screens are from a1
last looks pretty nice but lobby looks really awkward
unlike badlands it doesn't really look like you'll be able forward hold in any way not that you really should but it also doesn't look like you can hold lobby in any situation which seems out of place compared to most standard maps
gully lobby demo can hold shutters with a +1 maybe even and rest of team can hold upper
badlands demo can hold shutters while soldiers cover left/right bats
sunshine demo can cover bats/shutter while combo goes bottom left and flank goes dungeon
snake soldier and scout can cover lower while rest of team is upper
metal 2 guys can cover shutter rest of team on the otherside
granary and process don't really have standard lobby areas in that there isn't an area that the whole team is forced to go through from last to second
but pretty much pushing out of last into second on every map with a lobby, the whole team will get into the lobby and then get into second
right wall is what is making controlling lower lobby from upper really awkward (how far it reaches in from the right if you pushed the wall and the staircase over the right a bit it'd probably be better (or more badlandsesque i guess honestly) that whole situation there seems really awkward for demos, there doesn't really seem to be any easy to cover areas for that class at the moment. You may want to make some more radical changes to lobby because there's still a lot of doors to cover which was one of badlands biggest issues with pushing out (the other being spawn times)
possible sight line issue here if you move that wall as the wall on bats is pretty low and you might be able to see onto the second point not sure though
obviously this is an alpha map but there's 2 things here it looks like you can stand on but you can't (on bats and above trash door) but this sniper sightline into lobby is also pretty crazy and if it's gonna exist anyway you might as well move the trash door to the left a bit so you can actually cover it from upper lobby without exposing yourself
sniper from double forward is still stupid broken and honestly due to the nature of the map you could probably keep the forwards in the same spot for both points with different spawn times. I can't really think of a better a better place to put the spawn maybe in valley ? choke seems like equidistant to current forwards anyway but i guess it's a much better position to be able to set up into mid anyway
maybe move the spawn doors back a bit you can still spam bottom left from spawn though maybe this is intentional
at the moment it actually might be harder to push out of this last than badlands but the last is so much better than you can make the spawn times not awful for the defenders (gullywash is probably a good starting point) because there are actually ways to sack/push last that don't involve point gimmicks
also on 2nd i think you should remove the ramp from launchpad to the point, part of what made badlands spire so interesting was that you had to clear the area and lock it down before your medic could take the strongest position. Even process spire isn't nearly as free current situation seems like 2nd would be hard to hold/fight if you can't lock down the choke