all of my best friends play there every night and i get picked every pug and they let me play soldier
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561198036391020 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:76125292] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:38062646 |
Country | Virgin Islands, U.S. |
Signed Up | January 8, 2014 |
Last Posted | December 30, 2024 at 9:22 PM |
Posts | 3839 (1 per day) |
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800 |
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2560x1440 |
Refresh Rate |
144hz |
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Mouse | you like the beach boys or what? |
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Monitor | someones gotta be the one to die |
wow they finally looked at all my reports
dogbs not friends with mopsy or nursey... then who took the screenshot o_o
i missed the old myles
lobbies and pugs are different
whats the title of the thread supposed to mean btw
trippaBro is getting absolutely cooked in mge in every clip DO NOT follow this video you will have bot movement
admins flip a coin to determine whether to award 4 rounds or 1 for a ffw
lobbies are just a fundamentally different thing than pugs and having been since forever. if u wanna lobby thats fine but it cant be a replacement for even the biggest broadest pug groups/sites
Hunter_2_0brodyu think kids are getting groomed by unlikeable shitheads?Millions of unlikeable shitheads everyday manage to get into relationships, have friend groups, etc, so I doubt grooming children is where they fail.
absolutely right but likeable ppl definitely have an advantage in the grooming race
Hunter_2_0idk about u guys but the idea of someone nice and welcoming being a groomer is even worse than someone weird and edgy being a groomer.
u think kids are getting groomed by unlikeable shitheads?
crespimmrarkteAverage Redditor Energy
dont be a moron
mmrarktenursey, broking and alfa
to note is that not all of those players are banned for the same reason
zebulonbrodythe pug spreadsheet has been useless basically since it was madeDo you have any ideas on what would make it more useful? I'm planning on making improvements to - which uses this list - this winter.
i dont rly have any useful feedback here, but the reason i say is that ive gone thru the list like 3 separate times and each time few of the "active" servers are actually active, some of the rest are outside of my skill range (fair), and often one of the rest is the shithead pugs where 2 of ur teammates will throw and say slurs every game
dbkbrodybro wrote an entire post (which you quoted) explaining specifically why stuff matters, these are not new issues and they often meaningfully affect higher ranked teams in a division, why post if you have literally nothing to add
yeah i read it, and i wrote my own post explaining why i disagree with some of it. i know his has more paragraphs and its yelling at rgl but that doesnt instantly make it completely correct
theres not really much in there that explains why its a critical issue that teams will VERY rarely rematch against eachother. he says its a 17 team division so it should be a clean round robin (agreed), but it's now a 14 team div so thats just not true/possible. i agree that some bubble teams having byes and some not is dumb, but i dont think the solution is giving more byes, since byes also skew result fairness
in any case i dont remember any example of a team getting into or getting denied playoffs because they played the same team twice. if there is. happy to be proved wrong here but everyone's just taking the claim that this has had real repercussions on some season's results at face value
if u wanna just -frag me and ignore or reply with a meme thats fine, its an open forum, but idk how actually replying to his post adds less than anything else in here has