you need to find a new job man you are not built for that shit
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SteamID64 | 76561198036391020 |
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Signed Up | January 8, 2014 |
Last Posted | March 4, 2025 at 8:57 PM |
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Mouse | you like the beach boys or what? |
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Monitor | someones gotta be the one to die |
just finished learning esperanto. i already knew a bit of spanish so it wasn’t too hard to learn a similar language. i think i’ll stick to english though, since thats what most people speak online and in movies and stuff. have a good day everyone :)
if your goal was to communicate with other players why did u learn a language only spoken by one guy you’ve met so far
the ugc got ddossed, please direct all attention to the discord. the site will be fixed eventually.
Wild_Rumpusdude just conjures up four pages out of nowhere pay attention everyone this is how you do it
praise the craftsmen, not the hammer
u need to practice at least intellectually understanding how human beings tend to interact in real life scenarios before u dedicate more of your time to studying rules and structures of various things. everything you say on here is either willfully ignorant, hyperfocused on an irrelevant technicality, or ignoring the human component of interpersonal/cultural interactions and it makes it completely pointless to say anything to u
ask yourself what u want out of a conversation like this. if u want to prove a point, then u need to consider the topic from a broader perspective than that of a purely logical robot. if u want to have stimulating discussion then u need to be less of an obstinate and irritating person to discuss things with
AimIsADickUh, you can't say "me uber" like you can in esperanto
yes u can u literally just did
AimIsADickAlso: "Flankonto alsaltas min!" and "Poduope puŝas ili!" try and replicate those in english...
guarantee u i could say those more succinctly if u told me what theyre trying to communicate
AimIsADickLike Esperanto
please be serious dogg
AimIsADickThat's because of the culture that's been built up by natives, that prevents English from being used so regularly.
your insistence on a blanket, robotic rejection of any social, cultural, human impact on the use and structures of things like language (perhaps the purest cultural artifact) is an immense blind spot in your understanding of almost everything you talk about
AimIsADickAlso, foreign speakers of english do use grammatically precise elements of english against the proper forms, because learning all the irregularities is difficult for them.
yes, in certain ways this is common, and they are completely intelligible without being fully familiar with usage of things like contractions and common idiomatic shortenings etc. in some ways many also tend to speak with imprecise patterns (missing determiners, odd word ordering, etc) and are still usually very intelligible. neither end of this is a problem
AimIsADickI would easily have used the word misconflate, if I was allowed to. but y'all didn't allow me to
you did, and you were. again, people understood what you meant, they were making fun of you because you were being annoying
AimIsADickOr is it? is ¨spy scout" an infinitive and acusative, or an adjective and substantive, or a substantive and adjective?
completely missing the basic point here. people dont formally diagram sentences in their head before they process the information. "spy scout" is literally not a sentence or even really a sentence fragment. its two nouns, communicated together, with an obvious meaning implied by their combination. if you say it, any tf2 player who knows the words "spy" and "scout" will know what you mean
AimIsADickI didn't misinterpret anything here.
well you appear to have expressed all of those comms using rudimentary english in ways that can be easily understood. maybe put a few more hours in and youll find a better example tho
AimIsADickHere is your table of calls that are not possible in rudimentary english:
incredible to misinterpret someones point that wildly and then still not even remotely counter the misinterpreted version of the point
im glad we all already speak english so we can have this discussion
AimIsADickand either way, it has native speakers:
im going to go insane if i have to argue to u any more that english is orders of magnitude more prevalent both as a native and 2nd language
AimIsADickit has native speakers
no it doesnt man. it has a small community of hobbyist families who taught their kids the language alongside their actual local native language that they all speak in day to day public life
AimIsADickless demanding
please read before u reply. i said its more demanding to request that ~600m+ ppl learn a language nobody speaks than to request that a much smaller group of ppl learn a language that most ppl around them speak
AimIsADickWell, Esperanto. its not perfect, but it does work and there isn't the same coercion as is in English
so u genuinely believe that if i ordered at a restaurant, or asked for directions, or talked about a football match, anywhere in europe, i would have better success in communication speaking esperanto than in english, on average. just want to make the question very clear here
AimIsADickDid it look like I had time to practice spanish during school? if I tried to, I would have failed graduation... Most workers in the U.S are poor; and barely have much time off. It would be very hard for them to learn it, if they weren't immersed in it.
i agree, but that applies for any language. spanish has a high success rate because you actually can be immersed with it
AimIsADickI was talking about how come every (like each English speaking citiizen) doesn't also speak spanish.
cos theres no reason to be bilingual at all for most americans? really not sure what yr getting at
AimIsADickI couldn't even make the word "misconflate", like I tried a year ago, without being told it isn't a "real word". how is that an example of "elasticity"?
people made fun of u for saying that because it was funny, not because they couldnt infer what u meant. u being able to completely make up a word that makes rough sense to most ppl is actually a great example of elasticity. either way im talking about the grammar not the vocab so idc
AimIsADickAh, so y'all are the kind of people that think english is "easy to learn" when it takes 10 damn years (possibly more) to comprehend it like a native
AimIsADickmandarin is notoriously difficult...
this is the most anglocentric thing either of us have said
AimIsADickI've seen figures of 2 million esperanto speakers.
when your statistics are to be trusted completely:
i would be very sure this skews towards the lower end since it exists almost purely has a hobbyist language and has 0 native speaking cultures of any size
AimIsADickAh yes, the "less demanding" english
who are u quoting here?
AimIsADickMost people cant comprehend english; there are 8 billion people in the world, out of those only 400 English speakers exist.
what language would u recommend i learn if i want to go traveling around europe
AimIsADickI was forced to learn [Spanish] years ago in school, and I cant remember it at all.
sounds like u didnt practice very much. several ppl from my work who work with native spanish speakers talk to them in spanish purely from HS level education + practice/immersion
AimIsADickIf that was the case, how come I don't see every english speaker speaking spanish?
theres a lot of ppl in america who speak spanish as a 2nd language and almost none who speak esperanto
AimIsADickNothing more like, europe hating it because anglisms are making their way into their OWN languages
0% chance im discussing cross-cultural influence in europe with u but this is irrelevant and also not solved by esperanto
AimIsADick"elasticity" does not come from tons of exceptions to the grammar
yes it does
AimIsADickI've been in an MvM match with a french player complaining about how hard English is.
unbelievable to me that a french person would complain about something foreign. this just made things serious
AimIsADickSeriously what's wrong with the idea?
i guess i can be the one to take u seriously and present the impossibly obvious answers
main problem is that about half of non-slav europe (250m+) already speaks english conversationally, and the ratio is certainly much higher in younger international online communities. esperanto has probably fewer than 100,000 fluent speakers globally, with many of those in SEA. asking what, 10-20% at most of tf2 euros to learn conversational english is less demanding than asking 99.9% of tf2 euros to learn esperanto
also keep in mind youd be asking those 99.9% to learn a new language purely to comm in tf2. they would still want to learn english to be able to communicate with foreigners in the real world. even if people wanted to move to an easier-to-learn, more structured language then spanish would be a much more useful alternative
english also actually works really well as an auxiliary language, at least for europe, mostly due to the elasticity of its grammar, but also from broad similarities to germanic structure and romance vocabulary. esperanto is probably also fine, but if you look empathetically at the real world usefulness of language, its only real advantage is ease of learning. if you wanted to talk about a global auxiliary language then its worth discussing constructed languages but thats not rly relevant in tf2
should also be noted that 95% of the problems ive seen about language barrier in euro gaming come from slavs (who have a different standard language) playing on euro servers, and most of the rest are about french people refusing to learn english