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SteamID64 76561198059177902
SteamID3 [U:1:98912174]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:49456087
Country Canada
Signed Up August 7, 2014
Last Posted January 5, 2023 at 1:48 PM
Posts 896 (0.2 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 3.15
Windows Sensitivity
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
60 hz
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse HP USB 3-Button Optical
Keyboard KWD 855
Mousepad Roccat Taito King-Size 5mm
Headphones HyperX Cloud III White/Pink
Monitor HP 2310 LCD
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#170 Update speculation in TF2 General Discussion
camperif it doesn't come out on tuesday i'll eat a dick

posted about 8 years ago
#5 ETF2L S24 W7: LEGO vs. PC MASTER RACE in Matches


posted about 8 years ago
#40 TF2 Dream hack photos and videos in LAN Discussion

Uploading some more DHS B-rolls I took, you can see them as they get uploaded hurr.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 puns (that actually have made people laugh) in Off Topic

Paging the king of the worst puns ever that admittedly make me want to die more than die with laughter but it depends

posted about 8 years ago
#6 nameLess swaps Permzilla for Raymon in News

posted about 8 years ago
#25 Erotic Map Fiction in Map Discussion
downnpourthis is why tf2 will never be an esport

posted about 8 years ago
#6 Erotic Map Fiction in Map Discussion
BigBoneLuvr69Reckoner was feeling nervous. This was her first big gig, and she had big shoes to fill! Beta 2 was barely legal age for going pro. She didn't have a choice though – Sunshine was feeling sick, and being a relative, Reckoner was most suited to fill the slot. No time like the present, she supposed.I actually think this is XershaThe maps all found themselves both frustrated and kicked out of Dreamhack, one because of the other. Reckoner didn't understand what was happening. Was this normal? Did they do something wrong? Did she do something wrong? In front of Badlands? What if Sunshine found out that she messed up? One thought after another carried away until she found herself alone, huddled behind a parked bus outside the venue.

I live for meta bullshit like this holy fuck, the voting out of Sunshine, Reckoner being played for the first time at LAN, jfc

posted about 8 years ago
#12 what's on admirable's phone? in The Dumpster

posted about 8 years ago
#30 TF2 Pre Update for 6/22/16 in TF2 General Discussion

Though I don't know if chojje sent it in yet as final, are you on u10 or valve's official version?

posted about 8 years ago
#36 dhs thanks/shoutout thread in LAN Discussion

Since emkay messaged me a while back to thank me saying "this won't fit in DHS' ty thread" I'm gonna be like "NO I FORGOT U EMKAY" and put my thanks here. Shoutout to emkay as well for editing this year's videos we used - the hype vid, the intro, the bumper, that stuff was sick. I don't want it to be my last time working with you on this sort of stuff, you made good use of all the IRL/SFM footage Bones & I had filmed in the past and the bumper's music gave me chills.

This falls under the fans who stuck around but in particular shoutout to the kids who were respectful of not going behind our casters or the cameras. Shoutout to the kids who did whose ears I chose to not grab to haul off camera (including you Beavern I SAW U BRO you get an exception). Shoutout to that one guy who sort of hung around to liveblog every now and then while checking our booth out, all I know is you had a phone and I saw you here & there and idk if you said hi to any of us, but thanks for the support!

posted about 8 years ago
#25 TF2 Dream hack photos and videos in LAN Discussion

Photos I took are up! They can be found in the TFTV galleries section here.
Additionally, here's a video.

posted about 8 years ago
#9 dhs in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
#1 dhs thanks/shoutout thread in LAN Discussion

Following up in Hallow's tradition I figured I'd make this thread as everything wraps up while I edit photos at 5 AM and send Dashner over VODs to upload later. Thanks again to the lads for putting up with me getting up all in their face/over their shoulders again taking photos you don't want to see get posted on the internet, but also for coming to help us put on a great show even if I never want to see a 40-minute golden cap ever again. I have specific memories of skeej teaching me why food thermometers are important for cooking meat, Vani letting me use his laptop, tek flicking my nose & understanding me not knowing French despite being Canadian, kaja hugging me twice, and spudd dabbing on stream. Particular shoutout to Beavern who helped bring and return that camera that caught player reactions on his way from Stockholm to Jönköping.

