The real question here is for blackymonster.
Why do you still play TF2? I am the best, stop trying.
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SteamID64 | 76561197992683921 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:32418193] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:1:16209096 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | July 22, 2012 |
Last Posted | January 24, 2021 at 6:52 PM |
Posts | 38 (0 per day) |
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The real question here is for blackymonster.
Why do you still play TF2? I am the best, stop trying.
no one correct me if I'm wrong, because that's annoying, but this is the right place to post that
GgglygyScrimmed Team Consortium last night and may have found a hacker. I personally think there is no question that he hacks. The shots he makes are a pretty much all BS and you can clearly see him move his dot straight up and down to get headshots.
To top it off, the rest of team is very mediocre and we rolled them hard with a clusterfudge of players and no demo. Also we had Virulent so we were at a clear disadvantage there.
Anyway, for optimum lulz download the demo and spec the red sniper. For fierce healing, spec the blue medic. To see Virulent get dominated time and time again, spec blue sniper.
there is no better thread
welp. TF2 still sucks I see
I own one Deathadder for every computer I use. Best mouse ever made. If the wireless version was good, I'd pick one up.
I should have clarified that I was talking about computers and not PS3 or Xbox or Wii
actually I think conebone has it, maybe unf
Has technology advanced enough to make wireless keyboards and mice more gamer friendly since I left the hobby in 1905?
demo rollers used to detonate on player collision. Now that was some shit.
TWL had 8s and was generally dominated by MW.
In the beginning, we tried a lot of different formats and class limits. By the time Season 2 of Cevo rolled around, 6v6 and the current class limits had been finalized. The main difference from current TF2, besides the weapon modifications, was the way we played maps and the rules they were played with.
We played a lot of 2fort, dustbowl, ctf_stronghold, gravelpit, granary with gates...never hydro though.
the problem with this site is it forgot to transfer post counts over. I will considering returning to gotfrag.
I still have my gotfrag bookmark.