chance this could go tits up if Dashner decided to have another Fuck TF2™ moodswing during editing
  • Dashner buying into an Adobe Premiere peer-to-peer deal for him and Loris despite not asking Geel for it first, and then realizing it was yearly, stressing he wouldn't pay for it and made it seem like the only sensible option for co-editing with it (it probably was), so I offered even though I made the lowest working wage on Ready Up's team
  • Me having to ask for my logo at the beginning and Dashner guilting me for it
  • Me being unable to ask for editing changes and Dashner telling me it was a pain in the ass to re-render (it is) and he and Loris should have full editing autonomy
  • Me being told that I disappointed Loris and Dashner when I said the ending could have gone in a different direction and Dashner guilting me for it
  • Dashner calling me useless
  • Dashner telling me Ready Up wouldn't have happened without him
  • Dashner telling me I didn't do enough work for it
  • Me still believing he was right to this day and being unable to work on that documentary without feeling like I wanted to kill myself

I almost decided not to go to Rewind 2 for the premiere of Ready Up because I didn't know if I could afford it after paying the buyout. But at the time because my mind was focused on "do it for TF2, they deserve nothing but the best" (which was learned during the Dashner era of production, coincidentally enough), all the pros to going seemed to make up for the cons. There was a bunch of people crowding me to hug me and tell me I did a great job when I burst into tears and bawled like a baby after the credits rolled. That wasn't pride and happiness that it was finally complete. That was me naively thinking, as I stood on stage next to him and had to hug him and thank the people that went to LAN that finally, I was free.

All of these decisions were probably the wrong ones to make, and I'm sorry for not informing you earlier about this and for thinking that this project took priority over not just me, but the community. I was part of the problem, and I see that now. I let superficial things like good production quality and making sure TF2 is represented well blind me to considering what would actually be healthy and right. To this day I still wonder if I should have just cancelled it and disappointed you, if I would've been capable of editing it if I had tried more, if I deserve to have my name on it still, if I should have let Loris do it by himself when I realized Loris was just as good as Dashner was with the advantage of actually still liking TF2. It's also why I'm sympathetic if Loris, who had spent a lot of time with Dashner, had been led by him to believe Dashner's side of the story over mine. And likewise, while I heavily disagree with what she did and am absolutely fucking torn about her dismissing me for Dashner and incredibly upset and angry for ignoring events pertaining to him and Nursey, I understand Sami riding or dying for TF2 because I've been there.

And despite everything, I understand Console's caring for him, and I wish Dashner had meant what he said when he claimed he would work on becoming a better person after I left. I wish he had actually become a better person. I still hope he does rather than keep hurting people, and keep running away from it all.

There's been moments where I felt like I lost Ready Up to my abuser and lose the right to say it was mine. But now that we're here, as co-director of Ready Up, I'd like for it to stay uploaded publicly. While people might sympathize with my experience but disagree in terms of how much actual involvement I had with it since I ended up not being part of the editing process, and most of my ideas were changed for Dashner's direction, I also worked hard on it, tried to film what I could with what limited technical knowledge I had, prepared interview questions and a skeleton storyline, and spent a good chunk of my life for the past few years focused on the film.

I don't want Dashner taking Ready Up away from me anymore. But I understand if you refuse to have his name associated with your brand.

posted about 4 years ago
#91 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion
SpriteuberchainI'm having a really hard time typing my side out because I do want to clarify and expand a lot of my original post from last year since some of it called out wasn't just Dashner, and point out which parts he was responsible for.
If more people are involved why aren't you name dropping them, if there are more rapists and pedos in the community why are you NOT exposing them???

Because the only sexual predator I expanded on details of in my original Twitter post was Dashner. Most of the people other than Dashner who were referenced in that specific post have already been driven out of the scene or called out. Any additional predators and abusers are people I don't know about and wish I knew about, but they're people who are still being hidden or hiding, and what's probably stopping them is victims who are scared to the bone of their abusers or people calling them out for being liars or being harassed even more. The people they do disclose the information to are begged and pleaded to stay silent, by the victims.

It's absolutely fucked up, I agree, but this is the mindset that goes through the heads of the abused. We still feel like they have control over us even when we're finally out and away from them.

EDIT: This is basically what happened with people like Jasbutts, who is a friend I trusted with this information, and for people who approached me and knew it was Dashner, in which I basically asked them to not tell anybody because I didn't know what Dashner would do if he found out. Anybody who worked with Dashner or were offered opportunities were people I told I wouldn't harbour ill feelings for, and who I didn't want announcing it publicly, out of fear of my safety.

posted about 4 years ago
#79 My Story With Dashner: A Thread in TF2 General Discussion

I'm having a really hard time typing my side out because I do want to clarify and expand a lot of my original post from last year since some of it called out wasn't just Dashner, and point out which parts he was responsible for.

