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SteamID64 76561198036391020
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Country Virgin Islands, U.S.
Signed Up January 8, 2014
Last Posted December 30, 2024 at 9:22 PM
Posts 3839 (1 per day)
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Mouse you like the beach boys or what?
Monitor someones gotta be the one to die
1 ⋅⋅ 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ⋅⋅ 253
#15 Medic Speed in TF2 General Discussion
buttercupIt would be kinda interesting to see what would happen if people played a season without the speed increase

even as a soldier main + stubborn oldhead i think the game would be unilaterally worse without scout speed. for meds, scouts, soldiers, and spectators, purely more boring and less fun. id rather talk about banning/nerfing xbow than reverting scout speed

posted about a year ago
#20 RGL S13 Div-1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
tacocatscout Power Rankings by denisavich;

name one good canadian tf2 player. thats right you cant

posted about a year ago
#13 binge drinking in Off Topic

lots of ppl in here are recommending how to quit drinking, which is valid, and would solve ur problem, but its way harder to do than specifically stopping urself binge drinking/overdrinking, which is what ur talking about

obvious first step is getting into the habit of creating a visible limit for urself before u start. scratch markers on the bottle, setting aside max amt of cans/bottles, even pouring from the bottle into a smaller bottle. even if its a high limit, it forces ur sober mind to rationalize the consequences and be honest about ur intentions

obviously enforcing the limit is the harder part, but theres easy things that help. keeping as much of ur stock in a inaccessible location (locked cabinet, another room, a high shelf, anything to make it even slightly inconvenient to access) is remarkably effective. regularly checking in with someone (gf, parent, friend, therapist, even a journal) about your daily limits and how well u follow them helps too. they dont have to be a cheerleader or act disappointed or anything, it just unlocks the instinctive shame response in the human brain that generally motivates ppl to be societally functional

probably wont help for everyone but its my 2c. gl :)

posted about a year ago
#16 RGL S13 Div-1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
saxophonecry about it

bro what do u think im DOING

posted about a year ago
#14 RGL S13 Div-1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

genuine question, why do pick/ban divs play granary, metalworks, and viaduct, which arent in rotation, but DONT play villa or clearcut, which are?

posted about a year ago
#13 RGL S13 Div-1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

aaaaa why are we playing a map that most ppl have little to no exp on that also has 0 recent invite vods to study!!!! let me play granary!

posted about a year ago
#12 tf2 just got plugged by zendaya in Off Topic

two fortress two

posted about a year ago
#9 [PSA] RGL Store refuses to remove low quality item in TF2 General Discussion
czarchasmYou mean the RGL Marketing Director.

be real here man

czarchasmThat'd be different if I was promised that the item would be removed from the store. Instead, it is a vague "we'll figure out the issues" reply along with telling your customers they have to deal with the return if they don't like it

ur genuinely just throwing a fit because ppl arent doing exactly what you want them to. you notified them of a problem, they apologized and told you theyd work to fix it. what do you want? if ur mad about the slow refund then go yell at teespring, the profitable business that can actually do something to help you

czarchasmEDIT: To be clear, the proper response (imo) for this is

if u know everything then go volunteer at rgl

posted about a year ago
#3 [PSA] RGL Store refuses to remove low quality item in TF2 General Discussion

u handed a hot potato issue to a discord mod that requires the business admins finding a solution + communicating with a third party vendor. theyre probably having the same conversation with teespring that u are. teespring sucks, basically every site that does what they do sucks, they all do their best to make low quality products and bottleneck returns. why is this an rgl thread?

posted about a year ago
#14 who my duo (overwatch2) ((masters going for GM elo in Other Games

hi joe i dont play overwatch but i wanted to say hi and wish you a good day. i hope you do well in your games and get more elo so you can eventually be gm

posted about a year ago
#33 What is with people in mge in TF2 General Discussion

i guess i was just confused cos ur first sentence is "elo is good" and then u described a bunch of reasons why its bad or at best unhelpful

posted about a year ago
#31 What is with people in mge in TF2 General Discussion

im genuinely not trying to be snide or patronizing cos u seem to have a very positive mentality and i agree with the words ur saying, but how does elo affect any of this?

posted about a year ago
#29 What is with people in mge in TF2 General Discussion
xirphsince there’s no ‘fixed’ way to play the downside is players can cheese their way to a high elo while simultaneously ruining the experience for everyone else (playing gay as fuck, silent removing, class-swap binds to get kicked, toggling, etc) which encourages shit behavior in pub mge

lots of downsides here. any upsides?

posted about a year ago
#2 chknhds lfp p.solly/p. scout in Recruitment (looking for players)


posted about a year ago
#62 Sale_boat diary in Off Topic
Sale_boatI wish I was intoxicated at all times because I feel like I am more emotionally aware of myself and I appreciate all the great things I have in my life

please be careful with this, because its probably very true but also very seriously dangerous to your long-term mental existence. youre in the perfect time of your life to enjoy yourself with reckless abandon, so i dont mean to be a scold or a prude, but this is a genuinely scary thing to hear someone say in earnest

posted about a year ago
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