Thank you to the other lads who came by to watch and meet peeps, it was awesome to meet you whether for the 1st or 2nd time, including but not limited to mya (thank you for helping me find my monopod & being a sweetheart), maks (thank you for telling me your stories about how you joined TF2 & also being a sweetheart), and Ed - particular shoutout to Ed for helping me set up the GoPros that got knocked over with the zipties as well as housing us morons even though we broke shit. Glad you liked the maple cremes and the caricature I drew live before I had to fly out; hope the whiskey's from Ads is also good. Sorry about the air mattress again on that potato's behalf.

Thanks to the production crew for being on fucking point as always with the production, particularly my Canadian partner-in-crime Dashner for paying for all the camera shit we bought & returned to net-on-net because I'm a dumbass who didn't realize t5 =/= t5i, Kaiser and Turbo for helping back Dashner up before he had an aneurysm, David for cooking me food and bringing out your all for a non-Cheat Feed stream, hope you and Kaiser had fun! Shoutout as well to all the caster boys for being on-point with their Twitter/dress/casting game, including getting me/each other food & water and circlejerking each other's Twitter posts. (Especially Turbo who ends up being me & Dashner's moral life coach, and newcomer Bren who got really smart about not blowing out his vocals before Sideshow did.)

Thank you Sideshow for basically doing the equivalent once again of taking the goddamn dice, rolling it, watching it ricochet off the walls, go down a drainpipe, fly out and hit somebody's car, watch that car's safety breaks turn off, watch that car hit an old person, have the dice fall down the drain, have it eaten by a duck, killing the duck and splitting it open, watch the dice fall out of its intestinal tract on anything but snake-eyes, and then deciding for whatever fucking reason: "yeah, let's have another Dreamhack event". Stay gold, Dribbleboy. Stay gold.

Thanks to the sponsor folk, particularly Geel of who helped me and DHS happen this year, as well as Wolf of for helping fund the sweet new camera Dashner got to nearly blow his shoulder holding it for player/crowd reactions. Thanks to Plantronics for the headsets that drowned out all the other bullshit trying to drown us out in the expo area, and thanks to Esport United for all the help with setup, equipment and whatever they could help us with. Personal thanks as well for the chocolate mint sweets in exchange for maple cremes from last year.

Shoutout to that guy who was part of that cycling marathon happening at the same time as Dreamhack who stopped by at our bus stop, gave us a talk about what the fuck the cyclists were doing, then went on his merry way.
Shoutout to the cab dude Ed recommended for putting up with us when we were inebriated.
Shoutout to Dreamhack in an attempt to get us a tourney spot next year instead of an expo spot SO WE CAN STAY PAST NINE THANK YOU ANYWAY SORRY WE SUCK

As always, thanks to everybody who stuck around and supported the production lads + player lads throughout this all, whether it was live at the venue or from behind a monitor. Whether we could hear your shouts from the chairs scattered across the front of the booth or the stupid ass "PERMZILLA DAB ON STREAM" memes in the Twitch chat, we're glad we could put on a show even if you thought we were trolling at the end. It was cool to see r/tf2 light up in nothing but stream highlights, and all the newcomers understanding that while we couldn't have a GF, that it wasn't a fault of competitive TF2's - if anything, that you want to see more competitive TF2 like that.

tl;dr: Thank you all.

posted about 8 years ago
#19 Dreamhack Post-Summary in TF2 General Discussion

what the fuck cx it's not sideshow that's the illuminati mastermind anymore
explain how you predicted the perilous vs nameless grand finals so flawlessly

posted about 8 years ago
#16 Dreamhack Post-Summary in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 8 years ago
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