For two years I just thought it'd be best to keep my mouth shut to make TF2 continue, to make sure good production quality was guaranteed or esports hookups or Ready Up. Then he almost got picked up for CPG19. And then was picked up officially for BTSTF2. And then he did this to somebody else, and it took Console telling me initially "I don't want to ruin TF2" that made me realize - this has to stop.

This is why we need to break this cycle in the old era of production. Because the idea that we can't talk about this, because people like Dashner were necessary somehow to make sure LANs kept happening, or people like all of froyotech's players were necessary to convince them to go, to make sure we keep having LANs to see the people we love or continue good competition, has warped our idea of what we need to sacrifice or put in to produce TF2. This isn't it. This was never it.

Because of Dashner being very good at the manipulation game for not only his partners but his friends and co-workers, I don't know for certain how much he convinced Sami or anybody else on BTS staff to believe him and that I was the liar. If that was the case, I'm willing to understand that, but fuck, I wish you guys had listened to me when I told you his behaviour should not continue to be enabled. We don't need him anymore in TF2. We never needed him after i58.

I never thought this day would be able to come reasonably, but it has, and worst of all, it's not from me. I'm sorry to the community for contributing to the silence in my own fear, allowing this to have continued to this point. I'm so sorry he did this to you, Console. I'm so sorry it wasn't just me.

posted about 4 years ago
#348 BTS TF2 insanity in TF2 General Discussion
uberchainIf there is a reason I have not name dropped these people here just yet then believe me when I tell you there is a very fucking big reason for this.

The people who do know who they are are people who can do something about it and watch these people, that being said. If I hear about them doing this shit again to anybody else, I WILL name drop them.


posted about 4 years ago
#143 BTS TF2 insanity in TF2 General Discussion
Console-SamifaceRegarding Nursey, she reached out to me and let me know that she was removing herself from Froyotech's roster before we had made any decision.The question was never "Is Nursey going to the event?", it was always "why would staff members like dashner actively push for her to be allowed at the event, and why is the answer to 'Is she banned' not a deliberate and hard 'yes'?"'

I get why some staff initially defended a player on one of the most high-profile teams to bring to LAN. But Dashner defending her after the evidence came out, or others turning a blind eye towards it because "it's not our problem" is disgusting. Assuming she just wouldn't come for face or hoping froyotech would ditch her is avoiding taking responsibility & initiative when we need that more than ever. Additionally, I agree you're not obliged to tell the public why people get banned in the first place if it isn't/wasn't public, and I think privacy & legal concerns are fine to cite, so the person who reported it is not sought after, but this was not the way to deal with it.

Like Console, I understand the approach to this event has been not wanting any trouble and wanting a good opportunity for TF2, and I'm sympathetic of wanting to keep things professional and orderly. But dismissing issues such as sexual assault or reports about individuals' behaviour isn't keeping things professional, and I'm sick and tired of staying quiet about it publicly after hearing private reports to event organizers get ignored and people abusing their power or influence still getting hired, just to justify keeping TF2 alive. We don't need people like that for our scene anymore. Stop enabling them.

You might think the drama is tarnishing our community and none of us are seeing the bigger picture, where we need to put aside our personal issues and care about TF2 above all in order to let it keep happening. This isn't the bigger picture. This is making our community smaller. This won't save TF2 if you're even passively enabling the people who are dangerous to TF2. I was part of that, and after all the shit I've heard about and/or gone through, I'm done with that. Break the fucking cycle.

posted about 4 years ago
#15 rip tempustv twitch in TF2 General Discussion
Goodnight sweet pup

posted about 4 years ago
#1 rip tempustv twitch in TF2 General Discussion

After a year, TempusTV will be moving from Twitch to Youtube where new runs will be uploaded and archived there due to high hardware costs. TempusTV served as a place to watch world record rocketjumping & stickyjumping map speedruns from the Tempus jump servers, complete with pop music and dog photos.

tempusrecords"I regret to announce — this is The End. I am going now. I bid you all a very fond farewell." — "Bilbo Baggins", The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring will shut down on Oct 10th. Not to worry, you will be able to find Tempus speedruns on YouTube for the foreseeable future at Moving from livestreaming to videos will incur less hardware costs on my part, and will hopefully prevent any undue distress caused by downtime.

The stream started out as a personal project out of curiosity around October of 2018, but has since then evolved into much more. While it was never intended to be a revenue generating project, overly generous people decided to throw money at it, possibly thanks to Uberchain's cute as ever dog emotes. All the revenue (US $367.98 at the time of writing) will be going to Tip of the Hats 2019, and I recommend that any current subscribers redirect their cash flow to another creator or a charity of their choosing.

