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Signed Up August 13, 2012
Last Posted July 4, 2016 at 7:49 AM
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#3 QL Accel Driver in TF2 General Discussion

If I set up the accel parameters to exactly what I use in quake and leave my quake settings unchanged, will I have the same level of acceleration or will the quake accel be exaggerated?

Like if I use 0.25 accel in your driver and cl_mouseAccel 0.25 in quake will I get 0.25, or will I get 6.25/something crazy like that?

I understand you say to use the same sensitivity value if you want to replicate settings but is it the same for accel settings.

posted about 12 years ago
#3 ESEA Map of the week preview: Week 4 cp_metalworks in TF2 General Discussion

Can you please spend an ample amount of time naming important places on the map?

Since people haven't played metalworks too much yet either nobody knows what to call anything or everybody calls everything something different. Or we end up with shit like "Gay" or "Cheese" or "Africa" or whatever other really intelligent thing people use.

Sean this is your chance to make your permanent mark on the collective TF2 community consciousness by coming up with names that we will use forever. Or at least until it gets voted out next season.

posted about 12 years ago
#4 netgraph crosshair in Q/A Help

Gmang HUD comes with a readme file that tells you how to use his crosshairs.

Netgraph crosshairs are really the same thing as any other HUD crosshair except for the file that they use to display it on your screen.

The benefit of using a netgraph crosshair is that you can toggle it on and off on-the-fly with the net graph. Gmang's achievement tracker crosshairs offer the same functionality but with a different command. The more common HUD crosshairs don't really allow you do to this.

However, if you use a netgraph crosshair, you wont be able to see your net graph. If you use Gmang's achievement tracker crosshairs, you wont be able to see achievements on your HUD. The typical HUD crosshairs, on the other hand, don't disrupt any other part of your HUD.

posted about 12 years ago
#18 what hud does platnium use in TF2 General Discussion

Gmang HUD


gets the job done but my god does it look goofy

posted about 12 years ago
#8 ESEA Map of the week preview: Week 3 cp_gullywash in TF2 General Discussion

The question on my mind is

from mid, how to break the 2 hold where combo etc stand on their battlements

bl4nk says leave your demo (and maybe roamer?) at choke and take the rest of your team through flank/lobby and behind them

would like to know your opinion, thanks in advance

posted about 12 years ago
#63 Remember when invite players streamed scrims? in TF2 General Discussion

Over the course of the last few seasons I've donated to different teams' LAN funds. I follow quite a few player streams on Twitch, and I always watch and comment in them. I am very thankful for our players from all divisions who support the community by mentoring and/or streaming, and I back that up by supporting them with my own money.

And, to sloppily co-opt a tired modern day battle cry, I am the 99 percent. That is, it's people like me (and a whole hell of a lot of other people) that keep this game alive with our financial support. ESEA s10 LAN, s11 LAN, s12 LAN, i46--those events don't happen the way they did without the generosity of Reddit pubbers, UGC highlander players, ESEA-O initiates, He-Whose-Name-I-Am-Not-Worthy-To-Speak, even spectators who don't even play TF2 but love watching Seanbud and Lange and Tagg and Pure and Tyrone and Platinum and Lansky do what they do.

We aren't asking for Big Brother: TF2. We don't need you to stream every scrim every night without interruption. You guys play multiple nights a week and you scrim multiple times a night. If your rig can handle it, one scrim a night, say, two nights a week is a fair compromise, and it's the right thing to do for the people out there who make this all possible.

posted about 12 years ago
#13 invite offclassing in TF2 General Discussion

dummy on pocket pls

posted about 12 years ago
#7 Is this a fake wmo? in Hardware
remaxxYea, but isn't $20 for a WMO overpriced? I do appreciate the find though.

That's how much they were new when they were being sold everywhere.

You could pay 13 bucks for a possibly used possibly fake mouse with someone's hand-residue under the buttons or you could look between your sofa cushions and scrounge up enough for one from Officemax. Or maybe buy one or two or four which is what I might do seeing as these mice may disappear soon...

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Is this a fake wmo? in Hardware


You're welcome.

posted about 12 years ago
#18 Mouse accel setings? in TF2 General Discussion
Screwballfor reference what are the default accel settings?

m_customaccel 0
m_customaccel_scale 0.04
m_customaccel_max 0
m_customaccel_exponent 1

If you ever need to see defaults you can type the command without the number into console and hit enter and it will tell you the current setting and the default setting.

When you use the slider in the options menu it changes customaccel exponent. If you want so-called "quake like" accel you keep exponent at 1 and change customaccel_scale (while using m_customaccel 1).

posted about 12 years ago
#5 Mouse accel setings? in TF2 General Discussion

I thought customaccel max set the upper limit to how much accel can be added when you move your mouse really fast.

As for a setting that keeps accel from kicking in when you move your mouse at lower speeds (like cl_mouseacceloffset in quake) TF2 doesn't have that.

posted about 12 years ago
#18 Team looking for IM team to kick our shit in in Mentoring

There are a few things you need to understand when you play a team significantly better than your own:

-One scrim of it is kind of entertaining, a lot of it over an extended period of time gets real old real quick
-Rounds will consist mainly of short, futile midfights and last holds with full uber disadvantage
-The stress level will increase which tends to spark nasty arguments and general negativity even among teams that really enjoy playing together

I think Slin is right and wrong. He's right that you don't learn anything from just getting steamrolled. High IM teams are going to get away with things against you that you will not be able to get away with against your opponents in open. And even if you do manage to come up with solid counters for their sloppy play, at the end of the day all you have managed to do is learn how to deal with sloppy play.

Now if you manage to find a high level team that will steamroll you and then sit in mumble with you and watch the STV (STVs are imperative) and give you advice, that's a different story. That's a long-term, whole-team mentor program, and if there were a shortcut to getting good at tf2 (there isn't) it would be that. They can point out specific things that your team is doing at mid or while defending last that need improvement.

If you want to get steamrolled, my advice would be to get steamrolled by a team that will mentor you as well.

posted about 12 years ago
#32 ESEA Weapon Bans in TF2 General Discussion

Did these guys really vote to ban an item that does nothing except give the sniper 25 extra health?

For God's sake man up.

Actually nvm you guys are right Ruwin singlehandedly won all of mixup's gpit matches sniping into blu spawn with 150hp instead of 125.

posted about 12 years ago


posted about 12 years ago
#9 How to counter aggression on mid? in TF2 General Discussion

If their demo is doing the whole "follow my W+M1 scout across the point at mid" strat then you need to keep your demo somewhat passive on your side and put one of your scouts on your shack.

Keeping your demo closer to your side forces their team to cover too much ground to focus him. It also gives him a much better angle to deal with their bombing soldiers later in the fight. Your demo can spend most of the fight comfortably spamming long range stickies as their team blindly tries to walk into you.

Putting your scout on the shack basically tells their scout "you wont get to my demo without taking at least 100 dmg first." It also forces their demo to choose between targeting your scout or your demo, whereas if you just have your scouts standing next to your demo you will all eat the same damage.

Dealing with mindless aggression at mid is all about taking up better positions than your opponent and letting them walk into you.

You can also have one of your scouts roll out through kitchen which is a good ambush against teams that send two bombing soldiers.

posted about 12 years ago
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