I think its your processor. I'm not an expert on tf2 harware optimization shit but I think having a really fast cpu is what really matters. You have a good cpu in the sense that its new and has 4(i think) cores, but it doesnt have the raw speed needed to keep up with our favorite fast paced first person shooter....from 2007 >_>
Account Details | |
SteamID64 | 76561197999215868 |
SteamID3 | [U:1:38950140] |
SteamID32 | STEAM_0:0:19475070 |
Country | United States |
Signed Up | July 27, 2012 |
Last Posted | February 24, 2025 at 7:22 PM |
Posts | 2182 (0.5 per day) |
Game Settings | |
In-game Sensitivity | 12 inches/360 |
Windows Sensitivity | |
Raw Input | 1 |
900 |
Resolution |
1080p |
Refresh Rate |
420hz (120) |
Hardware Peripherals | |
Mouse | vaxee something |
Keyboard | durgod |
Mousepad | steelseries something |
Monitor | benq 144hz |
all I do in history class is play final fantasy III and Clash of Clans
I love silkthread
I upgraded my professional recording studio from a phone to an ipad so I decided to re-record some of my songs. They're pretty deep songs about my feelings and stuff.
-The Rolling Stone
"At first I thought Sylvia Plath wrote these songs."
-Tiger Beat
Blink, scout is a really weird way to spell demo.
Play lots of pugs, tf2mixs and be active on the comms. People remember the ones that communicate a lot in pugs. After you're done playing the game try to discuss how the game went with them or compliment them on the sick airshot they got. Then just add them to friends. I get random requests from people I've only played with once or twice all the time and i certainly don't mind.
You could also try out for a team. Playing on a team is a great way to make friends and you will have scheduled friendship bonding time Monday to Thursday from 9:30 to 11 est (aka scrim time).
kirbyDarkNecridkirby just because Engineer has the lowest skill ceiling doesn't mean it takes literally no skill/no strategy like you said previously. There's still an enormous difference between an Engineer capable of playing on a top team and a low div Engineer. Just like every other class you got some top Engineers who are REAL good, even if sometimes it is more subtle why they are better, and then the higher level Engineers who are very good but not the best by just a little bit, and then you got good, mediocre, bad, and awful players on the class. If it took no skill or no strategy then there wouldn't be a wide skill disparity and everyone would be capable of being a Platinum engineer (they definitely aren't).
All low skill ceiling means is if it were possible to flawlessly master a class (it isn't) Engineer would be the first one mastered. Engineer is more difficult than you give it credit for - not that isn't easy in the grand scheme of the game, but it's not THAT easy.
I didn't say it took no skill. (Yes, I realized I said in an earlier post that "it doesn't take any actual skill", but I worded that poorly, which I corrected in the below quote)
I don't see any legitimate reason to believe the class requires any actual skill beyond the first few steps of learning how to play this game.
My point here was that the class, at most, requires little knowledge of how to play it. It comes with the basic package. This involves how the engineer plays with his buildings, not general things such as DM, movement, etc. Every class requires those (on the exception of medic DM, which doesn't 100% matter), but that doesn't mean an engineer who can aim his shotty automatically takes the engineer class and places it on top of the "top skilled classes" list.
Side note: Positioning is different for almost every class. Positioning in this conversation comes with the common sense factor for the engineer. If you know how people play the map, then you're set on where you can put your stuff.
Yes, there is a difference between a low leveled engineer and a high leveled engineer. The reasons bastid gave me for what makes a good engineer is common sense that the high leveled engineer players have. However, the keyword there is "common sense". Have that and you're gold.
It is my opinion that the more "subtle" differences between good engineer players and bad engineer players can usually be applied to almost any class. Then again, these subtle differences you mentioned could be something other than what I'm imagining.
I kind of feel like this discussion went a lot deeper than it really needed to. My entire reason for having this talk was to get the point across that the class doesn't take as much skill as bastid is giving it credit for.
Kirby, pretty much everything in this game is common sense at surface level. You push when you have an advantage, stick together as a team, communicate, watch flanks, and you try not to die for no reason. Knowing what to do is the easy part of this game. Executing it properly is the hard part.
IMO the engineers skill ceiling is higher than a lot of people think. It's just that people who want to spend hours and hours DMing and mgeing aren't the players that tend to get into playing engie, If there was an engineer in platinum that had the clockwork's aim I would be scared to 1v1 him as a scout. In fact an engineer that good probably shit on people in 6v6 even without using his buildings. What I'm trying to say is that the engineer's skill ceiling is just as high as the scouts when it comes to aim,
I met this guy at lan and i have to say that he is quite an awesome dude IRL and in game. He's improved a lot lately so I could see him doing well on a high open to somewhere in IM team.
hello my name is capnfapn i am 17 years old and i like to stand on capture points pick me up
my biggest fan <3
hes also a damn good soldier :3
prestigedont you think its a bit bare, big, and open? last is def. interesting, wanna see how that goes.
hes probably gonna add some props soon to make it less bare.
i like the map btw. the mid looks pretty fun.
i have a feeling that this guy is gonna be good.
If you have coax in your room just get one of these:
I'm using one right now and it works perfectly. The only problem is that its kinda expensive :/
everybody on this team is cool as fucking fuck. if you dont like these people you're probably so fat that u arent even capable of playing heavy because u can't move ur arms, oh and u probs have a fat gf that lives in india whos job is customer service for 7-eleven rofl i swear if u blahblahbalhablahbalhablhabl these guys are really good at tf2 and they are good at being friends. these guys stick together like a gang. they're family, like the crips, except sometimes they wear red.