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Last Posted October 30, 2016 at 5:28 PM
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#82 ESEA Map Vote Season 20 in TF2 General Discussion
riot124Screwballriot124CS is A/D maps so why can't TF2, the superior game, have them?Completely different game mechanics and meta?ok ban pyro anything else?

make it work

the beauty of cs is that everyone makes new things work for them, if you do the same thing in tf2 and do it right the meta can be changed.

the word 'meta' really sucks

if u actually think cs is just tf2 without pyro then you are fucking retarded

posted about 9 years ago
#2 hello looking to get into a highlander team in Recruitment (looking for team)

You are better off looking for a team on the UGC forums, this forum is mainly for 6v6

posted about 9 years ago
#149 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion
SetletOr nerf scouts

yes please

posted about 9 years ago
#7 problem with parts of my viewmodel not being round in Q/A Help
JBGot the same problem, changing r_lod doesn't seem to change anything though. Help?

If your game looks exactly like the picture then it is definitely a result of having a lower lod settings, although I'm not aware of any other ones that make a difference to viewmodel other than r_lod. Possibly r_rootlod? Also make sure you r_flushlod or restart after changing r_lod to see the difference.

posted about 9 years ago
#145 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion
DanceNumberDoes anyone else think valve isn't stupid and will likely have some class/weapon restrictions? Like we already know its 6v6 and 9v9 so we know they are looking closely at how we play.
I can't anticipate either A) them not restricting certain things or B) them releasing a MASSIVE balancing patch for weapons for matchmaking.
I highly doubt we're going to be seeing "3 bonk scouts healed by 2 quickfix medics" or other crazy shit.

I 100% seriously do believe that Valve is naive enough to not restrict classes and weapons at all. enigma said that they said they were not going to restrict classes iirc and going by how Valve deals with overpowered weapons in general I believe they will just leave them in and then eventually nerf them either way too much to the point where they are unusable (see Tomislav, CSGO Deagle, Baby Face's Blaster) or nowhere near enough (see Tec 9, Pomson, Gunslinger). I think they will either leave the Loose Cannon in or make it completely unusable.

DanceNumberEven though valve wants us to use all their classes and weapons they also know how to maintain and balance a great competitive game (ie: dota 2, CSGO)

CSGO has been not at all balanced at almost all points in its lifecycle and from what I hear from DOTA2 players that game isn't well balanced either (although it might just be dota players bitching way too much)

posted about 9 years ago
#20 Ashley Madison Hackers release data in Off Topic
BonafideI believe these hackers were more internet vigilantes than anti-net neutrality, also cheating is in fact illegal in more than 20 states in the US, and more countries around the world, it can also still have legal consequences in a divorce even though the act itself is not illegal.

The hackers weren't anti net neutrality, but you saying the site deserved to be taken down is. Also just because cheating is illegal does not mean that creating a dating site and marketing it to married people is

posted about 9 years ago
#18 Ashley Madison Hackers release data in Off Topic
BonafideWhy not go on a normal dating site then? This whole website was created to fucking cheat and hurt other people.

The entire point of my argument is that it doesn't matter what the website is created for, if it isn't illegal then it should be allowed to exist. If you are against that concept then you are inherently against net neutrality at its core, and I (and many others) would argue that net neutrality is extremely important to maintain our current internet that we love.

posted about 9 years ago
#16 Ashley Madison Hackers release data in Off Topic
BonafideWas a ridiculous site anyway, deserved to be taken down tbh

This is more terrible to say than I think you realize. If sites can just be taken down because the majority of people don't like them (even though they aren't doing anything illegal), then what's to stop big companies from taking down competitors' websites. Net neutrality is important, and saying that Ashley Madison should have been taken down just because the service it provided clashed with most peoples moral views is completely against it.

posted about 9 years ago
#14 Ashley Madison Hackers release data in Off Topic
renxzenDirtyMortrenxzencan't believe how many cheating husbands are gayis it really that hard to believe?the data says 90-95% of users were male

That doesn't mean that 90-95% are gay, it just means a lot of them weren't meeting anybody

posted about 9 years ago
#141 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion
BumFreezeI think it is worth being rewarded with extra damage for double donking because it gives a higer skill cieling of timing your shots but atm, you dont even need to time it properly because if you spam enough you will eventually get one. Give it less clip and/or slower reload time to make it high risk high reward, you HAVE to try and aim for double donks or you lose, rather than the current just spam it and if you somehow get a double donk its a great bonus.

I'm a sub open demo and I can still hit double donks pretty consistently. It's not hard at all to hold your mouse down for a second while you line up your shot.

posted about 9 years ago
#140 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion
samjain98i like how bloodsire's post got 50 upfrags and still people say the same shit as if he said nothing

Probably because as great as his post is it has nothing to do with how balanced the Loose Cannon is

posted about 9 years ago
#105 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion
DontI'm fine with it, as I see it as a trade of 0 short-range killing capability for increased mid-range capability (and slightly reduced long-range capability b/c earlier explode times).

You don't need to kill somebody close range when you can hit them with one cannonball and they are suddenly 10 ft away from you

posted about 9 years ago
#93 Loose Cannon in TF2 General Discussion

Stopping the banning of weapons just because MM got officially confirmed isn't a good idea imo. We have played with the Loose Cannon for a while and understand its mechanics, and it is fine for us to have a discussion about whether it has a place in competitive play. We cannot ignore a weapon that is unbalanced and play with it just because we know that Valve's gamemode will have that weapon allowed (regardless of whether you think the Loose Cannon is unbalanced). The argument is fundamentally flawed in that if you just want to appease Valve then why not unban everything. It doesn't make sense to me.

If you want to argue for/against the banning of weapons then that is fine, but this thread is about one specific weapon and whether it should be allowed, not whether we should start to adapt our competitive game to be in line with Valve's new gamemode.

posted about 9 years ago
#9 Introducing... TF2 Soccer PUGs! in TF2 General Discussion
BumFreezedoes this gamemode seem like it has any actual substance or replayability cos it just sounds like a gimmick that will be fun once or twice. havent played it yet tho

it's aids in pubs, you would definitely need a different map and class and weapon restrictions to make it remotely fun

posted about 9 years ago
#6 Introducing... TF2 Soccer PUGs! in TF2 General Discussion
Raytekspoiler: it's not

I think it could be fun if somebody made a good map for it. Probably not competitive but could still be fun

posted about 9 years ago
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