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Country Germany
Signed Up March 7, 2013
Last Posted August 18, 2014 at 5:51 AM
Posts 8 (0 per day)
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#51 i49 Fragumentary in News

Was totally worth waiting for the release in mumble and watching it "together" and even more was it worth its 5$ :)
Great job, not only to cube and bones, but everyone involved in i49 and the movie!

posted about 10 years ago
#1442 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization

i think it was scribby, who once posted a mainmenu like this on here or etf2l forums.
so its entirely possible, though i wouldnt be able to do it either

EDIT: Didnt see it at first, but I think the date and time isnt possible.

posted about 10 years ago
#1 Setting MvM-related stuff to "default" in huds in Customization

basically i just wanna know if there are certain files i could delete so all the mvm stuff stays the same as in the default hud, giving me a nice hud for comp and not fucking mvm up entirely

hope one can follow my thoughts

posted about 11 years ago
#815 Show your HUD modifications! in Customization
Controlopeim gonna barf
in the next version i replace the crosshair with the ammo in clip

pls upload this thing

posted about 11 years ago
#78 yahud in Customization

Changes for Shadows (AmmoNoClipShadow is kinda bugged though :/

This goes in tf/custom/userstuff/resource/ui/HudPlayerHealth.res

"ControlName"		"CExLabel"		
"fieldName"		"PlayerStatusHealthValueShadow"		
"xpos"			"39"		
"ypos"			"127"			
"zpos"			"4"		
"wide"			"159"		
"tall"			"56"		
"visible"		"1"		
"enabled"		"1"		
"labelText"		"%Health%"		
"textAlignment"		"center"	
"font"			"DemiBold48"		
"fgcolor"		"0 0 0 255"

This goes in tf/custom/userstuff/resource/ui/HudDamageAccount.res

"ControlName"		"CExLabel"
"fieldname"		"DamageAccountValueShadow"
"xpos"			"c-203"
"ypos"			"395"
"wide"			"100"
"tall"			"29"
"visible"		"1"
"enabled"		"1"
"labelText"		"%metal%"
"delta_lifetime"	"10.0"
"textAlignment"		"west"
"fgcolor"		"0 0 0 255"
"font"			"medium23"		

This goes in tf/custom/userstuff/resource/ui/HudAmmoWeapons

"ControlName"	"CExLabel"		
"fieldName"		"AmmoInClipShadow"		
"font"			"DemiBold48"		
"fgcolor"		"0 0 0 255"		
"xpos"			"42"					
"ypos"			"1"		
"zpos"			"4"		
"wide"			"100" 		
"tall"			"56" 		
"visible"		"1"		
"enabled"		"1"			
"textAlignment"		"center"				
"labelText"		"%Ammo%"

"ControlName"		"CExLabel"	
"fieldName"		"AmmoInReserveShadow"		
"font"			"Book32"		
"fgcolor"		"0 0 0 255"		
"xpos"			"79"		
"ypos"			"4"		
"zpos"			"4"		
"wide"			"120"		
"tall"			"42"		
"visible"		"1"		
"enabled"		"1"		
"textAlignment"		"center"		
"labelText"		"%AmmoInReserve%"

"ControlName"		"CExLabel"		
"fieldName"		"AmmoNoClipShadow"		
"font"			"DemiBold48"		
"fgcolor"		"0 0 0 255"		
"xpos"			"42"		
"ypos"			"1"		
"zpos"			"4"		
"wide"			"0" 		
"tall"			"0" 		
"visible"		"1"		
"enabled"		"1"		
"textAlignment"		"west"				
"labelText"		"%Ammo%"

Changed some colors. Defaults are "Garm3nRed"/"Garm3nGreen"/"Garm3nWhite".

posted about 11 years ago
#56 yahud in Customization
ninjazzcoskaiPretty nice HUD which unfortunately lacks the possibility of customizing since your code's a mess :P

Good work though :)
I'm not sure what you mean. Is it the code having no spacing? Try using Notepad++ if it's that. I'll see if I can find a way to avoid it not being displayed properly in normal Notepad.

this might be the issue, thx :)
got my changes to work anyways, will try this earlier next time :D

posted about 11 years ago
#35 yahud in Customization
KaeyelcoskaiPretty nice HUD which unfortunately lacks the possibility of customizing since your code's a mess :P
Comments would be great if someone wanted to play with the code.

Gonna try this out today.

I just added some shadows and changed a few colors for the HP/Ammo/DMG Numbers. Also "organised" some codefiles. Can upload if wanted (works for 1920x1080).

posted about 11 years ago
#26 yahud in Customization

Pretty nice HUD which unfortunately lacks the possibility of customizing since your code's a mess :P

Good work though :)

posted about 11 years ago