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Last Posted February 11, 2025 at 1:04 PM
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#17 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
mattystopperwho has the best fragvids ?

kaptain starkie kaidus clockwork yz ams yohn larval matthes paulsen jukebox cooki thalash alle josh funs flippy lukas poly zebbo rising aephage grape sam riotbz delpo silentes milky sdb marmaloooo

slem; clock yz50 ams puoskari cooki botmode corsa aishou

we probably missed a bunch

posted about 5 years ago
#14 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
harveyplayers you guys watched the most to improve or molded your playstyle after

slem says clock shrugger yomps
for me this is a such a hard question to answer Yz50 was probably the first person but idk sorta watched everyone and made my own I guess. As a roamer going into invite seagull and blaze were probably my biggest influences

VanxiBotmode what role do you think you're the best at versus the role that you have the most fun playing? Also slemnish how fun/unfun was it to play on a rando team for an entire season?

probably pocket, I think I'm pretty good at all the classes there just aren't a lot of pockets and demos right now I think. probably something like pocket>roamer>comboscout>demo>flankscout in terms of skill. In terms of enjoyment I like them all, they're all really fun. I think scout is probably the one I'm least likely to not be having fun on but it's also probably potentially boring if I'm not the one sniping

slem says he liked playing with rando, it was fun

posted about 5 years ago
#11 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
cukeiWhat will skeez talk about now that he has 0 ping?

we'll let you know when we find out

posted about 5 years ago
#10 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordslemnish: are you grateful for me creating you and, if so, can I have half of your i65 winnings

enough - slem

posted about 5 years ago
#7 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
bleghfarecbotmode what are your current thoughts on the state of quake champions

I haven't launched the game for a few months. I kinda lost interest because there is basically no tournaments for 6 months of the year (at least the last 2 years) so it feels kinda lame to play it sometimes

I think the game itself is probably in the best state it's ever been but I don't think that's saying a whole lot. Timelimit duel is better especially since the item timers are both 30 seconds so taking back control feels more calculated in terms of how many frags you want to spend instead of just waiting to get lucky because the other person makes a mistake or you hit a good rocket or a lot of rails

Playing duel is also a pretty lonely experience if I'm gonna be completely honest and people who play quake didn't get good by hanging out so

I do miss sac though

for a long time I've considered playing some more again but there's only so many hours in the day

posted about 5 years ago
#5 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion
Console-can I get a high five at lan

yes ofc

zxpHow old are you?

What drives you to still play tf2?

Fav roster you've played with so far?

How do you see the NA tf2 scene developing?

What are your plans for the next year both irl and in tf2?

I am 21 slem is 20

it's fun

slem says there's no fps like it and he wants to win
s27 svift is hard to top for me just for the memes s29 svift was powerful though but canada internet and zilly killed it
slem says s21 or this team probably

not sure, more or the same probably

college and I dunno about tf2 we'll see what happens definitely a break in order for the short term
slem says basically the same thing

Jojo@slemnish do you and hippo still talk? If so what ever happened to that guy?

@botmode do you enjoy demo or do you play it strictly due to the relatively small number of invite capable demos?

slem says they talk every so often, they've known each other since elementary school. He still plays games every now and then

I enjoy it, I do play it because it was what the team needed I'm not really opposed to playing anything really except medic because then I probably have to heal players worse than me which is meh. Not sure which class is my favorite tbh

posted about 5 years ago
#1 slemnish and botmode ama in TF2 General Discussion

we are at the airport for a few hours so AMA

laz has joined us as well

please consider donating to the i65 fundraiser
and follow @AscentEsports on twitter

posted about 5 years ago
#16 cp_utopia in Map Discussion

screens are from a1

last looks pretty nice but lobby looks really awkward

unlike badlands it doesn't really look like you'll be able forward hold in any way not that you really should but it also doesn't look like you can hold lobby in any situation which seems out of place compared to most standard maps

gully lobby demo can hold shutters with a +1 maybe even and rest of team can hold upper
badlands demo can hold shutters while soldiers cover left/right bats
sunshine demo can cover bats/shutter while combo goes bottom left and flank goes dungeon
snake soldier and scout can cover lower while rest of team is upper
metal 2 guys can cover shutter rest of team on the otherside
granary and process don't really have standard lobby areas in that there isn't an area that the whole team is forced to go through from last to second

but pretty much pushing out of last into second on every map with a lobby, the whole team will get into the lobby and then get into second

right wall is what is making controlling lower lobby from upper really awkward (how far it reaches in from the right if you pushed the wall and the staircase over the right a bit it'd probably be better (or more badlandsesque i guess honestly) that whole situation there seems really awkward for demos, there doesn't really seem to be any easy to cover areas for that class at the moment. You may want to make some more radical changes to lobby because there's still a lot of doors to cover which was one of badlands biggest issues with pushing out (the other being spawn times)

possible sight line issue here if you move that wall as the wall on bats is pretty low and you might be able to see onto the second point not sure though

