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Signed Up August 13, 2012
Last Posted July 4, 2016 at 7:49 AM
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#4 ATTN: ESEA admin bros in TF2 General Discussion
KillingIt's 6.95/month for premium per player and then a one time 7.95 fee to play in the league.

If your team makes playoffs it works out to about 30 bucks per player over the course of the season. (8-9 week regular season plus a few weeks for playoffs) Intermediate league fees are more expensive, but I'm assuming Sal's audience will be looking to play in Open.

Registration deadline is seven days away and closing.

posted about 12 years ago
#25 New iT! Server - What do you people want? in TF2 General Discussion
disengageTurris iT


posted about 12 years ago
#6 Howdy all in Off Topic


Did you really think I'd forget?

posted about 12 years ago
#27 ESEA PETITION to Implement Server-Side FOV to 105. in TF2 General Discussion
WithADanceNumberIt does infact give an advantage and is not intended to be a part of the game. It's the same as that thread dealing with flat textures or high picmip.

Higher FOV isn't unfair. Some of the most competitive games have allowed players to use FOVs higher than 90 for over a decade. If I remember correctly even TF2's predecessors allowed it and it was perfectly legitimate. Fortress Forever and Team Fortress Classic allow you to use up to 120 to this day.

Just because Valve refrained from implementing something does not mean we should necessarily do the same for competitive play. We ban half of Valve's unlocks each season, unlocks that were "intended to be a part of the game." We are allowed to make decisions that change the game to make it more appropriate for our style of play.

The same goes for flat textures, to be perfectly honest.

posted about 12 years ago
#7 demo/pocket prolly lft in Recruitment (looking for team)

The thing you have to understand is that when you get mustard you get A LOT of mustard. A lot of comms a lot of aggressive play a lot of demands a lot of knowledge and a lot of dedication. The switch has no off position, as they say. Which means he would fit a team that is completely committed to winning their division.

posted about 12 years ago
#19 most attractive gamers in Off Topic


posted about 12 years ago
#12 Medic Preferences in TF2 General Discussion

I use tf_medigun_autoheal 1

I used it this entire season. You want to know how much of a difference it makes? Absolutely none. My pocket Mustardoverlord (the single most heal-demanding player in the league) for 20 straight matches never noticed a single time. There is no "delay" when you switch healing targets; there is no penalty while you build uber.

The only difference is that you don't get carpal tunnel after every match from holding mouse1 for 30 mins straight.

If somehow you still have your tinfoil hat on about autoheal 1, you can do what sigma told me on his stream one day:

Sigmasin: alias "weapon" "alias +heal +attack;alias -heal -attack;-heal"
» alias "medigun" "alias +heal -attack;alias -heal +attack;-heal"
» then have something like "bind 1 slot1;weapon" "bind 2 slot2;medigun" "bind 3 slot3;weapon"
» and for safety you want...
Maxfieldtf2: yes I see
Sigmasin: -attack -attack2 weapon
» to undo w/e state you might get into

posted about 12 years ago
#11 bsc looking in Recruitment (looking for team)

consistent aim, experienced enough to main call and lead a team

put it this way you will have at least one person in mumble with worse luck with women than you

posted about 12 years ago
#9 spacewhales need a little help in TF2 General Discussion

will donate if dummy can beat me on dm13

posted about 12 years ago
#17 Help Get Chess Club to LAN! in TF2 General Discussion
SteveCIf $1000 is raised will you wear a suit to lan?

If $2000 is raised will you wear your birthday suit to LAN?

posted about 12 years ago
#9 class limits on the pub in TF2 General Discussion

Engie limit 2 is a completely legitimate idea. Quite a few popular pubs use it and it works well. "Just go medic" doesn't really fly because so few pubbers ever play medic and live long enough to deploy an uber. Although, if we're talking about the tf.tv pub, you probably don't even need an engie limit because the tf.tv crowd is smart enough to know how to switch to medic when necessary.

posted about 12 years ago
#28 good pub servers? in Q/A Help

Stompfest Turbine
Voogru dodgeball (regular not speed, one rocket at a time is yawn-inducing)
Multiplay dm_store

posted about 12 years ago
#12 What interp is the best? in TF2 General Discussion

Read enough forum posts and you'll come across plenty of elaborate proofs written by people who are convinced they know the ins-and-outs of TF2 netcode.

The truth is that after years of players fiddling with interp it has become pretty clear that 0.033 is the "correct" value for hitscan. The netcode that this game uses doesn't seem very consistent--you're just not going to do any better than that. Maybe if you play on wireless you can bump it up to 0.05. Maybe if you live in Chicago or Dallas and play every scrim and match with less than ten ping you can take it down to 0.01. But 0.033 for scout/sniper is a happy medium that works for most people most of the time.

And projectile interp doesn't matter because you can't miss with rockets anyway.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 UGC HL: The Syndicate vs. BPM on ctf_turbine in Events

Sven "fly in my face when I went for the med" Zerinski

Ruwin you better get that sorted before I needle you again in front of all these nice people.

posted about 12 years ago
#1 League discussion subforum? in Site Discussion

I remember natf2.com had an "ESEA Discussion" subforum, which was actually useful for many of us when there were updates or other nonsense causing problems with league matches. Admins like Kalkin often posted announcements and updates there to keep everybody informed as they worked to get match servers or the client up-and-running.

That might be a useful forum to have here--one subforum where either ESEA or UGC admins could post updates and answer questions.

posted about 12 years ago
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