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SteamID64 76561198058309962
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:0:49022117
Country United States
Signed Up June 28, 2013
Last Posted August 21, 2021 at 4:01 PM
Posts 230 (0.1 per day)
Game Settings
In-game Sensitivity 1
Windows Sensitivity 6/11
Raw Input 1
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Hardware Peripherals
Mouse Zowie FK
Keyboard Corsair Vengeance K70
Mousepad 12.6x10.6 (in) Steelseries QcK
Headphones Logitech G230
Monitor Alienware Laptop Display
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#240 Apex Legends in Other Games

fun game

posted about 3 years ago
#23 The flaws of 6's in TF2 General Discussion

the core problem of 6s has always been stalemating, but it doesn't have anything to do with map or game mode design.

you can make 5cp maps bigger with wider chokes so teams can push into points without using early, except it would make sniper overpowered and projectile classes worse.

you can make attacker spawns closer to capture points or defender spawns farther away so there is less penalty playing aggressively, but now the game snowballs hard and heavily favors the team that wins mid.

you can add a shot clock and enforce it so teams are pressured to push more without addressing WHY the game stalemates, so you'll just frustrate players by forcing them to take uber exchanges they don't want.

the real issue is that the only consistent way to break stalemates is ubercharge. the only real tool you have in this game. setting up sniper/spy or sac plays to break a last hold take way too long and are easy to counter. when those plays don't work the defending team still doesn't have enough of an advantage to push out of last too. that's not going to change because we're past the point of Valve adding new abilities or reworking and rebalancing classes for that.

one problem with ubercharge is that the team that pops first (assuming equal ubers) is already at a disadvantage. who usually has to pop uber first? the aggressive team that ubers through a choke trying to break the stalemate. so stock medigun is responsible for giving defensive teams enough of an advantage to slow the game down when there are equal ubers.

compare that to kritzkrieg on both teams where the team that uses first usually has the upper hand, promoting aggressive play. playing against kritz also might not be as oppressive as playing against stock when your team has uber disadvantage so there could be more room for counterplay. it also charges faster.

I am totally guessing but experimenting with different medigun metas and banning stock medigun could improve 6s or lead to new problems. kritzkrieg only for example. I remember people liked how quick-fix meta made the game faster a long time ago until invite teams ran full-time heavy, so it might have worked out if heavy was completely banned.

posted about 3 years ago
#142 ESEA to drop tf2 after season 31??? in TF2 General Discussion

I feel like everyone saw this coming at some point. even without ESEA competitive TF2 will live on

posted about 5 years ago
#10 Left Handed Players in TF2 General Discussion

Left handed with lefty setup using arrow keys. I couldn't master rollouts with left jumps. Only played scout.

posted about 7 years ago
#6 Ex-Tf2 Players competing in OWL in Other Games

Taimou was a TF2 player as well and is on Dallas Fuel.

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Cat Noises get Linkuser in News

Linkuser is awesome and I am surprised to see him still playing.

posted about 7 years ago
#45 who's left handed? in TF2 General Discussion
Mingopeople that are left handed but using their right hand

I am right handed but I use mouse on the left. Arrow keys for movement.

posted about 7 years ago
#36 who is the greatest e-athlete ever in Esports

I know people are biased against League here (and for good reason I hate League) but it has to be Faker. Supposedly he's the only pro player with a million dollar contract which is really hard to fathom.

posted about 7 years ago
#151 ESEA-IM S25 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
SpaceCadetI still don't understand why.

Even if IM had 13-14 teams, the league fees would still add to more money for ESEA.

Pushing all those 13-14 teams to Open will mean the same players still pay to play in open. (unless they quit because of this change)

Lower league fees in Open means less money for ESEA. This can't be strictly about money cause the numbers don't add-up.

I'm certain it was brought up in previous conversations about ESEA that they operate the TF2 divs breaking even/at a loss regardless so it's not surprising they removed IM the first chance they could.

posted about 7 years ago
#200 Quake Champions Closed Beta in Other Games
sendRagorsendits awfulA+ feedback fam, care to elaboratecharacters are paywalled
each character has abilities
each character has different move speeds
each character has different health/armor stats
each character has different levels of movement
only one armor tier
the game is a mess

paywalling characters is the worst thing I agree. League is the only successful exception I've seen do it. every other detail you mentioned pretty much describes tf2 though

posted about 7 years ago
#110 Quake Champions Closed Beta in Other Games

hopefully they don't go for the closed beta eSports approach that Overwatch did.

