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Signed Up July 29, 2012
Last Posted March 6, 2025 at 10:25 PM
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#36 what do you think about ai? in Off Topic

over-utilized and underdeveloped

also IP theft is dumb and bad

posted 1 week ago
#168 koth_bagel in Map Discussion

There's significantly more traps than this. 4 (and also on the slanted wall above 4!!!) is probably the most impactful to remove because it stops soldiers from jumping through and it's essentially impossible to airdet I like the idea of the nook a lot, and I think similarly you could move the wall out fort where hose/ the wooden platform is to give a little extra space to dodge spam for the first scout / soldier who get through

posted 1 month ago
#164 koth_bagel in Map Discussion
loafebecause botmode wont clarify i will give my thoughts on the window idea

the window won't save combo scouts from eating spam. it will honestly make it worse for scouts because any lane aggression around the left or right of the nipple would be telegraphed by the window = makes it incredibly easy for a demo to trap himself off, entirely avoid the scout aggression, and deal the damage anyways

a scout being able to fight around the nipple without being spotted is kind of essential to make point fights actually winnable. if a demo could perfectly target a scout wherever he goes on the point by seeing him through the window, it would (imo) just turn bagel into another clearcut where edging the point as a combo scout is nigh impossible. fights would entirely rely on trades and winning the post OR actually winning house fights instead of just brawling in the houses to draw eyes / get damage

i think the house / point play on bagel is honestly perfect and the only issue with the map, as it stands, is how powerful the forward hold is

yeah being able to see on demo would literally make walking past the point impossible and it's already very difficult (good luck doing anything with an uber). it would also make the carpets even stronger because the demo would be able to det on them confidently. It would inherently make demoman less interesting because decision making becomes more obvious and straightforward.

scout will always sometimes randomly die to demoman, sticky pipe and the rare sticky sync can literally instantly kill you, same as getting shot at by two people at the same time. That's not a map thing that's just tf2.

+1 forward hold is too strong

posted 1 month ago
#161 koth_bagel in Map Discussion
avertedwhat if there was a window pane on the nipple? (see attached image for visual representation) I think personally it would be beneficial for the pocket scout and the combo in general. just a thought, just an idea. it would make demo gameplay more interesting, and allows for combo scout to avoid random deaths from demo spam.


posted 1 month ago
#24 hey what food do you guys like in TF2 General Discussion

ravioli high dif

posted 6 months ago
#4 Nerf Sniper on Product in TF2 General Discussion


posted 7 months ago
#12 what inspires your team names? in TF2 General Discussion

poppin bottles in the ice..

posted 8 months ago
#8 The End of Insomnia? in News
funhaver1998Do the top teams care enough to do it again if community funded like before?

I think people severely underestimate how much it actually costs to travel with 6 people across an ocean for a LAN. Aside from i46 & that insane level of fundraising I would guess every team that's ever gone to a LAN in another region has probably been pretty notably in the red. Most of the people that play this game at a top level are college students or just starting out in their career so the expenses are a pretty big deal. I'm sure every top team would love to just willy-nilly travel to any notable LAN that pops up but the reality of tf2 is that they can't.

posted 9 months ago
#172 RGL PUGs Public Alpha in Projects
trippaDolphInN We used to have the winner's elo slightly decrease if they were expected to roll, but barely won, but enough players complained that we removed that, which is why we have the "elo out of thin air".
if you're going to keep the other half of this (gaining elo when losing) you have to keep this half too. otherwise the elo on the site will just infinitely inflate over time. IMO you shouldn't have either of these effects, since the goal of the game is to win the game, not win rounds; ELO ratings will still converge to represent player skill/contribution to winning given a large enough sample size even if you only count W/L and not rounds

honestly personally ok with elo being round based as long as like 80%+ of point distribution is ONLY W/L

posted 9 months ago
#8 log with most med drops but still won in TF2 General Discussion

there is 100% a skeez log from a g6 invite scrim where he dropped 8 times

posted 10 months ago
#24 why dont the youth like quake? in Off Topic

also the community just spews slurs

posted 10 months ago
#23 why dont the youth like quake? in Off Topic


gamemodes are bad, this was a huge issue for diabotical and you could see it in the gamemodes new people played/liked. Most of the positive feedback came from the 1v1/2v2 gamemode and wipeout, or at least that's what you would see when you opened any random players stream. Serious 1v1 gamemodes are not fun in afps, they work in fighting games because you will sometimes be sitting next to your friend playing with them, not true in quake. All of the traditional team games modes require timing, which is not very fun to learn especially 25/35s timers can be a pain, and the 30/30 that exists in qc is often times fairly painful in certain cases because it means you can run the items infinitely without a player ever having to delay an item.