obviously this is an alpha map but there's 2 things here it looks like you can stand on but you can't (on bats and above trash door) but this sniper sightline into lobby is also pretty crazy and if it's gonna exist anyway you might as well move the trash door to the left a bit so you can actually cover it from upper lobby without exposing yourself

sniper from double forward is still stupid broken and honestly due to the nature of the map you could probably keep the forwards in the same spot for both points with different spawn times. I can't really think of a better a better place to put the spawn maybe in valley ? choke seems like equidistant to current forwards anyway but i guess it's a much better position to be able to set up into mid anyway

maybe move the spawn doors back a bit you can still spam bottom left from spawn though maybe this is intentional

at the moment it actually might be harder to push out of this last than badlands but the last is so much better than you can make the spawn times not awful for the defenders (gullywash is probably a good starting point) because there are actually ways to sack/push last that don't involve point gimmicks

also on 2nd i think you should remove the ramp from launchpad to the point, part of what made badlands spire so interesting was that you had to clear the area and lock it down before your medic could take the strongest position. Even process spire isn't nearly as free current situation seems like 2nd would be hard to hold/fight if you can't lock down the choke

posted about 5 years ago
#15 le economy crash in TF2 General Discussion
Phantomhow did they fuck up this hard im utterly confused

have you ever seen office space

posted about 5 years ago
#19 Unveiling NACL in TF2 General Discussion
Tino_So I am only going to make one post more on this whole new league matter as I have said more then enough already. This notion that it is "too late" is a little stupid IMO. RGL has yet to actually start and there is plenty of time for people to change to a different league. No one is locked into only playing RGL at this point and things can still change in the community. Realistically if people want to play for cash then RGL is the best option because there is stupid money being dumped into it for no real reason, and if cash is the number one factor then RGL is the obvious choice. But it is still a choice, I am not faulting anyone for that choice I am saying people need to figure out what they want. If it's RGL, then go RGL, if it's NaCl, or any other league then go there, but don't make the decision that it MUST be RGL because of some arbitrary time limits that dont make any sense. People know where is stand on these issues, but for the rest of you there is still a lot of time to actually have these discussions and reach a conclusion you want, rather than one you are forced into.

if anything I would say the timing for this league is a lot better than RGL

I agree with trip if doing 30 minute ruleset ban to 2 maps and play 2 maps
do 2 roster swaps/week (maybe 3 even) with a max over the whole season

posted about 5 years ago
#109 best frag videos under 2,000 views in TF2 General Discussion

posted about 5 years ago
#2 Has anyone seen this disconnect reason in MM? in TF2 General Discussion

you need to put the actual image link between the img tag, not the album containing the image

posted about 5 years ago
#76 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion
slamBergIt would be interesting to see how the map pick/ban vs. weekly rotation preference was broken down by division. The results being around 80/20 isnt too surprising considering how horribly implemented it was in ESEA. I think if the map pool for a new league was 7 maps, with a pick/ban system 3 bans/3bans, always narrowing it down to a single map, most invite teams would prefer that. Having a map pool of 7 would make incrementally changing the map pool each season a lot easier(vote 1 out, vote 1 in, every season) as opposed to dropping gran, badlands, adding logjam prop cp_hospital, all over 1 offseason.

You could even have the map/pick ban system exclusively for the top division, especially if the survey results(15-20% prefer map/pick) was a strong majority of invite players.


you can look at the results per division by changing the sheet at the bottom of the page
among invite players pick/ban was more popular but not more popular than a weekly rotation 61.7% weekly 38.3% pick/ban

posted about 5 years ago
#71 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion
Screwballbotmode like a lot of people are either lying or overestimating there skill levels.

or the primary group of players that browse tftv and were willing to spend the time to take the survey were IM players

posted about 5 years ago
#65 On NATF2's Future in TF2 General Discussion

Here are the results of the survey:

I have removed the names for the sake of anonymity

When I made the survey I reasoned that if people had anything to say they could post it on tftv but it would have been much better to provide an open ended feedback option. In the one open ended question someone cleverly used that answer to say:

Just gonna hijack this answer real quick. A lot of the questions asked here, although slightly relevant have a decent chunk of the questions lack context. As example the map pick/banning depends on if its seeded or not. You'll get some answers out of this but a chunk of them will lead to inclusive results even if there is a majority.

Which is true, so keep that in mind. I purposefully tried to keep things as broad as possible to get a general idea of want people wanted and not what an ideal ruleset is by popular vote. Some of the most popular things don't work together very well because the questions lacked the context to create an if a then what b do you want situation. For instance, a lot of people like the classic esea ruleset but people also like two maps, obviously these don't work very well because you could have matches last longer than 2 hours in some fairly common cases. Basically, this survey isn't gospel but it is a lot of information.

Another flaw, for the single /double elim question I did not initially have the single for lower double for upper as an option though I did add it relatively quickly so that may be more popular than it appears to be.

Most of the responses to the survey were NA players, either because it was received as a poll for NA or because it was posted on TFTV and that's primarily who browses tftv.

The survey is still open and I'll add the results as I can throughout the week
I'm not an expert spreadsheeter so if you spot any errors please let me know so I can fix them

posted about 5 years ago
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