To be fair the Canadian media is somehow even more anti-trump than the US media and I'm sure that's had some effect on it. When I ask people about Trump here almost nobody knows any of his policies but they can all list off all the conspiracies about him not paying taxes or being racist/sexist/islamaphobic/whatever whereas in the US I'm sure more people care at least somewhat about the policy of their presidential candidates so there's a more even divide.
that's pretty much what you'd get here if you asked someone about trump, one of the first things someone might say about him is "well he is incredibly racist!", then you ask them why they think that and they'll reply "well he called mexican people rapists and drug dealers!". you mentioned the canadian media being very anti-trump and i fail to see how the US media is any different, this "racism" response is largely due to the media like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, New York Times, Huffington Post, etc, all somewhat twisting trump's words whenever they can. for instance, when he was talking about illegal immigrants coming to the US and committing a high number of crimes, many news sources were quick to say he was talking about all immigrants (specifically hispanic/mexican) being like this.
the latest in the mass media twisting trump's words was in last night's debate, where he was metaphorically using "acid washed" to talk about hillary clinton's emails being deleted. some of these "fact checking" websites are LITERALLY saying shit like "hillary clinton did NOT use any physical corrosive chemicals to delete her emails, she used a software called bleachbit"