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Signed Up March 30, 2013
Last Posted December 19, 2024 at 11:02 AM
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#48 sigafoo tf2 league in TF2 General Discussion

i love sigafoo, he's a super nice guy and even if we don't see eye to eye on some things I hope this event goes well for him!

posted about 7 years ago
#39 sigafoo tf2 league in TF2 General Discussion

dogging kruger effect is here for our check

posted about 7 years ago
#1 Attention Boston/New England gamers: escape room in Off Topic

me and some of the other tf2 gamers in the boston area are going to escape the room nhext sunday. if you're interested in going add me here:

saam (the fat)
bear (the brain)
morin (the looks)
spades (the nose)
MAYBE? showstopper (the brawn)

we can go with up to 10 people so hmu

look out for possible live stream if the place allows it

posted about 7 years ago
#2 lf roamer mentor in Mentoring

definitely needs help! ! ! : - )

posted about 7 years ago
#56 ETF2L S27 Prem qualifiers look sick in TF2 General Discussion
ThalashlettoE.g. Nunya went into prem playoffs as underdogs, won it, lost some games that season, but now they are a solid prem team.?????

The only map they won last season was vs 3/6 who were off-classing instead of folding

ya but then they picked me up

posted about 7 years ago
#352 Quake Champions Closed Beta in Other Games

What is sacrifice

posted about 7 years ago
#94 nursey leaves froyo in TF2 General Discussion
NursayThere's no drama lol idk who is telling u what but the only thing I did was make incoherent ramblings in the whatsapp chat and left. Stop trying to make drama trip over a dramaless situation lol

TIL incoherently rambling at your team then quitting to join their biggest rival isnt drama.

posted about 7 years ago
#42 maev LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

also he's a fucking DIME 10/10

100 emoji

posted about 7 years ago
#38 Several gaming organizations drop overwatch in Esports
ShearsI'm definitely rooting for the OW scene to collapse, if only because it could potentially result in more attention and resources for TF2 if ex-players return and bring the spotlight with them.

That's a lot of ifs, though, so I'm probably just being naive.

a bunch of those people's livelihoods depend on that game so it would probably be better if that didnt happen

posted about 7 years ago
#39 maev LFT in Recruitment (looking for team)

the coolest dude

posted about 7 years ago
#65 nursey leaves froyo in TF2 General Discussion
trippaGuess what: you don't have to make excuses for leaving a team. Just do it, and no one would care. No one needs to know your retarded ego reasons for leaving your team and telling them to everyone makes you seem like a massive retard.

If you get cut however...

posted about 7 years ago
#10 ESEA-IM S25 Happenings/Discussion in TF2 General Discussion
viperComangliaAnyone with ultra early guesses at Top 5 for IM?top 5

1. 8k
2. odb
3.-5. everyone else

i'll bet any one person $50 odb doesn't win money this season

posted about 7 years ago
#62 nursey leaves froyo in TF2 General Discussion
SpaceCadetPaukySpaceCadetHiipFireEVL go to i61 plz
EVL and Froyo going to i61 would be beyond amazing. Having 2 NA teams playing there always spices up the entire tournament. I know its a huge long shot but we can all hope.
If you really want to have 2Na teams on the event. You have to support them,otherwise there will be only froyotech

Thanks for that revelation, I barely noticed the last 27 fund raisers we have had over the past 5 years

He meant emotionally support them

Go corsa! You can do it!

posted about 7 years ago
#35 nursey leaves froyo in TF2 General Discussion

when people tell u to eat on stream but don't donate cheeseburger money

posted about 7 years ago
#5 nursey leaves froyo in TF2 General Discussion

12:40 AM - corsa: god i can't wait to play against you in esea
12:41 AM - cookiejake: ?
12:41 AM - corsa: where i actually warm up and yo9u drop ever uber
12:41 AM - corsa: because u dont pop
12:41 AM - corsa: like an idiot
12:41 AM - cookiejake: ya dude let me pop to one scout rushing me while im behind 3 teammates
12:41 AM - cookiejake: haha good call invite corsa ^_^
12:41 AM - corsa: you're so dumb
12:41 AM - corsa: play against good scouts who are warmed up
12:41 AM - corsa: you'll drop every time
12:41 AM - corsa: i promise
12:41 AM - cookiejake: so
12:41 AM - cookiejake: i should pop to the one scout rushing me while im behind 3 teammates
12:41 AM - cookiejake: alright let me write this down in my rulebook
12:42 AM - corsa: if i hit you for 100 and have enough health to go for 2 more shots
12:42 AM - corsa: i wouldve dropped u 6(?) times that scrim
12:42 AM - corsa: actual drops
12:43 AM - corsa: if i warmed up
12:43 AM - cookiejake: alright
12:43 AM - corsa: /hit my shots
12:43 AM - cookiejake: so i should pop to the one scout rushing me while im behind 3 teammates
12:43 AM - corsa: what do you mean behind?
12:43 AM - corsa: i was literally on you able to do 100 dmg meatshots
12:43 AM - corsa: that range
12:43 AM - cookiejake: if my team lets you through thats not my fault
12:44 AM - cookiejake: why would i pop an uber to something so stupid
12:44 AM - cookiejake: lol
12:44 AM - corsa: lol ok you've actually never played against good scouts wow
12:44 AM - cookiejake: thanks corsa let me just put some asterisks next to what i wrote in my rulebook
12:44 AM - cookiejake: cuz i guess popping to one scout whos dying anyway is a good play :/
12:44 AM - corsa: if i hit you for 100 and have yet to be shot
12:44 AM - corsa: just cuz ur team fuckedup
12:44 AM - corsa: doesnt mean u should drop
12:45 AM - corsa: maybe in scrims to prove a point
12:45 AM - cookiejake: if i pop the uber
12:45 AM - cookiejake: the only thing that changes is my team has a buff to try to force the full uber ad youre taking it
12:46 AM - corsa: so
12:46 AM - corsa: in the long run
12:46 AM - corsa: you lose 1 point rather than 2-3
12:46 AM - corsa: depending on the map
12:46 AM - cookiejake: ya if my team cant kill an unbuffed scout running at me when they know where he is and theyre all shooting at him thats not on me
12:47 AM - corsa: cookie... that's not what happened any of those times besides 1 on 2nd.
12:48 AM - corsa: every single time i got 4 shots and i just beefed...
12:48 AM - corsa: at least*
12:48 AM - cookiejake: ok
12:48 AM - cookiejake: dont miss and this problem never exists
12:48 AM - corsa: ur teammates definitely fucked up but u still wouldve 100% dropped
12:48 AM - corsa: like 6 more uber
12:48 AM - corsa: s
12:49 AM - cookiejake: i dont remember any of the situations besides one
12:49 AM - cookiejake: but i guarantee nursey wouldnt have popped any of them
12:49 AM - corsa: id show u but
12:49 AM - corsa: im too lazy
12:49 AM - corsa: lo
12:49 AM - corsa: id make a vid*
12:50 AM - corsa: if u watched from my pov you'd definitely be like
12:50 AM - corsa: "wtf"
12:50 AM - cookiejake: lol
12:50 AM - cookiejake: ok

new rivalry is already heating up jesus christ

posted about 7 years ago
1 ⋅⋅ 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 ⋅⋅ 270