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SteamID64 76561198059177902
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Country Canada
Signed Up August 7, 2014
Last Posted January 5, 2023 at 1:48 PM
Posts 896 (0.2 per day)
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In-game Sensitivity 3.15
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Raw Input 1
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60 hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse HP USB 3-Button Optical
Keyboard KWD 855
Mousepad Roccat Taito King-Size 5mm
Headphones HyperX Cloud III White/Pink
Monitor HP 2310 LCD
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#10 ETF2L S33 GF: Se7en vs. Ascent.EU in Matches
albaI appreciate the efford @uberchain but damn thats too much to keep track of

I fixed it, thank you for the feedback!

posted about 5 years ago
#6 ETF2L S33 GF: Se7en vs. Ascent.EU in Matches

posted about 5 years ago
#6 I65 PSA: MAKE TEAMS in LAN Discussion

Bumping again for LAN week. Only 2 teams needed for the prize pool to start @ £6,000. IIRC the fundraised amount for raising the prize pool was $1000 USD (~£823 or so) so that would put the current 24-team amount at ~£5,323, but the difference still amounts to an extra £1500+ into the pot with 12 extra signups to get 32 teams.

Registration closes on Friday Aug 23rd (aka first day of LAN)

EDIT: I guess it's 3 now since 1 team dropped out and another team might be fake.

posted about 5 years ago
#28 Calm game in Other Games

Slime Rancher.

I've taken antidepressants for the past 6 years of my adult life on and off, and when I go for periods of not taking it before starting them again, it takes a bit for them to settle in each and every time, spikes my anxiety, and has bad mood swings for the first week or two.

This game about collecting wiggly smiley faces kicks in way faster and makes me feel better.

posted about 5 years ago
#445 le economy crash in TF2 General Discussion

Sauce: [x]

posted about 5 years ago
#68 TF2 update for 7/25/19 (7/26/19 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion
89zombiezuberchain[*] fake patreon and doxxing

Can I get a source on that last point?

posted about 5 years ago
#58 TF2 update for 7/25/19 (7/26/19 UTC) in TF2 General Discussion

Really enjoy how somebody left the offices, confident that a Ricardo Milos hat would keep us entertained until they rolled out the Halloween update 3 months later when the playerbase increases temporarily, not realizing that all because of the uncrating bug, the future would hold:

  • A bunch of people giving them not just Oopsie Whoopsie money that they might go "well look on the bright side my dudes" to their co-workers for, but literal Fuck You Money by buying Something Special rings with their $100 earned within the first hour or two that this happened to say gg valve tf2 economy is gone crab emojis in the chat

  • Also I guess the people who have made hundreds to thousands of income from this sort of thing absolutely getting their profits destroyed but most people know about that one

  • Netherlands and Belgium trades to their friends increasing as they get people who don't have crates banned to help them hook up with the free headspot sparkle-sparkle for the easier headshot shooty-shooty

  • Over 80,000 crates within 3 hours of this happening being swept away in sales en masse from the Steam marketplace and was still counting probably up to idk 300K+ until literally almost one hour ago

  • Blapature Bash is this weekend probably needing Unusual donations disabled, which make a huge chunk of cash for charity efforts for TF2 charity streams, because Unusuals have gone from $100 CAD to as low as $3 USD, which will also hit any other donation effort in the future such as Tip of the Hats or if this isn't remedied decently like Whisker had said in le economy thread

  • The Ricardo hat, as well as 5 other cosmetics added to the game this update, unfortunately being made by racist/transphobic/ableist/you name it sacks of shit who have bullied, doxxed, and harassed other item/map creators (e.g. straight up making a fake patreon of a dude who had autism spectrum disorder and filled it with many an awful racisms, finding and posting people's facebook photos and laughing at how they weren't ReAL GrilLz ExDDDee) and they're still making money off it + the other numerous items they have in the game, and will probably continue to have as long as they can still threaten people who have called them out and Valve will continue to not vet them but hey at least u got that

