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SteamID64 76561198085102003
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SteamID32 STEAM_0:1:62418137
Country Estonia
Signed Up March 14, 2014
Last Posted September 15, 2024 at 10:25 AM
Posts 100 (0 per day)
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#142 Introducing... The Mannterface! in Customization

Hey, a player whit very little hud editing skills here.

I was just wondering how could i install both the "Uber bar" and the "PRISMhud buffed health" so they wont overwrite each other. Basically how can i install more than one "option" to the hud?

Also how can i enable the transparent viewmodels?

posted about 8 years ago
#13 Huddictions... in TF2 General Discussion

I got over it by changing my hud to the hud my tf2 idol uses. It is super old and broken but that cured me.

posted about 9 years ago
#5 Steam Escrow Update in Off Topic
cinderWhy exactly are they doing this? Is it to protect little kids who can't figure out a scamming link or is something bigger behind this? Cause if it's the former they should relly just dump this shit. If you're dumb enough to fall for a scamming link you deserved it, end of story.

The best ones are were someone posts a random link whiteout saying anything and u just click on it out of curiosity :D.
But in all seriousness some scammers are really good, it is really hard to tell the difference and not all people are so clever and intelligent as you are cinder.

I personally think its good that valve is upgrading their safety and protection and what not because a lot of people get fucked over by these people in the world who wish to do us harm AKA "Evil doers".

Then again...not everyone have iPhone/smartphones

posted about 9 years ago
#6 backcap in TF2 General Discussion

I like the idea of having some kind of news about big events, big news, big plays and ect. So people can keep up with this kind of stuff, a great asset for the community in my opinion.

If this was the idea, then i suggest u would be a lot more neutral in your future videos, for example:
You said that "Running a tournament is hard work, so its understandable but hopefully next time tsc can do better" from that people can get an impression that you agree that tsc did not do a good work/make the right decision ect. thus u can offend a lot of people who for ex. think he did the right decision.

The other example is when u said "Oh well, sometimes it can be hard to be Hitlers sun i guess" were u could also offend a lot of people who do not agree with that opinion.

Overall if your goal is to inform people whiteout possibly offering them then u should not have opinions and u should be neutral in every case. U could obviously use quotes if the person who quoted that is fine with it and as long as it is not you.

Then again this might be your style of approach, entertaining your viewers. But then your only reaching out to a certain type of audience. You might get millions of likers who like this style but there is an equal risk instead of likers to get disslikers or even haters .

I also think that there should be maybe only one or two highlights/big plays from this week thus making them feel a bit more special, it looses its effect when u have so many of them.

But then again these are only my opinions.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 i55 URo6 – froyotech vs. Reason Gaming in Matches

WHOOOO kaptain

posted about 9 years ago
#6 TFTV Community HUD Proposal in Customization

I totally agree when you say there is not too many huds to choose from, there never was before and right now there is even fewer huds. I know its a bit early to talk but I think that this would be a great idea.

Whenever I look for a hud I look at the heatlh and ammo buffed and low and then the main menu. Most huds offer the health and ammo option like in this picture wich is a bit too simplistic for me. The only other huds that do not offer that are rayshud and flathud and both huds have fantasic menus but rayshuds hp and ammo fonts are too big and flathuds are too small.
The only hud at the moment that has the perfect size and color for hp and ammo is m0rehud but the rest of the hud like the menus feel "incomplete" and outdated.

posted about 9 years ago
#129 Gun Mettle Bugs in TF2 General Discussion

I am the only one having trouble performing the Boston Basher jumps after the Gun Mettle update as a scout?

posted about 9 years ago
#17 dx8 graphics on dx9 in Customization

For me the crosshairs on dx8 are a bit darker and smoother, on dx9 they are more brighter and more blurry and that is why i prefer dx8 but that is just me

posted about 9 years ago
#222 Prism HUD & Clean TF2 in Customization

Really good work my friend.
I was trying to install the transparent viewmodels but did not work on this HUD so i am wondering if i have to follow some different steps maybe..If not il double check again and figure it out myself hopefully,r

posted about 9 years ago
#1 Roamer LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

Hi there!
There is a similar post in ETF2L but i decided to post it here too if any European team was looking for a new player!

I am a roamer who is looking for a team that more experienced than i am so they could maybe teach me a few tricks and tips (like have people from div 5).

Now about me...
My name is Chiefdog.
i am a 15 years old boy who is a student in Sweden (CEST +1)
Estonian is my first laungage, i can speak Swedish and English no problem.
I got about 1400 hours on the game, 350+ hours on soldier.

I have played some lobbies and pickups but I have never been on a 6v6 team before.
I think i'm pretty skilled as a newbie i think both game sense wise and damage wise
I am available on Thursdays, Fridays and on weekends (that is if no IRL/school stuff comes in the ways) 19:00-21:00

My goal at the end of the season would be to get to div 5 (maybe 4, again i do not know how hard that is)

Add me on steam if you have any questions:

posted about 10 years ago
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