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SteamID64 76561198023363611
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Country Iraq
Signed Up September 10, 2016
Last Posted August 21, 2018 at 1:44 AM
Posts 373 (0.1 per day)
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#35 how do i go off the grid? in Off Topic
toadsbicycleforratsi tried that but forgot the step about dying my armpits and i simply was relocated to a different grid

be warned fellow fraggers of team fortress television this might not be a legit tutorial...

must have been bad luck dude cause it worked for me

posted about 8 years ago
#33 how do i go off the grid? in Off Topic

drink green tea, go vegan, save the animals, identify as gender fluid, consider yourself an "adventuring type of person", major in a liberal arts degree, dye your armpits, shave one side of your head, get a septum piercing, advocate self love and the benefits of bestiality
once you participate in enough black lives matter protests you'll eventually get beaten to death for being a "KKKracKKKer-Ass-Nigga"

posted about 8 years ago
#209 Games you played as a kid in Off Topic

i used to play quake III arena and tribes 2 when i was little. it was basically just LAN with my dad or me just playing against bots
after that i played a shit ton of roller coaster tycoon 3

posted about 8 years ago
#29 What are you positive about today? in Off Topic

i made a biscuit breakfast sandwich for breakfast and quickly realized that will be the highlight of my day

posted about 8 years ago
#16 trick dice 2 in Videos

saw the name trick dice and thought of the nickelus f and ugly mane collab, was surprised to hear ugly mane in the video +rep

posted about 8 years ago
#13 TF2 Class Tier List in TF2 General Discussion

i stopped reading when i saw heavy placed at number #9

posted about 8 years ago
#37 your favorite tf2 activity in TF2 General Discussion

i love playing as "The Pootis"

posted about 8 years ago
#659 Donald Trump in World Events

Hello It is I... TheRationalNihilist™ again back with my knowledge...

haha fuck donall trump and hilary IM PRAYIN TEH EARHT GETS HIT WITH A BIG METEOR 2016 AM I RIGHT :DDDDD please share this Relatable Post on Facebook® for your alcoholic dad to share!!!

TheRationalNihilist™ :3

posted about 8 years ago
#583 Donald Trump in World Events
eeeTrump voters are on average stupider. Thats an objective fact considering his primary base is uneducated white males.eeewhite males

but what does race have to do with it lol this is like the 3rd time in this thread you've shittalked white people.. do you cry everytime you look in a mirror or Are You "TransRacial" Like Shaun King And Rachel Dolezal.... UHURU MY NIGGA ELLIOT X!!! #BLM

eeeAll these children cant handle an actual genius smh

buddy if you were a true "genius" you wouldnt have even mentioned an "objective fact" being able to exist.. i thought u would have been smart enough to realize nothing matters 666 666 nietzsche 666 nothing is objective there is no god 666... LOL smhing my head at these wannabe "intellects" when my brain turns out to be bigger than you'res.....

posted about 8 years ago
#7 thnks frm urp in TF2 General Discussion

^ lol wtf u talkin about bro t(-.-t) GJ ENIGMA!!

posted about 8 years ago
#11 im high so im eating come watch me :D in The Dumpster

*rips fuc king boNg* oh fuck i just smoked a weed wooooo hooooooo Time To Read Up On Nietzschean Philosophy And Synthesize An Attempt To Benefit Mankind With The Knowledge I Have Built Up...

posted about 8 years ago
#520 Donald Trump in World Events
eeeI can try and explain why Trump's policies are bad. The wall is a waste of money, his tax plan will increase the deficit, he wants to reban gay marriage where possible, he doesn't support free trade or international alliances, etc. He provides very little detail on how he even plans to do most of these, and what details he provides are often inconsistent with what he said previously (his evolution on the muslim ban for example).

But doing that would be pointless. If you think that discussing policy is worthwhile when the candidate continues to show that he has a poor understanding of the way the government works (appointing a special prosecutor, stop and frisk, etc) then I don't think we can even have a meaningful discussion of his policies. If we tried to, I'd link studies and articles showing why his policies are either unethical, unconstitutional, or uneconomical and you'd call me a liberal media cuck shill posting marxist jew (((professors))) research or w/e

because at this point if you think Trump has a good policy plan you haven't actually looked at his policy

and if you think he's a person that should be conducting diplomacy you're an idiot

tl;dr = "i have compiled lots of sources that prove that a lot, if not all of donald trump's policies will be very ineffective and harmful, but i won't show them to you because you're all closed-minded and walking SHEEPLE, AND COMPLETELY WRONG ABOUT THIS WHOLE ELECTION, UNLIKE ME"

im sorta new to this forum, am i just feeding a troll? i can't tell because i do know people who unironically think like this

posted about 8 years ago
#495 Donald Trump in World Events
To be fair the Canadian media is somehow even more anti-trump than the US media and I'm sure that's had some effect on it. When I ask people about Trump here almost nobody knows any of his policies but they can all list off all the conspiracies about him not paying taxes or being racist/sexist/islamaphobic/whatever whereas in the US I'm sure more people care at least somewhat about the policy of their presidential candidates so there's a more even divide.

that's pretty much what you'd get here if you asked someone about trump, one of the first things someone might say about him is "well he is incredibly racist!", then you ask them why they think that and they'll reply "well he called mexican people rapists and drug dealers!". you mentioned the canadian media being very anti-trump and i fail to see how the US media is any different, this "racism" response is largely due to the media like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, New York Times, Huffington Post, etc, all somewhat twisting trump's words whenever they can. for instance, when he was talking about illegal immigrants coming to the US and committing a high number of crimes, many news sources were quick to say he was talking about all immigrants (specifically hispanic/mexican) being like this.

the latest in the mass media twisting trump's words was in last night's debate, where he was metaphorically using "acid washed" to talk about hillary clinton's emails being deleted. some of these "fact checking" websites are LITERALLY saying shit like "hillary clinton did NOT use any physical corrosive chemicals to delete her emails, she used a software called bleachbit"

posted about 8 years ago
#67 Leaked Donald Trump Comments in World Events
-protothe amount of trump supporters on tftv is absolutely baffling me. id think we would have a few sane level headed people in this community. guess not

after comparing both the pasts and positions clinton and trump stand on, i was just about to make the conclusion that i would rather my vote go to trump - until you called me INSANE for doing so! you really brought me to reality there man, it was truly day and night all along lol. thanks again, i owe you one!

posted about 8 years ago
#39 Leaked Donald Trump Comments in World Events

posted about 8 years ago
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