But for anybody else who I guess are trying to make people feel sympathetic or make people who participated feel bad for participating in this (shoutout to the fella who deleted their crates in public for Good Guy Karma after telling me I was virtue-signalling last year during August when harassment was being called out), go on, tell me how I should feel like those people should be punished severely, over a mistake a company made involving a game the higher-ups have chosen to update only ever once in a while primarily because it still makes them money.

posted about 5 years ago
#16 remove my nerdstars in Q/A Help

Can confirm gemm is correct, I attempted to evaporate your nerd stars out of existence immediately when I saw the thread (twice) but you retained 4 stars so not only did my admin abuse disappointingly not work but your total accumulated upfrag to downfrag ratio (no the number is not recorded or visible for us either if it is) is what saved your stars and Funs gets humiliated live on TFTV yet AGAIN

Actually now that I think about it I had no idea how this worked since I tried to nuke my stars several times throughout the past 2 years and it never worked so I just assumed we had patched it ever since the Funs admin abuse incident of August 2017

posted about 5 years ago
#4 Is it ok to use tftv articles in youtube videos? in TF2 General Discussion

I'm personally fine with my articles as well as my photos being used so as long as there's full credits in the description (links to where you got the media that's being showcased help, listing a co-photographer or co-author if there's any) and/or in the corner of the video somewhere (links not necessary there if you choose to go that step).

I can't say the same for everybody else who's written something or taken a photo but for the most part, crediting should be fine unless said otherwise on the flickr/Twitter you got it from. bleghfarec probably can give more input on this as lead editor.

posted about 5 years ago
#18 my mom just sent me this image in The Dumpster

posted about 5 years ago
#3 i really need a hug right now :( in Off Topic

I don't have the means of giving you a hug, but I can give you a motivational bunny picture, I hope you feel better.

posted about 5 years ago
#49 belle delphine selling bathwater in Off Topic
TheMackey5who is this person?

NSFW Instagram cosplay model, has a Patreon that amasses an estimated amount of 150-200K per month for offering things like private Snapchat perks and HD photos, rose to fame from doing ahegao IRL photos and is the most famous online sex worker that does ahegao IRL expressions and NSFW bubblegum candy aesthetic.

Other things of notably hilarious rage and thirst baiting other than successfully selling $30 water is:

  • baited big meme Youtubers into buying the $2500-3000 perks for Youtube clicks showing how frivolous and stupid rich these Youtubers can be
  • baited people to give 1 million likes on a photo to open a Pornhub account in which she did, of her playing with a stuffed kitten and a Nerf gun (it makes sense in context)
  • apparently never actually has real nudes so people pay out the ass for nudes that don't really exist and get censored tiddy since she only ever stated "NSFW" and not "nude", drawing fire from very angry people and customers who rage about it being a big scam

Other things of noteworthiness that are kind of yikes are:

  • being convinced/intimidated by some creep online to steal and sell other NSFW models' nudes for money and passed off Photoshopped nudes as her own when she was apparently 17
  • apparently went with it willingly and tried to barter for more money because she wanted to go to Venice and she was too lazy to get a job (actual things she said in the logs)
  • half-ass apologized to the models she stole from or had their nudes passed off as her own and tried to cover it up when one of the models asked for her to admit to people that the nudes she was getting likes and views on en masse were not hers (said she didn't see why she had to)
  • not confirmed but one of the models she stole nudes from and passed off as her own was also under legal age which if true would be a big WOOPS
  • criticized for cosplaying NSFW bubblegum candy / straight up lolicon aesthetic or cosplaying Lolita (that one book/movie about the 12-year-old—straight up 12-years-old, not "oh you've got it all wrong, it's a legal person in a 12-year-old body!"—who gets sexually abused and manipulated by her stepfather who was twice her age)
  • apparently never actually has real nudes so people pay out the ass for nudes that don't really exist and get censored tiddy since she only ever stated "NSFW" and not "nude", drawing fire from actual sex workers who agree it's a scam

