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Signed Up August 22, 2014
Last Posted February 24, 2024 at 5:14 PM
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#8 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion
moralexeicoreRC14F released
Few small fixes for symmetry & integrity.
  • Reverted solidity of ground rocks on the RED side of the map to non-solid, and moved them further into the ground.
  • Moved some props outside of last point pathing.
  • Made some very minor symmetry tweaks to spawnpoints and spawnrooms to ensure 100% symmetry in spawns.

mate the blue side tho...

rest is fixed ok, just all the ones on the blue last are still colliding

also found this:
appears to be red side only

oops, forgot the blu side somehow. it'll be fixed in rc15 which has some new changes. the silos on second don't have the fix from mid, but that'll be in rc15 as well.

posted about a year ago
#6 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

RC14F released
Few small fixes for symmetry & integrity.

  • Reverted solidity of ground rocks on the RED side of the map to non-solid, and moved them further into the ground.
  • Moved some props outside of last point pathing.
  • Made some very minor symmetry tweaks to spawnpoints and spawnrooms to ensure 100% symmetry in spawns.
posted about a year ago
#5 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion
zambzthey rly removed the tire on second, cant have shit in detroit



surely not

I get you wanna not have these be trapable, (theres nothing wrong imo if they were trapable) but maybe just get rid of them if you wanna have it that way

Needless to say the last 2 are also red side only which amplifies the nonsense level here

all are reverted to non-solid and are a little harder to hide stickies inside of in the next update.

Makdoes this version fix asymmetrical spawns? rc8 still has issue where red team has massivley superior spawns, and this matters a lot on a map where demo rollout has a lot more impact on the mid

spawns are symmetrical & in a left to right/front to back order, along with distance/spacing and whatnot in the spawns. spawn rooms should also be identical (other than stylistic stuff but none of that gets in the way)

posted about a year ago
#1 cp_granary_pro in Map Discussion

This version of Granary Pro is a continuation of the original Granary Pro with (the original author) Dagger's permission. This version has seen multiple release candidate updates and improves many pain points found by players with the other versions. This TFTV thread probably should have come much earlier, my bad.


Screenshots & Changelog
Both are found on the Steam Workshop page from now on.


Latest (RC16F)

I haven't included the older versions here in the downloads, but the changes are found in the changelog.

Steam Workshop

posted about a year ago
#28 pl_cornwater (a competitive retheme of Badwater) in Map Discussion

B8_PT (B8 Play Test version)

- Moved defenders peak window on last ramp to open a better and more usable field of vision.
- Introduced a working map room camera, the monitor for which is on the RED defenders side of the wall, in the room dividing the exit and map room. The camera only looks at the underneath of the catwalk, acting as a way for defenders to clear that under area.
- Changed defenders stairs window two-way instead of a one-way window.
- Added two-way metal grate on last balcony.
- Added bricks to the corner between the two sets of stairs in tires.
- Moved jump-up wooden platform on 3rd house over a bit.
- Fixed floating pole props.
- Fixed black texture issues in two areas.
- Doorways or door props whose lip or bezel were up against a wall have been moved away from said wall.
- Added extra lighting to tires.
- Fixed brush sticking out in tires.
- Fixed incorrectly lit props. Rest are result of people’s own mat_phong settings.
- Added frame to glass window in BLU forward spawn #1.
- Fixed floating doorframe prop in BLU forward spawn #1.
- Fixed seam in skybox displacements.
- Fixed collision on doorframe prop in BLU’s first spawn large spawn door.
- Made detail changes to some parts of the map.
- Removed cursed froge. Frog fearers are now safe.

Changes from undocumented versions:
- Used newest Hammer++ version, found crap/invalid brushes and fixed them. All 38 of them. I hate life.
- The headline changes: Last point
- The left most window (when looking from in map room) of map room has been removed to serve as some pack cover, protect defenders slightly more, and overall give defenders further reason to hold map room, attackers further protection.
- Fixed some of the explosion debris blocking doors post-round.
- Single door in "dark room" on last instead of two smaller doors.
- Wooden cover and point label on defender high ground (above bomb pit).
- Moved tires > last choke slightly, moved stairs towards map bounds further and brought the protruding wall near the tires choke back towards map bounds to give more room on high ground, with minimal change to choke width or GIRTH. This change should make this choke a bit more necessary to control, and dark room acts as an incentive, whilst also being harder for players to run from tires choke > dark room quickly.
- Reshaped/reworked last high ground, specifically the metal high ground. Should better protect newer sentry spot metas, and force those on high ground to have to commit to peaking to destroy the gun. Distance to "meta" gun spots from height has been increased a bit too, in the hopes that instant reflecting will be less effective.
- Fixed some lighting on last.
- More room on low ground under metal high ground thanks to stairs being moved towards map bounds. In general trying to expand on the space down there, will need to see if there is any benefit for attackers.
- Fixed whack lighting in BLU first spawn. Combination of displacements + lighting issues from BSPReveal which have been fixed in an update.
- Fixed a few lights across the map to be softer and more consistent.
- Fixed performance issues (mostly) by removing large areaportals to see into last, converted back to skybox brushes.
- Consistent performance tests are hard and a pain, but should be on par with normal Badwater, hopefully better?
- Lightmap resolution on some props turned down slightly.
- Small navmeshing stuff - rest will come with the full B8 release.
- Fixed some whack displacements.
- Smoothed out lighting in first tunnel.
- Fixed hole in the world in BLU second spawn (forwards).
- Fixed lighting on one rock on first. B8 will hopefully have new rock collisions to fix stickies being hidden in rocks (an issue present on all Badwater & Cornwater versions, and any other map that shares those rock models).
- Fixed prop lighting in detailing areas.
- Fixed a bunch of texture misalignments.
- Fixed some poor playerclips.
- Combined and cleaned up some brushes (geo & toolbrush).

