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Last Posted July 12, 2022 at 3:14 AM
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#11 I hope this becomes something in TF2 General Discussion

K apparently this is for real.

posted about 7 years ago
#83 Faceit news post about matchmaking algorithm in TF2 General Discussion

well the server side AC seems to work -


posted about 7 years ago
#2 class-specific PREC settings ? in Customization

If prec_mode 1 is record all games then you could just do prec_start in your soldier config

posted about 7 years ago
#7 eSports Arena : Rewind Teaser in Videos
cnsmI love how the TF2 footage is EU yet this is an NA lan

Does that really matter?

posted about 7 years ago
#1572 stream highlights in Videos

Watch both of the clips otherwise it wouldn't make sense.

posted about 7 years ago
#73 Faceit news post about matchmaking algorithm in TF2 General Discussion
CapuIn the end, people have "chosen" TF2Center as their way to play lobbies, which saddens me, but there are explanations for that. What b4nny and others in this thread are saying is that those 300 people in TF2C should just completely stop using a site just because there's something new, which might or might not appeal to them.

I dont think people have chosen Tf2center ,there wasnt any other options especially when you are new to the game. Most of the people who play on tf2center dont even know that faceit tf2 exist and the fact even they can win prizes from playing on faceit. If a new player wants to play competitive tf2 the answer before was tf2center but now it should be Faceit. If tf2center is one of the pillars in the community then i have doubts on where the future of the scene will be.

posted about 7 years ago
#92 Get Europe to Rewind in California! in TF2 General Discussion
CoYoTeIf we were to see a showmatch who would it be against seeming that there is no 2nd or 3rd place team anymore? looks pretty strong especially with Thagirr on the new roster.

posted about 7 years ago
#67 Faceit news post about matchmaking algorithm in TF2 General Discussion
CapuLastly, my opinion of FaceIt is the same: if it becomes better, people will play in it. It has the best incentive there can be in a game like TF2, which is money. It has all the potential it can have: TF2 community members working for them, a company behind it, etc. Let the people decide what they like best, let there be options.SnazCevo
RAZR monthly mayhem
RAZR weekly cups
MLG ladders
+ Whatever I can't remember right now.

And now faceit

We have closed so many doors for our community to become more then just dead. But this might be the very last door and thats why so many people are so eager to take this opportunity and you should to. But if we dont put effort into making faceit our main platform for our pugging system then maybe what Snaz said will become the truth.

CapuAs for the other reasons, I think your logic is flawed, so let me explain it. You seem to think that this situation is comparable to ESEA/CEVO when in reality it isn't:
- They are leagues while these are lobby sites.

More importantly, b4nny, if you believe that having several different sites is bad for all of them, should we take away the leagues?


Okay first you say that u cant compare the leagues to a lobby site and then you compare the league to lobby sites. :thinking:

Thats how many people are on tf2center atm.

Do you understand how beneficial that would be to the tf2 community and the game in general if we had that many people + the people who dislike tf2center on faceit?. We would be getting sponsored weekly and the developers will show more interest in adding features on their site. There will also be more tournaments just everything better in general. This would interest a lot of people from other games to play this game aswell.

posted about 7 years ago
#55 Faceit news post about matchmaking algorithm in TF2 General Discussion
Tino_You still have to pay a monthly membership to faceit to get any prizes or any rankings in their system so unless you pay its just a slightly worse pug system right now, and even if you do pay you wont get much because of the amount of points it takes.

Your just plain wrong. Please do some research before creating an argument.

posted about 7 years ago
#53 Faceit news post about matchmaking algorithm in TF2 General Discussion
B4nny, you're probably never going to get captaining in FaceIt. It's my opinion that they won't ever implement that because it goes against the idea of a matchmaking algorithm. I'm even more certain that you will never be able to pick classes. So are you sure you want to give up that just for the sake of sometimes being able to buy items from their shop?

First of all there is already a captaining system in faceit csgo and if tf2 becomes popular on faceit. i dont understand why they wouldn't add it? if that is a request by all the "pro players".

QasistI will start playing faceit the day they add the ability to choose your class so you don't have to sign up and hope someone wants to play med

over my 137 games on face it i have not played a game where any of the teams didn't have a medic.

Tino_The only thing that faceit offers right now over what we have is potential prizes and faceit points. Nothing else.

I have a feeling you haven't played faceit or understand the potential future.
On faceit even if you have only played few games or have checked out the faceit discord, you will quickly understand that there are so many new people from csgo/world of tanks who play on faceit tf2 thinking thats the only 3rd place party where you can play tf2. Its also in Open beta so imagine how many more people will want to try out tf2 once its out of beta. Even i have been trying out some of the games displayed on faceit.

If we are able to increase the number of people playing tf2 on faceit we can help get tf2 more recognition from gamers and organisations.

Tino_That doesn't change the fact that the system still has lots of issues like, getting player subs, long queue times, we still have games that are unbalanced

Thats pretty ironic, your complaining that the system has a long queue time yet you dont want people to move over from tf2center to play on here. And the only reason the games are unbalanced atm is because people dont have the right elo placements because they havnt played enough games. The only way to fix those is to play on it.

posted about 7 years ago
#5 FACEIT NA Weekly Cup #2 in Events

It just requires you to change the region to US and since it takes 2 days to change back it is pretty inconvenient and restricts queing up in our normal que. But if you are not able to change it i guess that is fine aswell.

posted about 7 years ago
#3 FACEIT NA Weekly Cup #2 in Events

Are you able to change the regions rules so it allows eu players to que up without having to change the region area of their account and risking getting disqualified. This would allow for a bigger Que size and allows for people to enter in both the weekly cups.

This was allowed before in the Open Tournament where it said

Open tournament1 - Regions
This Tournament is hosted on Chicago servers only, you may participate in this tournament regardless of your region, however this means you are accepting any connection issues or lag on the server.

but atm it says

Weekly tournaments1 - Regions
Players from are forbidden to participate in a cup that is in a different region than their own.
If you are found playing in a different region you will be disqualified from the tournament. If you are not located in any of the above mentioned regions you must have at least three players on your team from the region the event is being hosted in.
posted about 7 years ago
#1 FACEIT NA Weekly Cup #2 in Events

Is the keys still part of the prize pool?

posted about 7 years ago
#12 Ultiduo tournament on faceit. in TF2 General Discussion
damneasywait you dont get faceit points either?

He only added up for the points smh

Edit : i was just kidding :)

posted about 7 years ago
#663 PugChamp in Projects

if you can please end this game -

Edit: Thanks for the quick response.

posted about 7 years ago
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