When I started playing qc I was OK at timing items just by vibes from cpma, which is a thing players will learn, but it's not a fun journey to learn, imagine playing 6s but you always have uber disad and you don't know how to stop that from happening. Luckily, timing in sac is largely irrelevant, and the game mode itself is so foreign to the ones commonly played previously tdm/ctf/ca that it was a pretty decent gateway drug. A surprising amount of na players in qc (not that it's a large community) can trace their origin back to sac.

Wipe-out in diabotical was a good experience and I think it hooked a lot of new players for awhile until they realized how much of a mountain there is to climb to even play the game in the other two game modes they had in rotation. There was some other weird stuff going on with menus and matchmaking that diabotical had some issues with too. However, it felt to me diabotical was this game for practicing aim for most people because there just wasn't this long term goal to invest into or this addicting thing to play, for most people simply practicing aim will get boring at some point.

basically what nintails says here, but I would extend the logic to casual players as well

NintailsQuake doesn't appeal to a casual or competitive audience anymore.

If you are a competitive player the question you need to answer is: "Why would I invest my time into quake, when I could invest my time into any other competitive FPS game and get x100". Like why would any 15-16 yr old spend time grinding quake - when they could grind CS, Valorant or Apex Legends?

there's also not enough focus on casual experience, for most first time players loading into a server with 8 players or less is going to be a test unless you get lucky and everyone else is new to the game. TF2 solves this issue by having the default pub game mode having 24. Even in ql as it is now, the pubs that are played are a 24 Player FFA server and a 10 v 10 CA server. There are a couple of other thing going on every night but those are usually organized and played by players with a higher ELO (CA on those servers for instance has an ELO gate because having a low level player in them would be awful for everyone). edit: also being defenseless on spawn is one of the dumbest things quake players hold onto for some unknown reason, one of the best things qc ever did was give you the option to spawn with a shotgun or nailgun, and all of the starting weapons are a threat along with your stack.

Sidebar: QC has a terrible ass engine, and playing above 60 ping in QL is awful because the engine is also kinda crap (I don't think it's possible to run the game over 250 fps, and the game starts getting real buggy with physics and sound when you do play it at 250). From what I can tell DBT is fairly dead, despite it having a pretty solid netcode, but it might just be because I haven't interacted with it. The game itself just seemed to being trying to be Q3 but again which I don't really think is as appealing to large player bases as Q3 players think

it's largely just game modes bad, DBT seemed to really treat the design of gamemodes as something disparate from the basic core of gameplay that it needed to nail rock solid and like really fell flat cause of it, and I think DBT had decent momentum at one point to hold a steady player base if it had really been the experience people wanted. QC you can straight up just blame on the engine being awful imo, playing that game a lot of the time feels like you are playing a sim that is playing a game. There hasn't really been anything else that has scratched those two in terms of potential for a player base.

posted 10 months ago
#44 cp_sultry (5cp) in Map Discussion
lootLobby was better in the previous version, it favors the team defending last too heavily now. Impossible to peek med as attacking sniper if the enemy demoman exists. Right now it kind of feels like snakewater lobby, if the shutter didn't exist at all and you could only walk through dropdown. Just too chokey.

echoing this part a bit, most of the viable pressure comes from one doorway at the moment (the one from alley), the upper entrance into last through lobby is way to risky to pressure through for basically any class except a spamming roamer and probably needs some sort of change to address. also, still think the spawn doors need to be moved further back a little, it's very easy to defend against an uber push because the spawn is so strong still.

posted 11 months ago
#9 microstuttering in TF2 only in Q/A Help

if you have spotify open make sure that it's minimized in the background, for whatever reason when it updates what your friends are listening to it causes major stuttering only in tf2 for me

posted 11 months ago
#8 match time at 10est in TF2 General Discussion

yes please

posted 11 months ago
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