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SteamID64 76561198036391020
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Country Virgin Islands, U.S.
Signed Up January 8, 2014
Last Posted March 4, 2025 at 8:57 PM
Posts 3864 (0.9 per day)
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Mouse you like the beach boys or what?
Monitor someones gotta be the one to die
1 ⋅⋅ 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ⋅⋅ 254
#9 old na tf2 lan photos in TF2 General Discussion
kirisamedoes anyone have victory blunt clipped, i want to see this
if this is what u mean its still up. if it goes down i have a copy saved

posted about a year ago
#498 age in Off Topic



even if mustard was telling the truth here back in #243, he would be a normal age for a tf2 player today

posted about a year ago
#3 have u guys tried 100 player tf2 yet in TF2 General Discussion

where do i play

posted about a year ago
#8 OMG 8 in The Dumpster

sorry about the bollocks

posted about a year ago
#5 new to this competitive bullshit in TF2 General Discussion

sounds like youve got what it takes, you're welcome to a spot on my team. add me here:

posted about a year ago
#2 LFT backup/sub in Recruitment (looking for team)

he doesnt know

posted about a year ago
#17 CS2 is out in Off Topic

this is valves best multiplayer game in over a decade, well done

posted about a year ago
#380 2nd Place B4nny in TF2 General Discussion

welcome back everyone

posted about a year ago
#5 old na tf2 lan photos in TF2 General Discussion
mustardoverlordThere was one esea lan (I want to say season 10osh) where a couple of the 1.6 teams had the funniest team photos of all time

not much has pissed me off as much as almost all of esea news plus the tf2 stats section getting just completely deleted

on a similar note, heres some of my collection of HLTV photos with tf2 player cameos, which have always amused me for some reason

Show Content
posted about a year ago
#2 old na tf2 lan photos in TF2 General Discussion

this is a mix of s7 and s8

this is s7 Blight (mesr, smaka, plat, oplaid, harb, blackymonster):

Show Content

this is s8 Check6 (harb, vhalin, TLR, dave__ac, kalkin, oov):

Show Content

(yes thats the TLR trophy)

most of the rest of the pics if not all are from s8

posted about a year ago
#7 RGL S13 Div-1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

imo the division feels too big this season. maybe they could split it into 2 divisions?

posted about a year ago
#13 OMG 3 in TF2 General Discussion

average loch n load pov

posted about a year ago
#5 RGL S13 Div-1 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion

posted about a year ago
#26 RGL S13 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Fireball7d7What's the incentive to move up divisions if you just have to face sandbaggers from the division above?

this seems like the complete opposite of what ive observed. no one moving up a div is worried about the higher div's sandbaggers from 2 divs up—theyre losing to top teams regardless. the people playing the same div over and over without ever having to be challenged, on the other hand, LOVE the anti-sandbagging rules

regardless, neither of the dead teams (and i would argue at least 1 of the other moveups) were also just not sandbagging. my whole team was either offclassing or derusting, and we only played 3 nights a week, 4 at most. we simply signed up in the division we belonged in. scrim results prove this—theres still i think 3 teams who are still in main who were beating us consistently

we said no ty to a request to move up and then got moved up anyway without any further communication for 4 days. for all this we are rewarded with another $15 of fees per person. people figured we'd rather just scrim (dm @50billiondollars on discord to schedule)

theres maybe another timeline where we all suck it up and mainclass and dm for 20 hours a week and send winstons girlfriend on a 3 month vacation backpacking across western europe so we can play adv and get burned out and lose all future interest in the game, but that timeline is definitely not the one where we're given less than 0 incentive to do so

posted about a year ago
#21 RGL S13 Advanced Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
Sale_boatthanks rgl for killing my team by forcibly moving us to advance with the excuse of saving advance........
so ironic that the div still has the same amount of teams and now main has less teams

^ stolen valor alert

posted about a year ago
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