It's been a wild 12 months and I want to thank all the moderators and everyone else who has kept the stream running for as long as it has. Special thanks to 200, AI, gibus, nick, nolem, scotch, and Uberchain for making this happen.

Until our next meeting,

The Twitch channel will be being archived tonight @ midnight UTC in 6-7 hours. The code remains open source for anybody who'd like to fiddle with. For jump servers, you can find various servers here:

I'd like to thank Larry for all his hard work and for putting up with me asking him to reset the bots, everybody who subscribed for the puppy emotes and tuned in to watch some sweet jumps, and the dog photo photographers who made people's day.

posted about 4 years ago
#5 Ascent.EU acquires Da Choke Bustaz, awaits next season in News

posted about 4 years ago
#7 best eeveelution? in Off Topic

posted about 4 years ago
#69 i65 Thank You Thread in TF2 General Discussion

Been busy with post-i65 stuff, fundraiser promotion has finally wrapped so I have time to write my shoutouts. I will forget people and I am so sorry in advance:

Show Content
  • Ma3la and both my Ascent i65 teams, EU and NA. Good run boys, I'm happy that all my work for Ascent this LAN seems to have paid off, and I'm glad you all seemed to have fun during the afterparty!
  • Our i65 online or onsite staff members: twiikuu, Loris, Shounic, and Seth (especially Seth who stayed up NA timezones to do Ascent social media, the naps I missed out on during i61 delays back in Canada whew)
  • samiface & Faceit for the bootcamp venue & all the additional support, Geel & & KovaaK's for sponsorship
  • Everybody who donated to the i65 fundraiser, particularly to raise the prizepool and to help compensate ETF for Ascent.NA's LAN costs. Thank you for supporting the LAN and my NA boys!
  • Project leaders: thank you for giving me the opportunity to contribute to i65
  • Production desk & admins: sound & audio, production & observers, server & match admins, every damn body behind that desk and on a mic. Thank you for all your hard work and effort!
  • Casters & talent; particularly GrumpyKoi who got to cast with Ma3la, and eepily who continuously kept everybody as up-to-date as he could pre-i65 (as well as during i65 and post-i65) on his social meedz
  • Art team: our SFM lead Teleportato, Tobiased, Steg, and SirDuck, who helped make this i65 UV light theme work with TF2 and kick ass
  • Social media team: MrJelly & pie4life, especially MrJelly for getting me amazing photos in a timely manner, and pie4life for providing me info I needed, and helping me out while handling her own IRL things
  • Video editing team: Loris & Cupcake, who give their all to make sure that live player experience & story is present in our LANs, showing the personalities behind the players
  • TFTV EU journalism department: Dummtm, Dempsey, and Aelkyr; cu @ #news-random shitlords

Additional shoutouts to:

Show Content
  • Sora Elantro, particularly domiq, Wylenn, Kaja, and Mike Rotch (especially Mike Rotch whose name I mispronounced, therefore missing the joke until now because I am the densest material known to man)
  • Kaja in particular, who got really sick with LAN death on the last day. Let's party again when you feel better next time; thank you for the chocolates again, and get well soon!
  • Bunch of Swedes scattered about; Alba in his pineapple suit, Smirre in his froggy hat, BASED HENY
  • Bunch of Brits who I haven't seen in ages, particularly Gubbins and a bunch of the doggo/fm gang
  • Faint Gaming, who I apologize to for calling Lukas & toemas fragging fetuses. Apology pending from papi for purposely interrupting my focus on Ascent.NA fighting Se7en just to tell me WARHURYEAH's iSeries redemption arc might happen against Ascent.EU
  • WAR for plugging Gregg's to me and telling me not to forget to eat at Gregg's, and I said I'll remember to eat at Gregg's, then I forgot to eat at Gregg's because I got sushi & bubble tea instead
  • Se7en who I sat next to in the BYOC area to do social media, particularly Kaptain and Thalash who I greatly underestimated in Typeracer. Congrats & ggs. Let's cheer for SiLAN WINNERtes!
  • Stark left my fat teddy bear on the grand finals stage. Absolute BM. Negative shoutout. Glad you liked boba
  • Fribs for letting me use her PC next to Se7en as the temporary social media deck until I had mine and then in addition not beating the shit out of me when I was rooting for Ascent right behind Se7en
  • Se7en backseat spectator gang, particularly Drackk who hijacked the ETF account using his Tall People Privilege™ to push me away from the temporary social media PC to tweet "dab"

Finally, shoutouts to:

Show Content
  • Everybody who flew out from non-European countries like NA boys Console, prograde, artichoke (canadian hosers unite), eXtine who I will hopefully see neXt time, and more; Sannyside from Malaysia to assist in production, and Mal from Australia tO LIFT ME you're SHORTER than me??
  • Console in particular, who has done a ton of work for RGB and came from the US to do the damn thing for the tradition of international TF2. I'm glad you experienced iSeries and the European LAN scene
  • Everyone who was volunteering that I managed to talk with, particularly Kermit who gave me a Kermit impression and Rahmed who made sure we were all refreshed
  • Everyone who bought me drinks, offered to buy me some, or spilled drinks on me (tbf both times it happened I smashed into Smirre), I'd name who I remember giving me drinks but apparently one of you has been disguising yourself as leth and might not be leth so
  • People who asked me to take their team photos, selfies, or signatures
  • Everybody who personally came up to me to say thanks for things I've done with Ascent, ETF for i65, or this whole scene, as well as people who said they really liked my work, or were inspired to pursue jobs or education because of it. It still feels a bit overwhelming to this day to get those kind of compliments, but I'm always touched by everybody's kind words of support. Thank you so much.
  • Everybody who watched or came out to LAN. Please continue to show your appreciation for our players, talent, & volunteers, and thank you for supporting TF2 with us!
  • The people who were subjected to Connor & Ma3la pitching them Ascent hoodies & t-shirts all LAN, and then actually buying them from which you can purchase too, they're custom-made & embroidered from local businesses, pre-washed & comfy, limited stock left, sponsored by ascent esports
posted about 5 years ago
#3 Computerized Sketchpad in Hardware

Honestly I'm not qualified enough for this since I use an ancient Monoprice TWA60 for AGES and it's gotten me by and 8 years ago I was using a Wacom Graphire3, I know jack when it comes to tablets and the internet will probably know more than me. You can probably get a Monoprice tablet to this day but the pen requires a battery and sometimes goes loose, and you can lose the nibs really easily; additionally it's not as flexible or smooth I've heard. (basically avoid battery pen tablets)

There's two types of tablets: graphic tablets and drawing/PC/monitor tablets. Graphic tablets are the ones you draw on but you look at your PC screen for, drawing tablets are the ones you draw on the screen for (aka the surfaces). All the things you listed you want to do you can do with either of these.

If you're just getting started and want it cheaper as well as not a whole ass machine, I recommend trying a USB graphic tablet to start off, but it might be weird for you to learn how to adjust to the whole "not looking at what I'm drawing thing", however with enough practice you should get the hang of it. Translating digital drawing over from traditional drawing takes a bit but if your hand-eye coordination with your mouse is good you should be able to get the hang of it within like a month or so, and you will continuously improve.

In my experience I found portable surface tablets tend to get really hot easily despite how convenient it was for me to see what my pen was actually drawing vs. seeing where my pen lined up with what was on my screen. It might be more convenient for you to start off with this though. They are also much more expensive than graphics tablets and you would be lucky to find one under three digits since you know, you can actually see what you're drawing. Again, in terms of what brand you should go for as well as newer age tablets, I'm not the best person to ask for this, but I can give you general advice if you're just starting off.

Some other general advice:

  1. Don't lose your pens, they cost a lot of money to replace like $90-100, the whole "artist lost their tablet pen tragedy hits the earth" is deadass the realest tablet issue out there
  2. FUCK Wacom, XP Pen and Huion are catching up if you really want to invest in something nice and reliable but not out the ass for budget. That being said Wacom is reliable and older stuff like Bamboo and Intuos have aged well (be careful since they don't manufacture Bamboo pens anymore)
  3. If you can't buy a stand for it, tilt your tablet so that it's standing at an angle if possible, regardless of if its a graphics tablet or drawing surface. There's been a recent thing as to how it apparently helps your ergonomics a bit better since a common mistake for veterans & rookies is using a tablet pen the same way you would a traditional pencil or pen
  4. Draw with the whole ass arm if you can help it rather than restrict movement to your wrist, but this is something they teach you in art school when you're not paying attention to your teacher and you feel like you're the shit with your awesome wrist control and then you get RSI when you're older and it's a FeelsBad

Here's a year old Reddit thread that recommends some good, budget-friendly beginner graphic tablets, but if you want a detachable surface I heard Surface Pro > Surface Book. Some other people can probably weigh in on their experience or gear.

posted about 5 years ago
#3 More i65 lan memes in LAN Discussion

AMS was apparently missing from the Ascent Esports group photo, so as per my contractual duties with Ascent and because I don't want anybody to be left out, I took the liberty of making sure he was seamlessly included.

posted about 5 years ago
#5 Tip of the Hats 2019 dates announced! in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 5 years ago
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