marxist's son will return balance to invite and break b4nny's who cares how long invite winning streak
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Signed Up | March 30, 2013 |
Last Posted | December 19, 2024 at 11:02 AM |
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wolsneRipTidejust keep track of time since start of game and damage dealt and do the division in your head whenever you need to check
on a serious note though this would be a good implementation because csgo has a similar thing called adr
But ADR works in the same manner as stated in a previous comment. It runs off of plugin usage, and isn't displayed on your hud by default, and there is no standard in-game option to enable it.
what u can see ur adr in the scoreboard graphs shit
mustardoverlordthat said, I may have reached the critical mass where the level of team I believe I should be playing on is too much better than any offers I can actually hope to get, so I'm not sure if I will play next season
let's be real he said it best himself. this is what's gunna keep him from finding a team
harbleusaamanyone who thinks there will be another esea lan is delusional ?
esea tf2 srry
bear doesn't miss arrows
klassyJojoWhen they dropped TF2 LAN ESEA said that the reason they didn't drop TF2 altogether was because of the possibility of MM's release growing the scene more. I'm pretty sure they decided that ESL would handle the offline playoffs at that time as well and since TF2 was not linked to ESL, ESEA didn't see any reason to hold an exclusive TF2 LAN.ideekaeSminLAN :oi'm kinda new to this esea stuff, does this only apply to CS and MDL stuff or are they actually having tf2 esea LANs again?
The article is vague so possibly but I wouldn't exactly hold my breath.
This is very vague but it could possibly mean an ESEA hosted LAN apart from ESL and just maybe a TF2 offline playoffs.
anyone who thinks there will be another esea lan is delusional
glassi'll miss his inexplicable off-camera picks that saved rounds
seriously thank god he's gone how the fuck do you cam someone who's always behind it's like if i put the cam on him he loses a 1v1 behind and his team wipes and if i dont he wins a 3v1 to win the round
y did u write so many words tho
PoliphobiaI actually preferred the tftv cast more than shade's cast. I just like to watch serious, professional games casted by serious, professional casters more.
Thanks, that means a lot. I'm not going to lie, it was really discouraging to me to be getting out-viewed by shade even with all the work that was put into the stream, like getting 4 playoff invite players to do analysis. I guess it's just representative of the direction the game has been heading.
I think the fact that it's two separate bo3s would technically exclude it