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Frag vid commissions? in Videos

I have a few neat clips that are a couple of years old that I'd like to revisit with a frag movie. I'm expecting something 5-7 minutes long and well-edited which is why I'm wondering if anyone in the TF2 community is up for it.Willing to pay a good amount for a video like this with a couple of smooths here and there too.

I've already ticked all of the demos so if you want to take an early look at some of them here's the dropbox link.Shoot me a message here or add me on Steam if you're interested.

posted about 8 years ago
#79 Invite players in Open? in TF2 General Discussion
supersubbowswer5mman i wanna play A COMPETITIVE GAME MODE IN A PAID DIVISION IN A LEAGUE THAT ALLOWS ANYBODY TO REGISTER but im gonna make a post complaining when people are better than me because theyre more experienced

also i have a really hard time thinking that very nice people like ranga would ever waste time flaming overly sensitive open players

heres whats bound to be an even more popular opinion, your team hasnt won a round yet, but u decide to go out of ur way to make a post complaining about invite players when ur getting slammed by people who havent even made open playoffs yet

im sure ur sentiments will be echoed by a lot of frusturated open players who feel ur pain but it really doesnt make it a valid thing to whine about, go look at csgo/source/1.6 open seasons and see how many open playoff teams are just reformed main/prem teams

if you actually want to go somewhere in tf2 ur gonna have to start beating (ex)invite players eventually, might as well try ur ass off now and learn what u can instead of typing about how hard it is to wrap ur little noodle around the concept of sandbagging

Anybody including ex-Invite players have the right to play and make teams in open period. If your point is coming from the players guilty of "sandbagging" though it's hypocritical to tell open players to suck it up when you're the ones also afraid of playing actual competition (b4nny & co.) in Invite. At that point it's just encouraging complaining open players by example to stick to UGC instead which is worse off for the game overall.

I think it's partly due to invite fees being so expensive, $510 for a team

Actually I'm pretty sure that's the only reason. If Invite fees were as cheap as open fees there'd be more teams willing to risk their money playing against FROYO but the expensive fees are also the only thing keeping top level TF2 prestigious right now so it's absolutely necessary.

It doesn't change my point though. Why should a new open team pay league fees to play against ex-Invite teams or players with 4-5 season of open experience instead of chilling with friends in UGC? Why should a low-mid Invite team pay league fees to play against the best teams in the world instead of chilling with friends in open? The anti-competitive mentality behind it is the same.

posted about 8 years ago
#76 Invite players in Open? in TF2 General Discussion
mman i wanna play A COMPETITIVE GAME MODE IN A PAID DIVISION IN A LEAGUE THAT ALLOWS ANYBODY TO REGISTER but im gonna make a post complaining when people are better than me because theyre more experienced

also i have a really hard time thinking that very nice people like ranga would ever waste time flaming overly sensitive open players

heres whats bound to be an even more popular opinion, your team hasnt won a round yet, but u decide to go out of ur way to make a post complaining about invite players when ur getting slammed by people who havent even made open playoffs yet

im sure ur sentiments will be echoed by a lot of frusturated open players who feel ur pain but it really doesnt make it a valid thing to whine about, go look at csgo/source/1.6 open seasons and see how many open playoff teams are just reformed main/prem teams

if you actually want to go somewhere in tf2 ur gonna have to start beating (ex)invite players eventually, might as well try ur ass off now and learn what u can instead of typing about how hard it is to wrap ur little noodle around the concept of sandbagging

Anybody including ex-Invite players have the right to play and make teams in open period. If your point is coming from the players guilty of "sandbagging" though it's hypocritical to tell open players to suck it up when you're the ones also afraid of playing actual competition (b4nny & co.) in Invite. At that point it's just encouraging complaining open players by example to stick to UGC instead which is worse off for the game overall.

posted about 8 years ago
#10 -bird noises- revamps roster for new season in News
whymeoI hope people stop calling them bird noises now with the new name, it doesn't feel like bird noises without at least train or voll tbh.

Yeah but if it makes you feel better the real bird noises is now a professional Overwatch team under the org Hammers eSports.

posted about 8 years ago
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