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Last Posted February 14, 2025 at 9:24 PM
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#27 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

Granary Pro RC17A3
Just a few small fixes before ozfortress' A Midsummer Night's Cup 2025.


  • Fixed overhang roof player clips outside the red yard forward spawn.
  • Fixed player clipping on the wall between the garage exit and the wooden catwalk exit, specifically I removed a player clip and made a wooden beam non-solid so the wall is now flush.
  • Changed a block bullet brush in yard used to make the barrels one large collision, it is now a player clip so rockets act as expected.
  • Hopefully fixed inconsistent clipping between yard shipping crates on both sides. Closed off an angle from on top of the bottom crate into the other side of yard that allowed for easy rocket spam. Hiding on the front (garage) side of the crate is now easier, and you no longer bonk your head jumping off. You cannot stand on the long side facing the main part of yard, but the player clipping should be smoother above the crates now too so it should act more like a wall. You can still stand on the crate on other side of yard.


posted 1 month ago
#26 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

Granary Pro RC17A2 released
Changelog since RC16F
- Players no longer spawn inside door triggers on any forward spawn. Am sorry :cry:
- Improved upon symmetry on RED second, floor is now concrete instead of dirt.
-- New out of map detailing to match.
-- Improved position of granary machinery, crates and other props to be more symmetrical with BLU side.
--- This means you can no longer spam rockets through the gap in the crates to hit people leaving garage and entering yard.
- Left doors from second point house into last (both sides) no longer bounce stickies.
- Houses on each side of middle (not garage, the detail houses) now have little metal security fences to block rockets going out of the map, so no more bad splashes!
- Hopefully fixed the seams in middle and second silos.
- Fixed texture alignment on the silos on both sides of the map.
- Fixed grass in the concrete floor in BLU second, near left exit/entrance to last.
- Tried to even out some lighting issues still present, working to remove all of the blotches/lighting issues.


posted 1 month ago
#23 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

RC16F released
A small fix and improvement version. The download is in the original post, please note Steam Workshop will take some time to process the new version.


  • Fixed "nodraw" brush in the RED ammo room coming from mid garage to left-side yard. Remade the brush, no idea what caused that but.
  • Fixed BLU battlements door width so it is identical to RED's.
  • Mirrored the granary conveyors connected to the battlement doors.
  • Fixed splash-eating lip underneath fences on catwalks on both seconds, and lowered the fences/playerclips.
  • Turned off collision on some props on shelves in the battlements rooms on last.
  • Removed floor trims in battlements rooms.
  • Removed pallets in the battlements rooms on last and replaced them with barrels as those pallets are horrendous for splash.
  • Removed pallets leaning on the wall of 2nd in yard and replaced them with barrels.
  • Altered the wood platform outside mid-garage so you no longer bump your head when jumping underneath it. In theory it should make it easier to use the hose jump-up.
  • Made the playerclip for the hose jump-up slightly smaller so movement past it is mostly unaffected. You will still potentially get stuck but it's the best I could do with it.
    • Hose clipping turned off, added blockbullet brushes to prevent sticky traps you couldn't do before.
    • Playerclip & hose are mirrored on both sides.
  • Added custom menu photo.
posted about a year ago
#22 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion
DomoCatFaceTf2maps dl still downloads 16a and I think the steam workshop does too as I can't see the differences, any chance of an upload so I can take a look?

Steam Workshop took a while to approve it, and was down yesterday when I went to upload this (due to some hosting error on their end). Both now have the update.

posted about a year ago
#20 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

RC16 released
It's finally here... I'm sorry it took so long for so little, just ended up being busy with everything else. This release has only minor fixes and changes, and should serve as one of, if not the last release. I'll continue to work on experimental versions, testing potential changes around mainly second, but those releases will be documented as experimental if they ever see public release. This version should be superior to all the prior releases. If your league is still on RC8, please ask them to run this version, it fixes quite a few issues present in RC8, not to mention it includes changes the original author Dagger intended to make (wider doorways and whatnot). I'm not going to make a "fixed RC8" version as that is essentially what this version is, there isn't really that much that is different.