There's a lot to say about ONLINE BOOBIE but let's look at it like this: there's other girls on that online boobie grind dealing with everyone and their mom telling them "do nOT show the online bOOBie u e-thOTTiE get a REaL joB !!1!" or "dude porn is free" while selling their HD photos, private Snapchats, or hell their toilet water - but the least they'll do is not grift the fuck out of their fellow competition or co-workers and give people their real full-nippled nudes if they're paid.

posted about 5 years ago
#41 happy canada day from exile! in World Events

thank you, exile.

posted about 5 years ago
#556 cp_logjam (5CP) in Map Discussion
HyceFor what it's worth, the test versions have been out for about a month and nobody had anything to say, so I went ahead with it.

Take this as you'd like since 1) this is only a handful of player opinions and 2) I'm an inactive low open NA player but I talk with EU players more than NA players:

When I asked some Mid to Prem players who complained about an update or a map mechanic, "can you leave that feedback for Logjam on the forums?", they said it seemed like it wouldn't matter because you'd just update the map by next week, meaning nothing would ever stay constant. It's the opposite of how people felt about other maps where rather than it being "they're not listening to feedback", this was "they're listening to too much feedback".

This is not the first time you've been told publicly to stop updating and let people get acclimated to the layout; Collaide lengthily mentioned it a while back. This has apparently been a consistent opinion out of many different opinions, even after Logjam stopped being in rotation in ETF2L a while ago before it was brought back.

People from the Cardinal era knows that since I'm primarily a content creator, I will usually fiercely take the side of the mapper's frustrations - which is why I'm telling you what I've been told, because that's all I can do. If that sounds ridiculously more frustrating for you and seems unfair or disheartening, it's because it probably is.

This part is where this becomes a c l a s s i c overdramatic uberchain nerd essay:

Show Content
I sympathize with you as somebody who doesn't play comp anymore, but continues to market & create content catered for comp, hoping that it pays off despite our lack of high-level gamesense. I haven't played in ages. I can only listen to people who do play. So I can't imagine how hard it is to make a map and pick which feedback you integrate into it, especially because you place your trust in these players who know more than you from a gameplay perspective, but not necessarily from a level designer perspective. I wish people did speak up, especially in a small scene like this where validation - for better or worse - has become essential to its survival.

My sympathy will not make your map better or worse. My sympathy is not feedback. My sympathy is me telling you one reason, out of an unknown number of reasons, as to why people didn't give feedback, whether it's fair or not.

That being said, Collaide and gemm (who both brought up how you should stop updating as much) both emphasized that they appreciate and respect the amount of work you put into the map, as well as acknowledge that it is a lot of care you put into each update as an active mapper. That doesn't mean these updates have been executed well, but that doesn't mean you didn't put your heart into it. Credit where credit is due. This is also the general sentiment from the census of players I've talked to - which I guess you + every other mapper who spends time here want to hear straight from them, rather than like this from me.

You can take this as a motivator to think and analyze, rather than a deterrence to give up or stop altogether. I don't know whether that analysis and reflection means holding onto the map and salvaging it, moving on with a new map and starting over - or keeping things as it is. You'll know that better than I do, and your decisions are your own. I'd personally like you and other mappers to keep going, whether it's your current project or a new one. I think it's awesome what you do, I could never stomach it let alone know where to start. But I understand your frustrations.

Also this is already longer than I wanted a "don't shoot the messenger" post to be, but I feel like this part of my hearsay also needs to be stressed: from listening to Cardinal and Logjam feedback, let alone anybody complaining about a map, is even if players think your map needs to be better otherwise not be played at all - they absolutely 100% know you're doing your best and appreciate that effort. I want people to tell you both those sentiments for themselves.

posted about 5 years ago
#51 what are you in Off Topic

posted about 5 years ago
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