My probation has been lifted and the official reason for my ban has been changed to "Use of racial slurs during RGL scrim. Two week ban." That's all I ever asked for. Jokes aside, I'd like to take a moment to talk about a few things.
There are no words to describe how grateful I am to Virgil for what she has done for me and my team. Understand that she didn't make this thread because we are friends. She didn't do it because I asked her to or because my teammates asked her to. She did it because she believed that what RGL did to me was wrong and she believed that she had a moral obligation to say something against it. Where most people would have said nothing, she said something and for that she has my undying respect.
That being said I now have to betray her trust in order to show the rest of you the true extent of RGL's incompetence:
These are the people who are running your league. These are the people who have the final say. These are the people you are giving your money to. The community has proven that it can sustain itself without being bound by the shackles of ESEA. But what you people haven't realized is that ESEA hasn't gone anywhere. Its been here this whole time. Its just been operating under a new name and new management. It hasn't even been a month in the new year and RGL has already taken two consecutive Ls back to back. At what point will you people stop for a moment and ask yourselves "Hey, we gotta talk about RGL".
I've been on the Internet for a long time and in that time I've been called many things and yet despite all that I have never not once ever IN MY LIFE felt less of a person because of what someone called me. What RGL did to me was fucked up. When they handled my case they did not view me as a self, as an individual, as a person. They saw me as dirt. I don't care about my ban, don't care about being put on probation, don't care about an appeal and I don't even care about not getting a refund. All I ever cared about was the truth. That the reasoning behind my severe punishment was not because I have a HISTORY of "continuous behavior issues" but because I am friends with people that the RGL staff don't like. They will never admit to that of course. So instead they branded me as some sort of CYBER TERRORIST for the whole world to see. I don't want an apology. I want an explanation. The community deserves an explanation. I need to know: How the fuck did it get this bad?