  • Fixed/removed blockbullet brush in RED second that was resulting in weird projectile behaviour.
  • Moved exit sign in RED second up. This has been done to make it easier to spot and clear stickies in this area.
  • A few mirroring changes have been made, and some small quality of life changes (wider steps from second to Z to yard for example).
  • Potentially more consistent lighting depending on location on the map.
posted about a year ago
#25 Admins Unjustly Force a Forfeit in Grand Final in TF2 General Discussion

You are entitled to your own opinions, but to even suggest that ozfortress staff who volunteer their time, or even the other team you were meant to play are potentially racist, or that somehow there is a bias there from admins against your team because of race is not appreciated.

posted about a year ago
#19 Admins Unjustly Force a Forfeit in Grand Final in TF2 General Discussion
launch2kDo not believe this idiot lmao

Was literally just about to put "TFTV needs community notes"

posted about a year ago
#1 OZF 6s S37 GF: xcx vs. Taoyuan Leopards in Events

art by MARViN

posted about a year ago
#19 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

RC16a released
This release is a precursor to the full RC16 release, fixing a few key issues players have had with the map. I'm intending for the full RC16 release to be the last, so please let me know if you find any issues at all.


  • Clipping at the top of the silos on second next to the hut has been fixed.
  • Ramps leading into last have been fixed so stickies no longer bounce or roll off of them.
  • Fixed Wrap Assassin collision bug in death corner chokes.
  • Made blockbullets on all silos consistent.
  • Clipping on silos in mid have been made consistent with their counterparts in second.
  • Improved clipping between catwalk doorway and silos.
  • Fixed further prop lighting issues in both main spawnrooms.
  • Fixed corner clipping on support pole underneath catwalk end inside garage so it can no longer be stood on.
  • Restored slanted roof in BLU last spawn & fixed lighting issues there as well.
  • Few optimizations made.
posted about a year ago
#17 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

Will look to fix this in the next release. I'm unsure as to why this is an issue with the ramp considering it's not something I've knowingly touched.

posted about a year ago
#14 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion
BumFreezejust wondering why are we even using this map? i have never heard any of these changes be asked for by anyone but we just automatically feel the need to pick whatever _pro version came out most recently? and with every update it feels like 0.0001 steps forward and 2 steps back with all these bugs

The (so far) only reported bug from RC15 was the last points, and it came as result of a small optimization pass (mainly for the map compile time). I don't plan to make many, if any more changes. I've had some ideas I have wanted to test but they are significant map changes and would be the most significant thus far, so I would like to have it tested before it is put in a league. As far as I see it, Granary as is with RC15F is in a good spot.

posted about a year ago
#13 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

RC15F is now out, and addresses two key issues and a few smaller fixes.

- Fixed collision of the concrete bases underneath each last point. Stickies will no longer bounce off!
- Fixed lighting on the two ramps out of garage and into second.
- Fixed zfighting brushes in BLU dropdown.
- Fixed uneven brush heights in BLU dropdown.
- Fixed light bleeding through the main catwalk in both team's second.
- Fixed being able to get caught on the RED garage corner near the ramp.
- Fixed missing overlays.



zambzhoy mr map maker stickies dont stick to last point on rc15

Fixed in RC15F.

posted about a year ago
#10 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

RC15 is now out (no, not RC16 - RC15 was never used so can use it). All screenshots and changelogs are now found on the Steam Workshop page. Changelogs can be found under "Change Notes" on the Steam Workshop page. Have moved entirely to Steam Workshop for map content as it's easier to update there.

posted about a year ago
#37 pl_cornwater (a competitive retheme of Badwater) in Map Discussion

- Updated map lighting
- Fixed some lighting bugs
- Fixed bots attempting to take the jumppad
- Closed off jumppads until second point is captured

posted about a year ago
#35 pl_cornwater (a competitive retheme of Badwater) in Map Discussion


See TF2Maps for changelogs (updates tab).

posted about 2 years ago
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