posted about a year ago
#1 OZF 6s S35 GF: Witness Gaming vs. Sesame Street in Events

posted about a year ago
#1 OZF 6v6 S35 SF: Sesame Street vs. PLA Sixes in Events

posted about a year ago
#27 pl_cornwater (a competitive retheme of Badwater) in Map Discussion


  • Fixed occluder appearing in the world from B7C (not entirely sure how that happened, sorry!)
posted about 2 years ago
#26 pl_cornwater (a competitive retheme of Badwater) in Map Discussion
MongMister map maker I think you forgot something bro :)

man this shit spread like wildfire, being fixed and a new version will be up very shortly. thanks for letting me know.

posted about 2 years ago
#23 pl_cornwater (a competitive retheme of Badwater) in Map Discussion


Changes / Fixes:

  • Fixed 1st point Gate being stuck in closed state when a red player was in the door trigger, the door now forcibly waits 2 seconds before (re)opening, and is now accompanied by a train bell sound.

For leagues that see this, this is likely one of the last versions I'll be releasing for a while and has been tested, but please inform me of any major issues ASAP and I will push out a fix.

posted about 2 years ago
#22 pl_cornwater (a competitive retheme of Badwater) in Map Discussion


Changes / Fixes:

  • Skyboxed moved to instance, crane prop moved to skybox
  • Flickering skybox in some areas fixed
  • Lighting on some props fixed
  • Two clippings that allowed players to get to unintended spots fixed
  • Lighting map wide changed (new Hammer++ update made this way easier)
  • Punching bag added in RED lower spawn
  • Jump pad down in RED spawn now launches players into the bottom spawn
  • Some out of map details fixed up
  • Thanks to xobile for making the map actually compile again, and vastly improving the compile times.

For leagues that see this, this is likely one of the last versions I'll be releasing for a while and has been tested, but please inform me of any major issues ASAP and I will push out a fix.

posted about 2 years ago
#21 pl_cornwater (a competitive retheme of Badwater) in Map Discussion

"League Play Candidate"


  • Finished detail outside last
  • Jump pads in red last spawn now have doors, they will still open if you contact them in case you get stuck inside or out
  • Fixed some visual issues from B6D
  • Cleaned up some displacements
  • Some new occluders, pretty much hit the limit of diminishing returns I think
  • Optimizations for compiling and fps
  • Punching bag in blue spawn for bored blu players
  • The music area has music and trigger removed, no more assets made by me are packed into the map

Future potential improvements:

  • Navmesh / make bots work
  • Some visual redesigns
  • Last point, got a lot of ideas for fixing it up, but a lot are very radical and would rather wait for more league feedback
posted about 2 years ago
#1 name change pls admin in Requests

From Connor to core

thank in advance

posted about 3 years ago
#16 pl_cornwater (a competitive retheme of Badwater) in Map Discussion

B6B released

  • Fixed payload cart not falling into the pit due to the doors not opening
  • Fixed wrap assassin issue in glass room near tires
  • Fixed glass collision in glass room
  • Fixed weird ground near ramp on third
  • Map file size slightly lower
posted about 3 years ago
#14 pl_cornwater (a competitive retheme of Badwater) in Map Discussion

B6A released

  • Fixed (hopefully) being able to place buildings inside the cart by having it roll back onto them
  • Updated and added some playerclips for better movement / to prevent infinite falling
  • Fixed being able to resupply bind from outside BLU's second forward spawn
  • Fixed exit sign on the 1st shortcut to roof not disappearing after door opened when 1st is capped
  • Fixed being able to hide stickies in shutter prop in tires, and it also no longer moves you
posted about 3 years ago
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