Account Details
SteamID64 76561198070886829
SteamID3 [U:1:110621101]
SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:55310550
Country Netherlands
Signed Up January 11, 2017
Last Posted November 14, 2024 at 5:27 AM
Posts 129 (0 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 0.9
Windows Sensitivity 1.0
Raw Input 1
Refresh Rate
Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Lamzu Maya X
Keyboard Keychron K8 Pro (tape modded)
Mousepad Artisan FX Zero Soft - XL
Headphones Audio-Technica ATH-R70X
Monitor Gigabyte M27Q (IPS)
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#1 ETF2L S40 Div1 GF: CLARTED vs. Foreskings in Events

all in

posted about 3 years ago
#742 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic
yak404blAstroyak404As much as I dislike Max and especially his father, he did deserve to win the championship, but only in a fair manner.Why do you dislike them? Genuinely curious
Max is just incredibly arrogant and not a nice person. I know people who've worked for Heineken at races and they've said he's just nasty compared to most drivers. He sees fans as an annoyance when actually interacting with them, compared to most drivers who are just grateful for everything.


Didn't know about the controversy regarding his father, but I think Max being seen as arrogant and not as publicly positive might chalk up to cultural differences. Ofc generalizing here but dutch people tend to be more straightforward, so him not being grateful for everything and stuff is probably just brutal honesty instead of PR

posted about 3 years ago
#740 Formula 1 Megathread in Off Topic
yak404As much as I dislike Max and especially his father, he did deserve to win the championship, but only in a fair manner.

Why do you dislike them? Genuinely curious

posted about 3 years ago
#4 My first fragmovie lol in Videos

that song intro over the random clips playing that have no sync or idea behind them
you're better off calling it a frag dump than a frag movie

posted about 3 years ago
#67 sens check in Customization

1600dpi 0.75. Used 800dpi 1.0 a few years ago but couldn't do jump maps with it.
Just using it because it allows me to do a 180-220 degree turn easily on my mousepad.

posted about 3 years ago
#16 Deteriorating quality of TFTV twitch experience in The Dumpster

Since you're a burger I recommend to sue Twitch for providing these awful future dystopian moderation tools that ruin your american chat experience (not legal advice)

posted about 3 years ago
#12103 stream highlights in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#46 favourite fragmovies ? in Videos

posted about 3 years ago
#2 TF2 update for 10/17/19 in TF2 General Discussion

Valve always has the best update times

posted about 5 years ago
#267 Have a seat. in Off Topic

I'm not exactly sure why I wasn't super surprised when this news about Nursey came out.
Maybe it's just that I'm less surprised that people who seem to have a lot of personal/mental stability issues do this kinda fucked up shit.
Regardless would be cool if this shit gets dealt with asap

posted about 5 years ago
#43 Pokemon Sword & Shield Gen 8 in Other Games

I know its an unpopular opinion but I sort of understand why they went with the compromise of having less Pokémon in this generation. Each major graphics update they do between several generations require a massive amount of work, time and money. With the ever-expanding list of Pokémon between each gen, the workload becomes bigger and bigger. On top of that they have to design and implement new moves, new evolutions and their generational 'gimmick'.
I'd personally like it if they'd do away with designing new gimmicks and focus on NG+ or interesting post-game stuff for the more hardcore players. Maybe just bringing a new set of starter pokemon + legendaries each generation is more future proof as well.

At this point there's so many Pokémon that newcomers to the series can feel overwhelmed and oldschool players just get confused. I remember when I played Emerald I knew about every Pokémon's type and weaknesses, but when I returned to the franchise in Ultra Moon I was so confused every time I saw a Pokémon and had to look up their type online.

posted about 5 years ago
#9 CLTF2 no restrictions 6s in Projects

Etf2l make fresh meat no restrictions league 1k $ prize pool we esports now boys

posted about 5 years ago
#25 May Global Whitelist Changes in TF2 General Discussion
RandomTF2Every weapon in the game is balanced to itself. Each has their own ups and downs. There is no "magic gun" that can guarantee your win. Fact is, if you would have watched any RGL match with b4nny (for example) you would come to realize what I now know for ages.

What I'm coming to realize is that you're either 12 years old or a massive troll

posted about 5 years ago
#8993 stream highlights in Videos
StarkieblAstrohamaham I hate arrow hitboxesits not the hitboxes, your arrows are coming out of the right of your screen so theyre hitting the wall

That's true, which is why the first & last arrows I shot sticks into the wall. Imo the 3rd arrow I shoot in the clip is where the hitbox fucks me over, as it barely clips even though I compensated for the fact they come out of the right side of my screen :/

posted about 5 years ago
#8990 stream highlights in Videos

Sometimes I hate arrow hitboxes

posted about 5 years ago
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